


DTM Niger,,
Period Covered
Sep 01 2022
Oct 31 2022
  • Other

The transhumant livestock system is an ancient practice of migratory pastoralism between Sahelian countries towards coastal ones. These Sahelian countries are faced with vulnerability factors (security crisis, irregular rainfall, competition over natural resources) that threaten their sustainability, weaken their capacity to adapt and provoke tensions between communities that sometimes result in deadly conflicts.
To better understand transhumance movements trends and the impact of vulnerabilities on transhumant communities, IOM has developed the Transhumance Tracking Tool (TTT) through its Displacement Tracking Matrix DTM, with the Bilital Maroobe Network (RBM) and its “members, the pastoralist organisations, to monitor transhumance in cross-border areas in countries where RBM operates.

In the framework of this project, the TTT provides an understanding of the dynamics of cross-border transhumance between Burkina Faso, Niger, Nigeria and Mali by combining three components: mapping, counting and alerting.
The purpose of the alert system is to identify events related to the use of natural resources, agro-pastoral practices, and disasters in the cross-border area of different countries, to understand existing conflict resolution methods, and to inform competent authorities to reduce tensions in the municipalities of intervention. This system makes it possible to identify alerts related to a conflict event (event alert) or to a massive, early, late or unexpected movement of livestock (prevention alert) that could lead to conflict. These alerts, once transmitted to the various actors, are used for conflict prevention or actions towards resolutions. This report presents data from the alert tool for the months of September to October 2022

Public Dataset


South Sudan
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Baseline Assessment
Period Covered
Nov 01 2021 -
Dec 31 2021
A baseline assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on IDP, migrant or returnee population presence in a defined administrative area of the country.
Population Groups

Survey Methodology

Unit of Analysis Or Observation

Type of Survey or Assessment


Geographical Scope

Administrative boundaries with available data

The current dataset covers the following administrative boundaries



DTM Sudan,
Period Covered
Feb 15 2022
Mar 16 2022
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Baseline Assessment

The Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) is a global IOM system used to track and monitor displacement and population mobility. It has been implemented in over 80 countries worldwide and is designed to capture, process, and disseminate information to provide a better understanding of the movements and evolving needs of mobile populations, whether on site or en route, regularly and systematically. It is comprised of four distinct components, namely: Mobility Tracking, Registration, Flow Monitoring, and Surveying.

Commencing at the start of 2022, DTM Sudan began its preparations for the fifth round of Mobility Tracking; this started with the expansion of DTM data collection to five additional states of operation. Namely, these were: Aj Jazirah, Northern, River Nile, Sennar, and White Nile states. Field teams then re-visited locations covered previously in the first four Rounds to assess ongoing population presence, alongside additional locations within previous states of operation. Data collection was carried out over a month-long period concluding at the end of March 2022 and followed by extensive data cleaning and verification to produce the fifth round of results.

Geographically, Round Five covers 2,161 locations in total – 645 locations in North Darfur, 304 locations in South Kordofan, 258 locations in West Kordofan, 204 in White Nile, 133 locations in South Darfur, 111 locations in West Darfur, 81 locations in Central Darfur, 80 locations in Blue Nile, 52 locations in North Kordofan, 49 locations in Aj Jazirah, 44 locations in Gedaref, 42 locations in
Northern, 40 locations in East Darfur, 37 locations in Red Sea, 32 locations in Sennar, 25 locations in Kassala, and 24 locations in River Nile.

Mobility Tracking Round Five identified the accumulative presence of 3,779,487 IDPs, 1,181,419 permanent returnees from internal displacement, 55,045 seasonal returnees, 148,256 returnees from abroad, and 775,570 foreign nationals currently residing in Sudan.



Period Covered
Jul 18 2022
Aug 19 2022
  • Other
  • Survey

La Matrice de suivi des déplacements (DTM) est mise en œuvre afin de recueillir des données sur les déplacements forcés et les flux migratoires, ainsi que sur les profils et besoins des populations mobiles. Dans ce cadre, l’ Organisation Internationale pour les Migrations a travers la (DTM) développe des produits d'information (rapports, cartes, bases de données...) compilant les données recueillies, afin d'orienter les opérations et stratégies des partenaires et de fournir un aperçu des dynamiques de mouvements de populations dans le pays.

