


DTM Papua New Guinea,
Papua New Guinea
Period Covered
Jan 01 2022
May 25 2022
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Site Assessment

Pari Andawale community in Tebi LLG: This community was affected by conflict on 11 April 2022. About 70 homes were burnt down and an estimated 1,200 displaced. The IDPs fled to different villages around Hela. DTM data collection is ongoing with the support of community focal points.

Lomia and Tiya communities in Hulia LLG, Koroba Kopiago District: Located approx 40 km South of Tari town. It is reported that about 50 houses were burnt down leaving an estimated 700 people displaced. The conflict started on 12 Apr 2022. Peace negotiations between the two fighting groups are ongoing.

Fugwa and Nalipa communities in South Koroba Kopiago District:Two tribal fights erupted on 10 Apr 2022 and several houses were burnt down in Pundu, Nalipa, Akupu and Parisawi council wards. On 25 Apr 2022 two individuals from Akupa na Nalipa and Paris Awi clans opened fire at a Government official’s residence, injuring at least 20 people. Retaliation resulted in the burning down of houses and displacement Three people died from this conflict. An estimated 2,000 people are displaced from these conflicts. Those affected by these conflict have received support (food and clothing from the nearby churches).



DTM Papua New Guinea,
Papua New Guinea
Period Covered
Jan 01 2022
Apr 30 2022
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Site Assessment

Pari / Andawale community, Tepi LLG: On 11-Apr-2022, a fight broke out displacing an estimated 500 people from three council wards. At least 60 houses were burnt down, and livestock, food gardens, and trees were destroyed. Nine (9) seed multiplication sites supported by UN FAO and benefiting 60 households were destroyed. The destruction of properties continues. No deaths have been reported to date. Uniformed forces are intervening to stop the fighting. Peace negotiations are ongoing.

Lomia and Tiya communities, Hulia LLG, Koroba-Kopiago District: Located approx. 40km South of Tari town. It is reported that about 10 houses were burnt down leaving 50 people displaced following violent conflict on 12-Apr-2022. Peace negotiations between the two fighting groups are ongoing.

Hulia LLG, Koroba-Kopiago District: Two tribal fights erupted on 10-Apr-2022 and several houses were burnt down. The situation is tense and field teams are yet to gather additional information.

Koroba-Kopiago District: A short, swift attack occurred on 10-Apr-2022 leaving three people dead, and displacing five women, nine children, and two old persons who have taken refuge at a church near Koroba station.

Fugwa, Koroba-Kopiago District: On 25-Apr-2022, two individuals from Akupa na Nalipa and Paris Awi clans opened fire at a government official’s residence, injuring at least 20 people. Retaliation resulted in the burning down of houses and displacement about 100 people in Fugwa. The situation remains tense and more information will be provided as it becomes available.



Period Covered
Jan 31 2017
Dec 31 2021
  • Flow Monitoring

هدف این گزارش، گرد آوری چکیده ای در مورد ورود و عبور ایرانیان به اروپا در بین سا لهای 2017 و 2021 است. صفحه اول تعداد اتباع ایرانی را که از مسیرهای
زمینی و دریایی به اتحادیه اروپا وارد شد هاند به نمایش می گذارد. صفحات دوم و سوم تعداد اتباع ایرانی که از منطقه بالکان غربی و اروپای شرقی به اروپا
اروپا جمع IOM DTM عبور وارد شده اند را نشان می دهد. اطلاعات مربوط به ورود و عبور توسط مقامات ملی در دسترس قرار گرفته است و سپس توسط
آوری گردیده است.

تهیه شده است )REMAP( و شواهد منطقه ای برای تحلیل و سیاست گذاری مهاجرتی )DTM( این چکیده از خروجی های پروژه ماتریس ردیابی جابجایی
تقویت سامانمندی مبتنی بر شواهد و اجرای سیاست ها و برنامه های بشردوستانه DTM REMAP که از طریق اتحادیه اروپا تامین مالی گردیده است. هدف
و توسعه ای در زمینه مهاجرت و جابه جایی اجباری درافغانستان، بنگلادش، جمهوری اسلامی ایران، عراق و پاکستان، می باشد.



Period Covered
Jan 31 2017
Dec 31 2021
  • Flow Monitoring

This snapshot summarizes available data on Iranian arrivals and transits in Europe between 2017 and 2021. The first page visualizes the number of Iranian nationals who arrived in the European Union by land and sea. The second and third pages present the number of Iranian nationals who transited through the Western Balkan and Eastern Europe region. The data on arrivals and transits is made available by national authorities and then gathered by IOM DTM Europe.

The snapshot is part of the outputs of the EU-funded Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) project “Regional Evidence for Migration Analysis and Policy” (REMAP). The objective of DTM REMAP is to strengthen the evidence-based formulation and implementation of humanitarian and development policy and programming on migration and forced displacement in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq and Pakistan.



Period Covered
May 20 2022
May 24 2022
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Event Tracking

Recent attacks in Macomia district by Non-State Armed Groups (NSAGs) were reported between 20-23 May 2022, triggering the movements of 1,659 individuals to Napulubo and Macomia Sede between 20-24 May 2022. Appropriately 249 IDPs have been identified with vulnerabilities: 95 elderly, 63 pregnant women, 43 people with disabilities, 38 unaccompanied/separated children and 10 individuals with chronic diseases.



