


DTM Europe,
Period Covered
Jan 01 2023
Mar 31 2023
  • Survey


• Топ областей походження: Одеська (25%), Вінницька (17%), Миколаївська (11%), Київська (11%), Дніпропетровська (6%), Харківська (4%).

• Наміри переїхати: оселилися або планують оселитися в Республіці Молдова (49%), транзитом до іншої країни (45%), переважно до Румунії, Німеччини та Канади. Повернення додому в Україну (4%).

• Статус зайнятості: зайнятий (4%), працівники з погодинною оплатою праці (2%), безробітний та в пошуку роботи (23%), декретна відпустка (9%)


• Топ потреб: грошове забезпечення (41%), (23%), предмети особистої гігієни (19%), медичні послуги (14%), їжа (13%).

• Основні сфери отриманої допомоги: запаси харчування (74%), проблеми особистої гігієни (66%), фінансова підтримка (62%), одяг та взуття (30%).

• Основні проблеми інтеграції: фінансові питання (37%), житлові умови (23%), мова (7%), нестача харчувания (4%). • Жінки-біженки: жінки, які подорожують з дітьми (78%), вагітні або годуючі (7%).



Period Covered
Apr 01 2023
Apr 30 2023
  • Flow Monitoring

IOM works with national and local authorities in order to gain a better understanding of population movements throughout Southern Africa. Through the setup of Flow Monitoring Points (FMPs), IOM seeks to quantify migration flows, trends and routes and to gain a better understanding of the profiles of observed individuals at entry, transit or exit points (such as border crossing posts, bus stations, rest areas, police checkpoints and reception centres). This report is an overview of the data collected in these FMPs from 1 to 30 April 2023.

Inter-regional migration from and within the Southern Africa is categorized along the following corridors. The Flow Monitoring Points (FMPs) were set-up in several key transit locations along the corridors to track the movements of passengers:

Zimbabwe (Mutare) – Mozambique (Manica)

Zimbabwe (Chirundu) – Zambia

Zimbabwe – Botswana (Plumtree)

Zimbabwe – South Africa (Beitbridge)

Malawi (Karonga ) – United Republic of Tanzania

Malawi (Mwanza) – Mozambique (Zobue

Malawi (Mangochi) – Mozambique

Mozambique (Ressano Garcia) – South Africa

Over the reporting period a total of 54,688 movements were observed across 44 FMPs in the region. The Zimbabwe – South Africa corridor hosted the largest number of movements with 31,656 (58%), followed by the Malawi (Mwanza) – Mozambique (Zobue) corridor with 6,689 (12%) and the Zimbabwe (Chirundu) – Zambia corridor with 4,761 (9%) movements reported.

Public Dataset


DTM Somalia
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Event Tracking
Period Covered
May 13 2023 -
May 18 2023
ETT is a crisis-based tool that tracks sudden displacement triggered by specific events or emerging crises. The objective of ETT is to help prioritize humanitarian response and to enable partners to deliver rapid assistance. Based on previous drought induced displacement patterns, and the ones observed since the beginning of the drought, the humanitarian community expects that people will move from rural to urban areas in search of humanitarian services. Consequently, this ETT tool which concentrates only on drought induced displacements, focuses on the main urban centers and surrounding villages for each district. The data is collected through Key Informant Interviews (KIIs) at the location level, from Sunday to Wednesday every week. All locations assessed are monitored each week.
Population Groups

Survey Methodology

Unit of Analysis Or Observation

Type of Survey or Assessment


Geographical Scope

Administrative boundaries with available data

The current dataset covers the following administrative boundaries

Public Dataset


DTM Somalia
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Event Tracking
Period Covered
Feb 11 2023 -
May 17 2023
ETT is a crisis-based tool that tracks sudden displacement triggered by specific events or emerging crises. The objective of ETT is to help prioritize humanitarian response and to enable partners to deliver rapid assistance. Based on previous drought induced displacement patterns, and the ones observed since the beginning of the drought, the humanitarian community expects that people will move from rural to urban areas in search of humanitarian services. Consequently, this ETT tool which concentrates only on drought induced displacements, focuses on the main urban centers and surrounding villages for each district. The data is collected through Key Informant Interviews (KIIs) at the location level, from Sunday to Wednesday every week. All locations assessed are monitored each week.
Population Groups

Survey Methodology

Unit of Analysis Or Observation

Type of Survey or Assessment


Geographical Scope

Administrative boundaries with available data

The current dataset covers the following administrative boundaries



Period Covered
May 11 2023
May 23 2023
  • Survey

Since March 2022, following the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) has been collecting information on the location, demographics, situation, needs and mobility intentions of internally displaced people (IDPs), returnees and the non-displaced populations through a nationwide representative survey. In Round 13, the methodology of the General Population Survey has been adapted to produce data representative at a lower administrative level – the oblast, with 20,000 random respondents surveyed in each round.

