


DTM Thailand,
Period Covered
May 23 2022
Aug 30 2022
  • Survey

This factsheet aims to provide a snapshot of the perceptions, needs and challenges related to COVID-19, the vaccine and the booster vaccine among the Myanmar migrant population in Thailand in mid-2022 according to IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix’s (DTM) COVID-19 Perception Survey Round 2. Data collection for Round 2 was initiated after the completion of Round 1, which took place in late 2021 and early 2022 to support the strengthening of communications regarding mass immunizations in Thailand against COVID-19. The purpose of Round 2 is to enable analysis on how attitudes about the COVID-19 vaccine have changed over time and to gauge uptake and perception of the COVID-19 booster vaccine. As of July 2022, over half of Thailand’s provinces report vaccination rates above 70 per cent and vaccination is offered for free to Thai nationals and other nationals, regardless of documentation status. In June 2022, the government lifted Thailand’s final COVID-19-related travel restriction, the requirement of partaking in the Thailand Pass, a registration system intended to prevent COVID-19-positive individuals entering the country. As a result, movement into Thailand has increased and the risk dynamic of COVID-19 among vulnerable populations, despite rising vaccination rates, continues to develop.



DTM Thailand,
Period Covered
May 23 2022
Aug 30 2022
  • Survey
  • Community Perception

This factsheet aims to provide a snapshot of the perceptions, needs and challenges related to COVID-19, the vaccine and the booster vaccine among the Myanmar migrant population in Thailand in mid-2022 according to IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix’s (DTM) COVID-19 Perception Survey Round 2. Data collection for Round 2 was initiated after the completion of Round 1, which took place in late 2021 and early 2022 to support the strengthening of communications regarding mass immunizations in Thailand against COVID-19. The purpose of Round 2 is to enable analysis on how attitudes about the COVID-19 vaccine have changed over time and to gauge uptake and perception of the COVID-19 booster vaccine. As of July 2022, over half of Thailand’s provinces report vaccination rates above 70 per cent and vaccination is offered for free to Thai nationals and other nationals, regardless of documentation status. In June 2022, the government lifted Thailand’s final COVID-19-related travel restriction, the requirement of partaking in the Thailand Pass, a registration system intended to prevent COVID-19-positive individuals entering the country. As a result, movement into Thailand has increased and the risk dynamic of COVID-19 among vulnerable populations, despite rising vaccination rates, continues to develop.



DTM Thailand,
Period Covered
May 23 2022
Aug 30 2022
  • Survey
  • Community Perception

This factsheet aims to provide a snapshot of the perceptions, needs and challenges related to COVID-19, the vaccine and the booster vaccine among the Myanmar migrant population in Thailand in mid-2022 according to IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix’s (DTM) COVID-19 Perception Survey Round 2. Data collection for Round 2 was initiated after the completion of Round 1, which took place in late 2021 and early 2022 to support the strengthening of communications regarding mass immunizations in Thailand against COVID-19. The purpose of Round 2 is to enable analysis on how attitudes about the COVID-19 vaccine have changed over time and to gauge uptake and perception of the COVID-19 booster vaccine. As of July 2022, over half of Thailand’s provinces report vaccination rates above 70 per cent and vaccination is offered for free to Thai nationals and other nationals, regardless of documentation status. In June 2022, the government lifted Thailand’s final COVID-19-related travel restriction, the requirement of partaking in the Thailand Pass, a registration system intended to prevent COVID-19-positive individuals entering the country. As a result, movement into Thailand has increased and the risk dynamic of COVID-19 among vulnerable populations, despite rising vaccination rates, continues to develop.



