Asia and the Pacific


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Mongolia – Rapid Assessment on Population, Migration and Needs across Ulaanbaatar City #3 (September 2022 - February 2023) – Songinokhairkhan District

This district-level report provides an overview of key thematic areas covered by the Songinokhairkhan district rapid assessment on population, migration and needs between September 2022 and February 2023.

Mongolia – Rapid Assessment on Population, Migration and Needs across Ulaanbaatar City #3 (September 2022 - February 2023) – Nalaikh District

This district-level report provides an overview of key thematic areas covered by the Nalaikh district rapid assessment on population, migration and needs between September 2022 and February 2023.

Mongolia – Rapid Assessment on Population, Migration and Needs across Ulaanbaatar City #3 (September 2022 - February 2023) – Chingeltei District

This district-level report provides an overview of key thematic areas covered by the Chingeltei district rapid assessment on population, migration and needs between September 2022 to February 2023.

Mongolia – Rapid Assessment on Population, Migration and Needs across Ulaanbaatar City #3 (September 2022 - February 2023) – Bayangol District

This district-level report provides an overview of key thematic areas covered by the Bayangol district rapid assessment on population, migration and needs between September 2022-February 2023.

Mongolia – Rapid Assessment on Population, Migration and Needs across Ulaanbaatar City #3 (September 2022 - February 2023) – Sukhbaatar District

This district-level report provides an overview of key thematic areas covered by the Sukhbaatar district rapid assessment on population, migration and needs between September 2022 and February 2023.

Mongolia – Rapid Assessment on Population, Migration and Needs across Ulaanbaatar City #3 (September 2022 - February 2023) – Baganuur District

This district-level report provides an overview of key thematic areas covered by the Baganuur district rapid assessment on population, migration and needs between September 2022 and February 2023.

Mongolia – Rapid Assessment on Population, Migration and Needs across Ulaanbaatar City #3 (September 2022 - February 2023) – Khan-Uul District

This district-level report provides an overview of key thematic areas covered by the Khan-Uul district rapid assessment on population, migration and needs between September 2022 and February 2023.

Mongolia – Rapid Assessment on Population, Migration and Needs across Ulaanbaatar City #3 (September 2022 - February 2023) – City-Wide

This report provides an overview of key thematic areas covered by the Ulaanbaatar city-wide rapid assessment on population, migration and needs between September 2022 and February 2023.

Papua New Guinea — Mount Bagana Site Profile — Wakunai and Torokina #2 (August 2023)

IOM continues to work in partnership with the National Disaster Centre and Bougainville Office for Disaster and Climate Change to assess and assist communities affected by Mt. Bagana volcano eruption.

Bangladesh – Bangladeshi Migrants’ Presence in Libya – March-April 2023

This snapshot on Bangladeshi migrants’ presence in Libya is part of the outputs of IOM’s EU-funded Displacement Tracking Matrix - Regional Evidence for Migration Analysis and Policy (DTM REMAP) project.

Bangladesh – Bangladeshi Nationals' Presence in Lebanon (Round 3, Migrant Presence Monitoring)

This snapshot summarizes available data on Bangladeshi nationals in Lebanon from IOM’s Migrant Presence Monitoring (MPM) Round 3. Round 3 data collection took place between April and June 2023.

Bangladesh — Camp 11 Fire Incident Situational Assessment: Rohingya Refugee Response, Cox’s Bazar (June 2023)

The massive fire that swept through Camp 11 on March 5, 2023, affecting over 16,000 Rohingya refugees, severely damaged certain areas of the world’s largest refugee camps. Of these, 5,000 Rohingya refugees were temporarily displaced and moved to nearby camps.

Climate-induced human mobility: How can anticipatory action play a role in Asia and the Pacific?

In Asia and the Pacific, human mobility, including both migration and displacement, due to disasters caused by natural hazards is at an all-time high and is set to rise significantly in the coming decades due to climate change.

Pakistan — Flow Monitoring of Undocumented Afghan Returnees from Pakistan (16 - 31 July 2023)

Between 16 and 31 July 2023, 3,200 undocumented Afghan nationals spontaneously returned to Afghanistan, including 1,330 through the Torkham border point and 1,870 through the Chaman border point.

Pakistan — Flow Monitoring of Undocumented Afghan Returnees from Pakistan (01 July - 15 July 2023)

Between 01 and 15 July 2023, 4,746 undocumented Afghan nationals spontaneously returned to Afghanistan, including 2,915 through the Torkham border point and 1,831 through the Chaman border point.

Papua New Guinea — Mount Bagana Site Profile — Wakunai and Torokina #1 (July 2023)

On 7 July 2023, Mt. Bagana located in Torokina district in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville (ARoB) in Papua New Guinea, experienced a moderate volcanic eruption that caused significant ashfall. The affected and at-risk communities, especially those living near Mt.

Pakistan — Flow Monitoring of Undocumented Afghan Returnees from Pakistan (18 June - 01 July 2023)

Between 18 June and 01 July 2023, 6,656 undocumented Afghan nationals spontaneously returned to Afghanistan, including 5,707 through the Torkham border point and 949 through the Chaman border point.

Pakistan – Flood Response Community Needs Identification (CNI) Report Round 2 (Jan - Mar 2023)

From June to October 2022, storms and heavy monsoon rains in Pakistan have caused widespread flooding and landslides across the country.

Pakistan — Quarterly Flow Monitoring of Undocumented Afghan Returnees from Pakistan (April- June 2023)

IOM Pakistan collects data on the outflows of undocumented Afghan nationals at the Torkham and Chaman border crossing points in an effort to better understand the migration movements of undocumented Afghan nationals returning to Afghanistan from Pakistan.

Afghanistan - Herat Province: Baseline Mobility and Community Based Needs Assessment, Round 16 (Sep-Dec 2022)

DTM has been conducting the Baseline Mobility Assessment (BMA) in Afghanistan since 2016 to track mobility, provide information on population estimates, locations and geographic distribution of displaced and returnee populations, reasons for displacement, places of origin and periods of displacem

Afghanistan - Balkh Province: Baseline Mobility and Community Based Needs Assessment, Round 16 (Sep-Dec 2022)

DTM has been conducting the Baseline Mobility Assessment (BMA) in Afghanistan since 2016 to track mobility, provide information on population estimates, locations and geographic distribution of displaced and returnee populations, reasons for displacement, places of origin and periods of displacem

Afghanistan - Key Findings: Baseline Mobility & Community-Based Needs Assessment, Round 16 (September-December 2022)

DTM has been conducting the Baseline Mobility Assessment (BMA) in Afghanistan since 2016 to track mobility, provide information on population estimates, locations and geographic distribution of displaced and returnee populations, reasons for displacement, places of origin and periods of displacem

Afghanistan - Kabul Province: Baseline Mobility and Community Based Needs Assessment, Round 16 (Sep-Dec 2022)

DTM has been conducting the Baseline Mobility Assessment (BMA) in Afghanistan since 2016 to track mobility, provide information on population estimates, locations and geographic distribution of displaced and returnee populations, reasons for displacement, places of origin and periods of displacem

Afghanistan - Helmand Province: Baseline Mobility and Community Based Needs Assessment, Round 16 (Sep-Dec 2022)

DTM has been conducting the Baseline Mobility Assessment (BMA) in Afghanistan since 2016 to track mobility, provide information on population estimates, locations and geographic distribution of displaced and returnee populations, reasons for displacement, places of origin and periods of displacem

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