This snapshot report provides an initial overview of population figures and geographic distribution of the displaced and returnee populations as of 23 May 2023, including top oblasts of origin for those who are currently internally displaced, as well as the place of last displacement for those who have returned, including from abroad. The full report, planned for the end of June 2023, will outline the situation and needs related to recovery and durable solutions to displacement in Ukraine, capturing findings from 6,000 follow up interviews with IDPs, returnees, and residents

Public Dataset


DTM Yemen,
  • Displacement Solutions
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Event Tracking
Period Covered
May 28 2023 -
Jun 03 2023
From 1 January to 3 June 2023, IOM Yemen DTM tracked 3,303 households (HH) (19,818 Individuals) who experienced displacement at least once.

Between 28 May and 3 June 2023, IOM Yemen DTM tracked 33 households (198 individuals) displaced at least once. The majority of people moved into/within the following governorates and districts:

  • Al Hodeidah (23 HHs) – Hays (16 HHs), Al Khukhah (7 HHs) districts. Most displacements in the governorate originated from Al Hodeidah and Ta’iz.
  • Ma’rib (9 HHs) – Ma’rib City (7 HHs), Ma’rib (2 HHs) districts. Most displacements in the governorate originated from Sanaa and Hajjah.
  • Ta’iz (1 HH) – Sabir Al Mawadim (1 HH) district. All displacements in the governorate were internal.
The majority of people moved from the following governorates and districts:

  • Al Hodeidah (16 HHs) – At Tuhayta (7 HHs), Jabal Ras (4 HHs), Hays (4 HHs) districts.
  • Ta’iz (10 HHs) – Maqbanah (8 HHs), Salah (1 HH), Sabir Al Mawadim (1 HH) districts.
  • Sanaa (2 HHs) – Bani Matar (1 HH), Nihm (1 HH) districts.
Population Groups

Survey Methodology

Unit of Analysis Or Observation

Type of Survey or Assessment


Geographical Scope

Administrative boundaries with available data

The current dataset covers the following administrative boundaries



DTM Yemen,
Period Covered
May 28 2023
Jun 03 2023
  • Mobility Tracking

IOM Yemen DTM’s Rapid Displacement Tracking (RDT) tool collects data on estimated numbers of households forced to flee on a daily basis from their locations of origin or displacement, allowing for regular reporting of new displacements in terms of estimated numbers, geography, and needs. It also tracks returnees who returned to their location of origin.
From 1 January to 3 June 2023, IOM Yemen DTM tracked 3,303 households (HH) (19,818 Individuals) who experienced displacement at least once.
Between 28 May and 3 June 2023, IOM Yemen DTM tracked 33 households (198 individuals) displaced at least once. The majority of people moved into/within the following governorates and districts:
•    Al Hodeidah (23 HHs) – Hays (16 HHs), Al Khukhah (7 HHs) districts.    Most displacements in the governorate originated from Al Hodeidah and Ta’iz.
•    Ma’rib (9 HHs) – Ma’rib City (7 HHs), Ma’rib (2 HHs) districts. Most displacements in the governorate originated from Sanaa and Hajjah.
•    Ta’iz (1 HH) – Sabir Al Mawadim (1 HH) district. All displacements in the governorate were internal.
The majority of people moved from the following governorates and districts: 
•    Al Hodeidah (16 HHs) – At Tuhayta (7 HHs), Jabal Ras (4 HHs), Hays (4 HHs) districts.
•    Ta’iz (10 HHs) – Maqbanah (8 HHs), Salah (1 HH), Sabir Al Mawadim (1 HH) districts.
•    Sanaa (2 HHs) – Bani Matar (1 HH), Nihm (1 HH) districts.



IOM DTM Yemen,
Period Covered
May 01 2023
May 31 2023
  • Flow Monitoring

في مايو 2023 ، سجلت مصفوفة تتبع النزوح التابعة للمنظمة الدولية للهجرة في اليمن دخول 11,463 مهاجرا لليمن ، بانخفاض قدره 15٪ عن الشهر الماضي (13,414 مهاجرا في أبريل 2023). في لحج (8،711 مهاجرًا) ، لاحظت مصفوفة تتبع النزوح انخفاضًا في عدد الوافدين بنسبة 25٪ عن الشهر السابق (11،656). من ناحية أخرى ، شهدت شبوة (2،748) زيادة ملحوظة بلغت 57٪ عن الشهر الماضي (1،755). تحولت تدفقات الهجرة من أوبوك ، جيبوتي (-25٪) نحو باري ، الصومال (+ 57٪). يمكن ربط هذا التحول بالظروف الجوية والمد البحري وانخفاض دوريات خفر السواحل في الصومال. سجلت مصفوفة تتبع النزوح أن الحركات الناجمة عن الصراع هي السبب في 17 في المائة من جميع الحركات الواردة في مايو 2023. تم تسجيل جميع السفر الناجم عن الصراع في شبوة قادمًا من باري ، الصومال (40٪ أطفال ، 10٪ نساء ، 50٪ رجال).