DTM Thailand,
Period Covered
May 23 2022
Aug 30 2022
  • Survey
  • Community Perception

This factsheet aims to provide a snapshot of the perceptions, needs and challenges related to COVID-19, the vaccine and the booster vaccine among the Myanmar migrant population in Thailand in mid-2022 according to IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix’s (DTM) COVID-19 Perception Survey Round 2. Data collection for Round 2 was initiated after the completion of Round 1, which took place in late 2021 and early 2022 to support the strengthening of communications regarding mass immunizations in Thailand against COVID-19. The purpose of Round 2 is to enable analysis on how attitudes about the COVID-19 vaccine have changed over time and to gauge uptake and perception of the COVID-19 booster vaccine. As of July 2022, over half of Thailand’s provinces report vaccination rates above 70 per cent and vaccination is offered for free to Thai nationals and other nationals, regardless of documentation status. In June 2022, the government lifted Thailand’s final COVID-19-related travel restriction, the requirement of partaking in the Thailand Pass, a registration system intended to prevent COVID-19-positive individuals entering the country. As a result, movement into Thailand has increased and the risk dynamic of COVID-19 among vulnerable populations, despite rising vaccination rates, continues to develop.



DTM Cameroon,
Period Covered
Dec 12 2022
Dec 13 2022
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Event Tracking

Le suivi des situations d’urgence (en anglais, Emergency Tracking Tool, ETT) est une des composantes de la Matrice de suivi des déplacements (DTM) déployée par l’Organisation Internationale pour les Migrations (OIM). Il a pour objectif de rassembler des informations sur les mouvements significatifs et soudains de populations ainsi que sur des urgences sécuritaires et climatiques. Les données ont été collectées par observation directe et par des entretiens téléphoniques, auprès de 09 informateurs clés, principalement les autorités locales, les organisations non gouvernementales (ONGs), les organisations de la société civile (OSCs) et les représentants des populations dans les lieux affectés. Ce tableau de bord présente des informations sur des mouvements de personnes depuis les localités de Moutaz, Ldagodja, Watatoufou, Koulkoubai et Oupai situées dans l’arrondissement de Mokolo (département du Mayo-Tsanaga) vers les localités de Mokolo, Ldoubam, Ldingling, Ldamang dans l’arrondissement de Mokolo (département de Mayo-Tsanaga), survenus le 12 décembre  2022.



DTM Thailand,
Period Covered
May 23 2022
Aug 30 2022
  • Survey
  • Community Perception

This factsheet aims to provide a snapshot of the perceptions, needs and challenges related to COVID-19, the vaccine and the booster vaccine among the Cambodian migrant population in Thailand in mid-2022 according to IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix’s (DTM) COVID-19 Perception Survey Round 2. Data collection for Round 2 was initiated after the completion of Round 1, which took place in late 2021 and early 2022 to support the strengthening of communications regarding mass immunizations in Thailand against COVID-19. The purpose of Round 2 is to enable analysis on how attitudes about the COVID-19 vaccine have changed over time and to gauge uptake and perception of the COVID-19 booster vaccine. As of July 2022, over half of Thailand’s provinces report vaccination rates above 70 per cent and vaccination is offered for free to Thai nationals and other nationals, regardless of documentation status. In June 2022, the government lifted Thailand’s final COVID-19-related travel restriction, the requirement of partaking in the Thailand Pass, a registration system intended to prevent COVID-19-positive individuals entering the country. As a result, movement into Thailand has increased and the risk dynamic of COVID-19 among vulnerable populations, despite rising vaccination rates, continues to develop.



DTM Thailand,
Period Covered
May 23 2022
Aug 30 2022
  • Survey
  • Community Perception

This factsheet aims to provide a snapshot of the perceptions, needs and challenges related to COVID-19, the vaccine and the booster vaccine among the Myanmar migrant population in Thailand in mid-2022 according to IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix’s (DTM) COVID-19 Perception Survey Round 2. Data collection for Round 2 was initiated after the completion of Round 1, which took place in late 2021 and early 2022 to support the strengthening of communications regarding mass immunizations in Thailand against COVID-19. The purpose of Round 2 is to enable analysis on how attitudes about the COVID-19 vaccine have changed over time and to gauge uptake and perception of the COVID-19 booster vaccine. As of July 2022, over half of Thailand’s provinces report vaccination rates above 70 per cent and vaccination is offered for free to Thai nationals and other nationals, regardless of documentation status. In June 2022, the government lifted Thailand’s final COVID-19-related travel restriction, the requirement of partaking in the Thailand Pass, a registration system intended to prevent COVID-19-positive individuals entering the country. As a result, movement into Thailand has increased and the risk dynamic of COVID-19 among vulnerable populations, despite rising vaccination rates, continues to develop.



