


DTM Iraq,
Period Covered
Jun 08 2020
Sep 02 2020
  • Mobility Tracking

Between 22 August and 2 September 2020, DTM tracked 2,258 individuals (431 families) returning to Sinjar and Al-Ba’aj districts in Iraq’s Ninewa governorate. This brings the total number of individuals that have taken this route to 18,214 (3,366 families) since data collection commenced on 8 June.

In this reporting period, the average number of daily individual arrivals was 178 to Sinjar and 26 to Al-Ba’aj. This is broadly consistent with the overall daily average number of arrivals since 8 June; however, it is significantly higher than the daily averages recorded in the previous reporting period (48 to Sinjar and 7 to Al-Ba’aj). This increase was due to a significant number of individuals arriving in this period rather than taking their planned journey in August, due to temporary movement restrictions introduced in their displacement camp in Sumel District following an outbreak of Coronavirus.

Of those individuals who returned between 22 August and 2 September, a total of 2,130 were recorded in Sinjar (94%) and 128 were recorded in Al-Ba’aj (6%) – broadly consistent with the rates of individuals’ districts of arrival since 8 June.
The most common sub-district of arrival was Al-Shamal with 1,452 individuals (64%), followed by Markaz Sinjar with 472 individuals (21%). Together, these two sub-districts comprise 82% of all individuals recorded as having arrived to Sinjar and Al-Ba’aj since data collection commenced on 8 June.

Of those individuals identified as returning between 22 August and 2 September, 1,837 were recorded as returnees (81%), while the remaining 421 were recorded as out-of-camp IDPs (19%). This represents a deviation from the overall proportion of individuals having been identified as returnees (68%) and IDPs (32%) since 8 June.



DTM Iraq,
Period Covered
Jun 08 2020
Aug 21 2020
  • Mobility Tracking

Between 7 and 21 August 2020, DTM tracked 716 individuals (132 families) returning to Sinjar and Al-Ba’aj districts in Iraq’s Ninewa governorate. This brings the total number of individuals that have taken this route to 15,469 (2,850 families) since data collection commenced on 8 June.

Of those individuals who returned between 7 and 21 August, a total of 621 were recorded in Sinjar (87%) and 95 were recorded in Al-Ba’aj (13%) – broadly consistent with the rates of individuals’ districts of arrival since 8 June.

Rates of arrivals have continued to decline in the month of August after peaking in July. Between 7 and 21 August, the average number of individual arrivals was 48 to Sinjar and 7 to Al-Ba’aaj. This is significantly lower than the overall daily average number of individual arrivals to the two districts since 8 June – which are 192 to Sinjar and 20 to Al-Ba’aj.

The most common sub-district of arrival was Al-Shamal with 299 individ- uals (42%), followed by Markaz Sinjar with 228 individuals (32%). Together, these two sub-districts comprise 82% of all individuals recorded as having arrived to Sinjar and Al-Ba’aj since data collection commenced on 8 June. Of those individuals identified as returning between 7 and 21 August, 490 were recorded as returnees (68%), while the remaining 226 were recorded as out-of-camp IDPs (32%). This is consistent with the overall proportion of individuals having been identified as returnees (66%) and IDPs (34%) since 8 June.



DTM Iraq,
Period Covered
Jun 08 2020
Aug 06 2020
  • Mobility Tracking

Between 28 July and 6 August 2020, DTM tracked 839 individuals (160 families) returning to Sinjar and Al-Ba’aj districts in Iraq’s Ninewa Governorate. This brings the total number of individuals that have taken this route to 14,704 (2,711 families) since data collection commenced on 8 June.

Of those individuals who returned between 28 July and 6 August, a total of 690 were recorded in Sinjar (82%) and 149 were recorded in Al-Ba’aj (18%). This is broadly consistent with the rates of individuals’ districts of arrival since 8 June.
During the period between 28 July and 6 August, the average number of daily individual arrivals was 69 to Sinjar and 17 to Al-Ba’aj. This is significantly lower than the overall daily average number of individual arrivals since 8 June to Sinjar (222 individuals) and Al-Ba’aj (23) The most common sub-district of arrival was Markaz Sinjar with 349 individuals (42%), followed by Al-Shamal with 229 individuals (27%). Together, these two sub-districts comprise 82% of all individuals recorded as having arrived to Sinjar and Al-Ba’aj since data collection commenced on 8 June.

Of those individuals identified between 28 July and 6 August, 584 were recorded as returnees (70%), while the remaining 255 were recorded as out-of-camp IDPs (30%). This this is consistent with the overall proportion of individuals having been identified as returnees (66%) and out-of-camp IDPs (34%) since 8 June.