Period Covered
Mar 29 2022
Mar 30 2022
  • Survey

The objective of this report is to describe the experiences of Ethiopian migrants who are either migrating to the Arabian Peninsula or who have returned from Yemen and are currently in Obock, Djibouti. This report reflects the stories that migrants shared about their time in Yemen, the transit to Djibouti, their difficulties and intentions. It also presents the stories of the journey of those travelling from Ethiopia in the hope of reaching Saudi Arabia, their challenges, hopes, preparation and understanding of the journey ahead.

A total of seven focus group discussions (FGD) were organized by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) at the Migrant Response Centre (MRC) in Obock and at informal congregation points in Fantahero between the 29th and the 30st of March 2022. The FDGs involved a total of 40 people (24 men, 4 women and 12 boys).



Period Covered
May 14 2022
May 20 2022
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Event Tracking

Une apparente trêve dans les violences dans certaines zones des communes de Croix-des-Bouquets, Tabarre et Cité Soleil a permis des retours de population dans plusieurs quartiers qui avaient été affectés en mai et avril. Toutefois, des situations de violence ou insécurité continuent dans trente-six quartiers évalués, avec une recrudescence dans la zone de Pernier (Petion-Ville). Des déplacements importants ont été rapportés hors ou au sein des quartiers de Trois Rigole, Dumay et Bellanton (Croix-des-Bouquets), Fatima - Lakou Normil de Pernier et Petit Moulin de Pernier (Petion-Ville). Durant la période d’évaluation précédente (7 – 13 mai), la DTM estimait 12 465 nouveaux déplacements et 7 349 nouvelles arrivées de personnes déplacées internes dans 125 quartiers évalués.



Regional Office Dakar,
Snapshot Date
May 25 2022
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Baseline Assessment

La République centrafricaine (RCA) a été témoin de volatilité incessante depuis deux décennies. La dernière crise atteignant le pays a débuté en 2012, suite à une prise du pouvoir accouchée dans la violence, et a depuis évolué en un état d’insécurité et de fragilité permanentes, découlant d’une crise complexe de long-terme qui s’est étendue dans les pays voisins. La crise a conduit au décès d’au moins 5 000 personnes en 2021 (au 31 décembre) et a déclenché des déplacements massifs de populations dans les sept pays touches par la crise. Cette dernière est caractérisée par des rivalités pour le pouvoir parmi les élites du pays, l’absence d’institutions étatiques et d’investissement d’argent public, des tensions inter-ethniques et inter-religieuses et la lutte pour le contrôle de ressources..

Au 30 Avril 2022, 3 098 425 individus étaient déplacés, dont 658 265 Personnes déplacées internes (21% de la population déplacées), 1 339 514 Retournées (anciennes PDI) (43%), 362 788 Retournés de l’étranger (12%) et 737 858 Réfugiés dans les pays limitrophes (24%). En RCA, les Retournés anciennes PDI représentent la plus grande population affectée (57%), tandis que les PDI représentent 28 pour cent de la population atteinte dans le pays et les Retournés de l’étranger 15 pour cent de la population déplacée présente dans le pays. Les réfugiés centrafricains résident principalement au Cameroun (345 622 individus, soit 47% des réfugiés), la République démocratique du Congo (210 357 individus, soit 29% des réfugiés) et au Tchad (122 421 individus, soit 17% des réfugiés).



Regional Office Dakar,
Snapshot Date
May 25 2022
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Baseline Assessment

The Central African Republic, which has experienced continuous volatility for the past two decades, has been riddled by a crisis which ignited in 2012 with a violent takeover of power and has developed into a  complex protracted state of permanent insecurity and fragility which has spilled over into neighbouring countries.  The crisis has led to the death of an estimated 5,000 people in 2021 (as of 31 December) and triggered significant displacement of populations in the seven affected countries. The crisis is characterized by power struggles amongst elites, the absence of state institutions and public investment, religious and ethnic tensions  and disputes for the control of key resources.

As of 30 April 2022, 3,098,425 individuals were displaced, including 658,265 Internally Displaced Persons (21% of the displaced population), 1,339,514 Returnees (former IDPs) (43%), 362,788 Returnees from abroad (12%) and 737,858 Refugees in neighbouring countries (24%). In the Central African Republic, the largest displaced population consists of Former IDP Returnees (57%), while IDPs represent 28 per cent of the displaced population present in the country and Returnees from abroad represent 15 per cent of in-country displaced people. Refugees from the Central African Republic are primarily hosted by Cameroon (345,622 individuals, or 47% of refugees), the Democratic Republic of the Congo (210,357 individuals, or 29% of refugees) and Chad (122,421 individuals, or 17% of refugees).



RO Dakar,
Snapshot Date
May 25 2022
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Baseline Assessment

La crise dans le Bassin du lac Tchad est le résultat d’une combinaison complexe d’une multitude de facteurs, y compris un conflit armé impliquant des groups armés non étatiques, des niveaux extrêmes de pauvreté, un sous-développement persistent, et des bouleversements climatiques, qui ont conduit à des déplacements de populations importants. Au 30 avril 2022, le Cameroun, le Tchad, le Nigeria et le Niger accueillaient 5 503 092  individus affectés par la crise, dont des Personnes déplacées internes (PDI), des réfugiés et des retournés (anciennes PDI et retournés de l’étranger). 75 pour cent d’entre eux (soit 4 132 210 personnes) se trouvaient au Nigéria, 11 pour cent au Cameroun (634 189 personnes), 9 pour cent au Tchad (489 761 personnes) et 4 pour cent au Niger (246 932 personnes).