بسبب الأزمة الإنسانية المتدهورة في اليمن والتحديات في التحرك نحو المملكة العربية السعودية ، اختار العديد من المهاجرين العودة إلى القرن الأفريقي. سجلت فرق مصفوفة تتبع النزوح في جيبوتي أنه خلال مايو 2023 ، قام ما مجموعه 514 مهاجرا (486 ذكر و 28 أنثى) بالعودة المحفوفة بالمخاطر بالقارب من اليمن للعودة إلى الوطن. وفي الوقت نفسه ، أفادت مصفوفة تتبع النزوح عن عودة 5,466  يمني من المملكة العربية السعودية في مايو 2023 ، مقارنة بـ 4,548 في أبريل 2023.

بين 1 يناير و 31 مايو 2023 ، سجلت مصفوفة تتبع النزوح 66,330 مهاجرًا و 24,756 مهاجرًا يمنيًا عائدًا إلى اليمن. تلقت مصفوفة تتبع النزوح التابعة للمنظمة الدولية للهجرة مزيدًا من المعلومات من مسؤولي الحدود في الإسبوع الأول من شهر مايو 2023 فيما يتعلق بترحيل 115 مواطنًا إثيوبيًا من عمان إلى منطقة حوف بمحافظة المهرة. هؤلاء المهاجرون سافروا عبر اليمن إلى عمان لكن السلطات العمانية رحلتهم إلى اليمن.

Public Dataset


  • Flow Monitoring Survey
  • Flow Monitoring
Period Covered
May 01 2023 -
May 31 2023
In May 2023, IOM Yemen DTM recorded 11,463 migrants entering Yemen, a decrease of 15 per cent since last month (13,414 migrants in April 2023). In Lahj (8,711 migrants), DTM has observed a decrease in arrivals of 25 per cent from the previous month (11,656). Shabwah (2,748), on the other hand, witnessed a significant increase of 57 per cent from last month (1,755). Migration flows shifted from Obock, Djibouti (-25%) towards Bari, Somalia (+57%). This shift could be linked to weather conditions, sea tides and decreased coast guard patrolling in Somalia. DTM recorded conflict induced movements as the reason for 17 per cent of all incoming movements in May 2023. All conflict induced travel was recorded in Shabwah coming from Bari, Somalia (40% children, 10% women, and 50% men).

Due to the deteriorating humanitarian crisis in Yemen and the challenges in moving towards KSA, many migrants opted to return to the Horn of Africa. DTM teams in Djibouti recorded that during May 2023, a total of 514 migrants (486 male and 28 female) took the risky return by boat from Yemen to travel home. Meanwhile, DTM reported 5,466 Yemeni returns from KSA in May 2023, compared to 4,548 in April 2023.

Between 1 January and 31 May 2023, DTM recorded 66,330 migrants and 24,756 Yemeni migrant returnees to Yemen. IOM DTM received further information from border officials during the first week of May 2023 regarding the deportation of 115 Ethiopian nationals from Oman into Hawf district of Al Maharah governorate. These migrants had travelled through Yemen to Oman but were deported back into Yemen by Omani authorities.
Population Groups

Survey Methodology

Unit of Analysis Or Observation

Type of Survey or Assessment


Geographical Scope

Administrative boundaries with available data

The current dataset covers the following administrative boundaries



IOM DTM Yemen,
Period Covered
May 01 2023
May 31 2023
  • Flow Monitoring

In May 2023, IOM Yemen DTM recorded 11,463 migrants entering Yemen, a decrease of 15 per cent since last month (13,414 migrants in April 2023). In Lahj (8,711 migrants), DTM has observed a decrease in arrivals of 25 per cent from the previous month (11,656). Shabwah (2,748), on the other hand, witnessed a significant increase of 57 per cent from last month (1,755). Migration flows shifted from Obock, Djibouti (-25%) towards Bari, Somalia (+57%). This shift could be linked to weather conditions, sea tides and decreased coast guard patrolling in Somalia. DTM recorded conflict induced movements as the reason for 17 per cent of all incoming movements in May 2023. All conflict induced travel was recorded in Shabwah coming from Bari, Somalia (40% children, 10% women, and 50% men).

Due to the deteriorating humanitarian crisis in Yemen and the challenges in moving towards KSA, many migrants opted to return to the Horn of Africa. DTM teams in Djibouti recorded that during May 2023, a total of 514 migrants (486 male and 28 female) took the risky return by boat from Yemen to travel home. Meanwhile, DTM reported 5,466 Yemeni returns from KSA in May 2023, compared to 4,548 in April 2023.

Between 1 January and 31 May 2023, DTM recorded 66,330 migrants and 24,756 Yemeni migrant returnees to Yemen. IOM DTM received further information from border officials during the first week of May 2023 regarding the deportation of 115 Ethiopian nationals from Oman into Hawf district of Al Maharah governorate. These migrants had travelled through Yemen to Oman but were deported back into Yemen by Omani authorities.