DTM Peru,
Period Covered
Oct 06 2022
Oct 25 2022
  • Flow Monitoring

Durante la primera semana de octubre, se desarrollaron las Elecciones Regionales y Municipales 2022. A nivel internacional, el Departamento de Seguridad Nacional de EE. UU informó el 12 octubre sobre el nuevo proceso de control migratorio para personas venezolanas, indicando que quienes crucen la frontera de Estados Unidos con México estarán sujetas a las disposiciones de la Orden del Título 42. Adicionalmente, se ha desarrollado un nuevo programa de admisión humanitaria que permitirá la entrada a Estados Unidos para has 24.000 personas venezolanas que reúnan una serie de requisitos.

Este ejercicio de recolección de información está en línea con los lineamientos del subcomponente de monitoreo de flujos de la metodología de la Matriz de Seguimiento de Desplazamiento (DTM por sus siglas en inglés). Este producto informativo se basa en conteos por observación de los flujos de personas venezolanas tanto de entrada como de salida, en cuatro terminales terrestres en la ciudad de Tacna. En este conteo participaron en la recolección de datos un total de 16 enumeradores, dos por cada punto de recolección de información, en dos turnos durante el día de observación.



DTM Peru,
Period Covered
Oct 06 2022
Oct 25 2022
  • Flow Monitoring

Durante la primera semana de octubre, se desarrollaron las Elecciones Regionales y Municipales 2022. A nivel internacional, el Departamento de Seguridad Nacional de EE. UU informó el 12 octubre sobre el nuevo proceso de control migratorio para personas venezolanas, indicando que quienes crucen la frontera de Estados Unidos con México estarán sujetas a las disposiciones de la Orden del Título 42. Adicionalmente, se ha desarrollado un nuevo programa de admisión humanitaria que permitirá la entrada a Estados Unidos para has 24.000 personas venezolanas que reúnan una serie de requisitos.

El seguimiento de los flujos en la frontera está en línea con los lineamientos del subcomponente de registros de la metodología de Matriz de Seguimiento de Desplazamiento (DTM). Este producto informativo se basa en conteos por observación de los flujos de personas venezolanas tanto de entrada como de salida, realizados el 06, 12, 20, 25 de octubre del 2022, en dos puntos estratégicos para el cruce de la frontera entre Perú y Bolivia en Desaguadero. Para este conteo participaron ocho enumeradores, dos por cada punto en dos turnos durante el día de observación.



DTM Peru,
Period Covered
Oct 06 2022
Oct 25 2022
  • Flow Monitoring

Durante la primera semana de octubre, se desarrollaron las Elecciones Regionales y Municipales 2022. Adicionalmente, la Policía Nacional del Perú registró una explosión de una bomba molotov en los alrededores del canal Internacional. Las autoridades indicaron que el hecho sería una represalia contra los agentes del orden dado que se ha restringido el pase irregular de personas migrantes y productos de contrabando.

A nivel internacional, el Departamento de Seguridad Nacional de EE. UU informó el 12 octubre sobre el nuevo proceso de control migratorio para personas venezolanas, indicando que quienes crucen la frontera de Estados Unidos con México estarán sujetas a las disposiciones de la Orden del Título 42. Adicionalmente, se ha desarrollado un nuevo programa de admisión humanitaria que permitirá la entrada a Estados Unidos para has 24.000 personas venezolanas que reúnan una serie de requisitos.

Los datos para este reporte fueron recolectados bajo el subcomponente de monitoreo de flujos de la metodología de la Matriz de Seguimiento de Desplazamiento (DTM). Este producto informativo se basa en conteos por observación de los flujos de población venezolana tanto de entrada como de salida, realizados el 6, 12, 20 y 25 de octubre de 2022, en tres puntos en la frontera peruana con Ecuador. Se contó con 16 enumeradores, dos por cada punto en dos turnos durante el día de observación.