DTM Iraq,
Period Covered
Jun 08 2020
Jul 27 2020
  • Mobility Tracking

Between 17 and 27 July 2020, DTM tracked 1,609 individuals (308 families) returning to Sinjar and Al-Ba’aj districts in Iraq’s Ninewa governorate. This brings the total number of individuals that have taken this route to 12,920 (2,382 families) since data collection commenced on 8 June.
Of those individuals who returned between 17 and 27 July, a total of 1,466 were recorded in Sinjar (91%) and 143 were recorded in Al-Ba’aj (9%)— broadly consistent with the rates of individuals’ districts of arrival since 8 June.
By far, the most common sub-district of arrival was Al-Shamal with 1,214 individuals (75%), followed by Markaz Sinjar with 212 individuals (13%). Together, these two sub-districts comprise 84% of all individuals recorded as having arrived to Sinjar and Al-Ba’aj since data collection commenced on 8 June.
Of those individuals identified between 17 and 27 July, 1,263 were recorded as returnees (78%), while 346 were recorded as out-of-camp IDPs (22%). This represents a minor contrast with the overall proportion of individuals having been identified as returnees (66%) and IDPs (34%) since 8 June.



DTM Iraq,
Period Covered
Jun 08 2020
Jul 10 2020
  • Mobility Tracking

Between 4 June and 10 July 2020, DTM tracked 2,169 individuals (542 families) returning to Sinjar and Al-Ba’aj districts in Iraq’s Ninewa governorate. This brings the total number of individuals that have returned to these districts to 8,581 (1,567 families) since data collection commenced on 8 June.

Of those individuals who moved back between 4 and 10 July, a total of 1,963 were recorded in Sinjar (91%) and 206 were recorded in Al-Ba’aj (9%)—broadly consistent with the rates of individuals’ districts of arrival since 8 June.

The most common sub-district of arrival was Al-Shamal with 1,221 individuals (56%), followed by Markaz Sinjar with 599 individuals (28%). Together, these two sub-districts comprise 84% of all individuals recorded as having arrived to Sinjar and Al-Ba’aj since data collection commenced on 8 June.

Of those individuals identified between 4 and 10 July, 1,462 were recorded as returnees (67%), while 707 were recorded as out-of-camp IDPs (33%).

Between 4 and 10 July, a total of 1,948 individuals were recorded as having departed from Dahuk governorate (90%)—representing a 9% increase to the proportion of individuals that came from there in the previous period (27 June – 3 July). As with all previous rounds, between 4 and 10 July, almost all individuals from Dahuk were recorded as coming from from Sumel (74%) and Zakho (23%) districts.

Further, only 221 individuals were recorded as having come from Ninewa governorate (10%)—mainly from Al-Shikhan (134 individuals) and Sinjar (51 individuals). This is significantly lower than the overall proportion of individuals recorded as having come from Ninewa since data collection commenced on 8 June (25%). No individuals were recorded as having come from Erbil in this round.

Since 8 June, the majority of individuals have departed from Sumel (53%) and Zakho (27%).

To provide an element of comparison and better understand the scale of these returns, note that for the reporting period of May-June 2019, DTM recorded 1,416 individuals returning to Sinjar (1,224 as returnees and 192 as IDPs) and 96 to Al-Ba’aj (66 as returnees and 30 as IDPs).



DTM Iraq,
Period Covered
Jun 08 2020
Jun 26 2020
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Baseline Assessment

Between 21 and 26 June 2020, DTM tracked 2,282 individuals (415 families) returning to Sinjar and Al-Ba’aj districts in Iraq’s Ninewa governorate. This brings the total number of individuals that have returned to these districts to 3,829 (687 families) since data collection commenced on 8 June.

Of those who moved back between 21 and 26 June, 1,482 were recorded as returnees, having returned to their location of origin (65%), while 800 were recorded as out-of-camp IDPs (35%). 2,112 were recorded in Sinjar (93%) and 170 in Al-Ba’aj (7%).

The most common sub-district of arrival was Markaz Sinjar with 982 individuals (43%)—almost triple the number that arrived there in the previous period. Additionally, 928 individuals arrived to Al-Shamal sub-district (41%)—more than double the previous period. Together, these two sub-districts comprise 80% of all individuals that arrived to Sinjar and Al-Ba’aj since data collection commenced on 8 June.

Between 21 and 26 June, a total of 1,757 individuals departed from Dahuk governorate (77%), especially from Sumel and Zakho districts. In addition, around one in four individuals departed from Ninewa, while a small number departed from Erbil. Since 8 June, most returnees have departed from Sumel (45%), Zakho (33%), and Al-Shikhan (16%) sub-districts.

To provide an element of comparison and better understand the scale of these returns, note that for the reporting period of May-June 2019, DTM had recorded 236 families having returned to Sinjar (204 as returnees and 32 as IDPs) and 16 to Baaj (11 as returnees and 5 as IDPs)



DTM Iraq,
Period Covered
Nov 01 2021
Nov 14 2021
  • Mobility Tracking

DTM has been tracking climate-induced displacement in Ninewa since June 2021. In almost all cases, displacement of returnee families has occurred because low rainfall severely impacted households’ ability to provide fodder for livestock. Some seasonal displacement occurs each year, but the low precipitation and reduced vegetation observed in 2021 resulted in significant displacement in southern rural areas of Ninewa Governorate.