Afin d'améliorer les produits partagés par le DTM en République démocratique du Congo et de répondre aux besoins des partenaires, une enquête en ligne sur l'utilisation des produits d'information a été menée du 18 juillet au 19 août 2022. Cette évaluation se concentre sur la performance de l'OIM à travers le DTM en tant que, mais pas seulement, principal contributeur de données sur les mouvements de population en RDC, avec le double objectif d'améliorer et de mesurer l'utilité pour les partenaires et les utilisateurs.

Bien que le nombre de participants ne constitue pas un échantillon représentatif de tous les partenaires utilisant les produits de la DTM en RDC, les résultats de cette enquête donnent des indications sur leurs besoins d’information, ainsi que des pistes de réflexion quant à l'amélioration et l'adaptation des produits d'information de la DTM en RDC.



DTM Support —
Period Covered
Oct 20 2022
Nov 28 2022
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Event Tracking

Le conflit prolongé qui a débuté à Rutshuru en novembre dernier a entraîné une crise humanitaire persistante. Bien qu'il y ait eu globalement une accalmie au cours de la dernière semaine, la région reste globalement hostile avec des violences localisées qui persistent dans de nombreuses poches du territoire. Cette apparente accalmie a permis aux M23 de consolider et de renforcer leurs positions, mais a également permis à d'autres groupes armés, notamment les présumés Maï-Maï, de prendre position et de se renforcer dans certaines zones non encore conquises. Les effets cumulés du conflit continuent à se faire profondément sentir, avec 370 000 personnes déplacées et près du double considérées comme nécessitant une assistance humanitaire urgente.

Sur l'axe Tongo-Bambo, depuis le 24 novembre 2022, de nouveaux affrontements entre le M23 et les FARDC se sont intensifiés le long du parc national des Virunga (tronçon routier Bambo-Kishishe), provoquant de nouveaux déplacements de populations hôtes de Bambo, Kirumba Kilima et Kishishe vers les localités de Mweso, Busumba et Kitshanga, dans le groupement de Bashali Mokoto, et vers la localité de Burungu dans le groupement de Bashali Kahembe, dans la chefferie de Bashali dans le territoire de Masisi, ainsi que vers les localités de Mutanda, Kikuku et Nyanzale dans le groupement de Mutanda dans la chefferie de Bwito dans le territoire de Rutshuru. Certaines personnes déplacées de Tongo, Bambo, et Kibirizi se sont également dirigées vers l'axe de Lusogha, Burindule, Lusogha, Iyobora, et Bitongi dans le groupement de Kanyabayonga dans le territoire de Rutshuru.

Jusqu'au 26 novembre 2022, sur l'axe Nyamirima-Ishasha, suite aux violents combats entre les groupes d'autodéfense locaux contre le M23, la population déplacée dans les localités de Katwiguru, Kiseguru, Kisharo, Nyamirima s'est déplacée vers plusieurs villages entre Nyamirima-Ishasha et vers les localités de Nyakakoma, Kyavinyonge, et Kanyabayonga dans le territoire de Lubero. Selon les informateurs clés, pour le moment, la République d'Ouganda a fermé les frontières aux populations déplacées qui n'ont pas de documents de voyage, seules les personnes disposant de documents de voyage en règle peuvent se rendre en Ouganda.

Cette tendance au déplacement va se poursuivre car les efforts politiques et sécuritaires restent vains. En l'absence de solution, des déplacements tant préventifs que secondaires se produiront, et la situation des personnes nouvellement déplacées risque de fragiliser davantage si une réponse humanitaire adéquate n'est pas apportée.



DTM Yemen,
Period Covered
Nov 20 2022
Nov 26 2022
  • Mobility Tracking

Dear Yemen Humanitarian Data Partners,                     


IOM Yemen DTM’s Rapid Displacement Tracking (RDT) tool collects data on estimated numbers of households forced to flee on a daily basis from their locations of origin or displacement, allowing for regular reporting of new displacements in terms of estimated numbers, geography, and needs. It also tracks returnees who returned to their location of origin.


From 1 January to 26 November 2022, IOM Yemen DTM tracked 9,568 households (HH) (57,408 Individuals) who experienced displacement at least once.


Between 20 and 26 November 2022, IOM Yemen DTM tracked 50 households (300 individuals) displaced at least once. The majority of people moved into/within the following governorates and districts:


  • Marib (30 HHs) – Marib City (21 HHs), Marib (6 HHs), Harib (3 HHs) districts. Most displacements in the governorate originated from Marib and Sanaa.
  • Al Hodeidah (10 HHs) – Hays (10 HHs) district. Most displacements in the governorate originated from Taiz.
  • Ad Dali (9 HHs) – Qatabah (5 HHs), Ad Dali (4 HHs) districts. Most displacements in the governorate originated from Al Hodeidah and Ad Dali.


The majority of people moved from the following governorates and districts:   

  • Taiz (16 HHs) – Maqbanah (9 HHs), Jabal Habashi (1 HH), Sharab As Salam (1 HH) districts.
  • Al Hodeidah (8 HHs) – Bayt Al Faqih (3 HHs), Al Jarrahi (2 HHs), Jabal Ras (1 HH) districts.
  • Marib (6 HHs) – Harib (3 HHs), Rahabah (1 HH), Al Jubah (1 HH) districts.


DTM Pakistan,
Period Covered
Sep 26 2022
Oct 02 2022
  • Baseline Assessment

Storms and heavy monsoon rains in Pakistan have caused widespread flooding and landslides across the country. According to the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), up to 33 million people have been affected by the floods since mid-June 2022 and a total of 85 districts have been labelled by the Government of Pakistan as ‘calamity-hit’, as of 17 October 2022.¹ According to the NDMA Daily Situation Report No.126, 24 districts in Sindh province are calamity-hit and an estimated total of 14,563,770 people are affected by the floods.² Besides that, 1.9 million houses are reported to be damaged in Sindh province alone. However, the number of temporarily displaced persons (TDPs) were yet to be confirmed.



DTM Europe,
Period Covered
Sep 06 2022
Oct 06 2022
  • Survey
  • Flow Monitoring

On 24 February 2022, the Russian Federation invaded Ukraine and triggered an unprecedented humanitarian crisis and forcibly displaced people within Ukraine and to neighboring countries. The Republic of Moldova is one of the main refugee-hosting countries and a transit country for those moving onward. Between 24 February and 13 November 2022, an estimated 810,836 Ukrainian citizens entered the Republic of Moldova (according to General Inspectorate of Border Police data). During this period, while a large number of people were displaced to other European countries, approximately 95,963 refugees from Ukraine sought refuge in the Republic of Moldova (source: UNHCR web site).

In response to the refugee influx in the Republic of Moldova, the Moldovan government, with the support of the United Nations (UN) agencies, international and national non-governmental partners, have been providing support, including but not limited to, access to food and shelter, access to health services, employment opportunities and access to education for children. To inform an evidence-based response, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) conducted a displacement survey to identify basic needs and intentions of refugees from Ukraine and third-country nationals (TCNs), entering the Republic of Moldova from Ukraine since March 2022. The first round of the Displacement Survey on Intentions was conducted between 9 March and 12 May 2022 (link to report), and the second round began on 6 September 2022 and data collection is ongoing. This is the first report presenting findings from the second round of data collection.



DTM Pakistan,
Period Covered
Oct 11 2022
Oct 17 2022
  • Baseline Assessment

Storms and heavy monsoon rains in Pakistan have caused widespread flooding and landslides across the country. According to the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), up to 33 million people have been affected by the floods since mid-June 2022 and a total of 85 districts have been labelled by the Government of Pakistan as ‘calamity-hit’, as of 23 October 2022.¹ According to the NDMA Daily Situation Report No.132, 32 districts in Balochistan province are calamity-hit and an estimated total of 9,182,616 people are affected by the floods.² Besides that, 242 thousand houses are reported to be damaged in Balochistan province alone. However, the number of temporarily displaced persons (TDPs) were yet to be confirmed.



DTM Pakistan,
Period Covered
Nov 05 2022
Nov 18 2022
  • Flow Monitoring

IOM Pakistan collects data on the outflows of undocumented Afghan migrants at the Torkham and Chaman border crossing points in an effort to better understand the migration movements of undocumented Afghan migrants returning to Afghanistan from Pakistan. This exercise is part of the European Union funded project “Displacement Tracking Matrix Regional Evidence for Migration Analysis and Policy (DTM REMAP)”.

Between 5 November and 18 November 2022, 2,115 undocumented Afghan nationals spontaneously returned to Afghanistan, including 640 through the Torkham border point and 1,475 through the Chaman border point. Border authorities facilitated the return of 246 individuals due to the lack of legal documentation to remain in Pakistan. Therefore, information about these individuals is not included in the count. Although IOM identified 2,115 undocumented Afghan returnees at two border crossings, this may not reflect the total number of undocumented Afghan returnees. Moreover, for this study, only the head of household or representative of the family were interviewed. This means that the number of interviews conducted by the enumerators is lower than the number of returnees recorded by IOM. Between 5 November and 18 November 2022, IOM interviewed 117 respondents.