This update presents data collected from 1 to 14 November 2021, with an analysis of trends since the previous data collection period, 1 July to 30 September 2021. Data is collected through IOM’s Rapid Assessment and Response Teams (RARTs), who are deployed across Iraq (20% of enumerators are female). IOM’s RARTs collect data through key informant interviews with a network of over 9,500 key informants that includes community leaders, mukhtars, local authorities and security forces.

Map 1: Locations of origin for returnee families displaced due to drought As of 15 November 2021, a total of 303 families (1,818 individuals) remain displaced as a result of drought conditions. Climate-induced displacement occurred in two districts in Ninewa Governorate: Al-Ba’aj and Hatra. In Al-Ba’aj district, 169 families remain displaced from Markaz Al-Ba’aj and 24 families from Al-Qahtaniya. In Hatra district, 80 families remain displaced from Altal and 30 families from Markaz Hatra.



DTM Iraq,
Period Covered
Mar 01 2022
Mar 15 2022
  • Mobility Tracking

DTM has been tracking climate-induced displacement across the central and southern regions of Iraq since June 2018. Environmental degradation, including reduced water flow and increased salinity in important rivers and tributaries, has placed a strain on the agricultural sector, with many families unable to guarantee sufficient and sustainable livelihoods in rural areas. The IOM-DTM tracking of climateinduced displacement aims to provide data on the number and location of vulnerable families forced to migrate by environmental degradation and other factors.

Data collection for this update took place from 1 to 15 March 2022. Data is collected through IOM’s Rapid Assessment and Response Teams (RARTs), who are deployed across Iraq (20% of enumerators are female). IOM’s RARTs collect data through interviews with key informants utilising a large, well-established network of over 9,500 key informants that includes community leaders, mukhtars, local authorities and security forces.

As of 15 March, 3,358 families (20,148 individuals) remain displaced because of water scarcity and other climatic factor across ten governorates. Of these, 2,152 families are intra-district displaced (64%). The displaced families are dispersed across 128 locations, with the majority (74%) being urban locations.

The primary governorate of origin for these displaced families is Thi-Qar (1,542), followed by Missan (733), Qaddisiya (326) and Basrah (246). Al-Shatra district, in Thi-Qar governorate, has 1,374 families displaced by drought. Other districts with significant climate-induced displacement include Al-Maimouna, in Missan Governorate (344 families) and Afaq, in Qadissiya Governorate (306 families)



DTM Iraq,
Period Covered
Dec 01 2021
Dec 14 2021
  • Mobility Tracking

DTM has been tracking climate-induced displacement in Ninewa since June 2021. In almost all cases, displacement of returnee families has occurred because low rainfall severely impacted households’ ability to provide fodder for livestock. Some seasonal displacement occurs each year, but the low precipitation and reduced vegetation observed in 2021 resulted in significant displacement in southern rural areas of Ninewa Governorate.

This update presents data collected between 1 and 14 December 2021, with an analysis of trends since the previous data collection period, 1 July to 30 September 2021. Data is collected through IOM’s Rapid Assessment and Response Teams (RARTs), who are deployed across Iraq (20% of enumerators are female). IOM’s RARTs collect data through key informant interviews with a network of over 9,500 key informants that includes community leaders, mukhtars, local authorities and security forces.

As of 14 December 2021, a total of 303 families (1,818 individuals) remain displaced as a result of drought conditions. Climate-induced displacement occurred in two districts in Ninewa Governorate: Al-Ba’aj and Hatra. In Al-Ba’aj district, 169 families remain displaced from Markaz Al-Ba’aj and 24 families from Al-Qahtaniya. In Hatra district, 80 families remain displaced from Altal and 30 families from Markaz Hatra.



DTM Iraq,
Period Covered
Nov 01 2021
Nov 14 2021
  • Mobility Tracking

DTM has been tracking climate-induced displacement across the central and southern regions of Iraq since June 2018. Environmental degradation, including reduced water flow and increased salinity in important rivers and tributaries has placed a strain on the agricultural sector, with many families unable to guarantee sufficient and sustainable livelihoods in rural areas. The IOMDTM tracking of climate-induced displacement aims to provide data on the number and location of vulnerable families forced to migrate by environmental degradation and other factors. Data collection for this update took place between 1 and 14 November 2021. Data is collected through IOM’s Rapid Assessment and Response Teams (RARTs), who are deployed across Iraq (20% of enumerators are female). IOM’s RARTs collect data through interviews with key informants utilising a large, well-established network of over 9,500 key informants that includes community leaders, mukhtars, local authorities and security forces. As of 14 November 2021, 3,031 families (18,186 individuals) remain displaced because of drought conditions across five governorates. Of these, 1,955 families are intra-district displaced (65%). The displaced families are dispersed across 122 locations, with the majority (73%) being urban locations. DATA COLLECTION PERIOD: 1 NOVEMBER – 14 NOVEMBER 2021 The primary governorate of origin for these displaced families is Thi-Qar (1,510), followed by Missan (728), Qaddisiya (245) and Basrah (230). Al-Shatra district, in Thi-Qar governorate, has 1,374 families displaced by drought. Other districts with significant climate-induced displacement include Al-Maimouna, in Missan Governorate (357 families) and Afaq, in Qadissiya Governorate (237 families).