


Costa Rica
Period Covered
May 01 2022
May 30 2022
  • Survey
  • Flow Monitoring

En el marco de la emergencia por la COVID 19 desde el 19 de marzo del 2020 el Gobierno de Costa Rica mantiene cerrada su frontera terrestre con Panamá para la Operación Binacional Flujo Controlado, la cual procuraba una migración ordenada y segura de personas migrantes en situación de movilidad por América.

Desde agosto de 2021 hasta abril de 2022 el Gobierno de Panamá reporta el ingreso a Panamá de 107,789 personas migrantes Haití (53%), Cuba (10%), Brasil (7%), República Bolivariana de Venezuela (6%), Chile (6%) entre otros países del Sur de América, África y Asia (12%).

En Costa Rica, durante el 2022 se ha identificado un aumento constante en la cantidad de personas migrantes de este flujo migratorio (a abril de 2022 ha aumentado en un 269 en comparación con diciembre de 2021 cuando inició el monitoreo de flujos) Además, de acuerdo con datos de la Dirección General de Migración y Extranjería ( desde mayo de 2021 a mayo de 2022 se han realizaron 5 509 rechazos 5 en Paso Canoas.

De manera general, se destaca la presencia de grupos cada vez más numerosos de personas migrantes (grupos de hasta 30 personas) que se acercan a las estaciones de autobuses minutos antes que el viaje comience, lo cual se asocia con la intermediación de terceras personas que les compran los tiquetes de viaje, les informan sobre los horarios y les transportan desde Paso Canoas hasta Río Claro o Ciudad Neily.



Angélica Madrigal
Costa Rica
Period Covered
May 01 2022
May 31 2022
  • Survey
  • Registration
  • Flow Monitoring

Within the framework of the COVID 19 emergency, since March 19, 2020, the Government of Costa Rica has kept its land border with Panama closed for the Binational Controlled Flow Operation, which sought an orderly and safe migration of migrants moving through the Americas.

From August 2021 to April 2022 the Government of Panama reports the entry into Panama of 107,789 migrants Haiti (53%), Cuba (10%), Brazil (7%), Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (6%), Chile (6%) among other countries in South America, Africa and Asia (12%).

In Costa Rica, during 2022, a steady increase in the number of migrants of this migration flow has been identified (as of April 2022 it has increased by 269 compared to December 2021 when the monitoring of flows in Costa Rica began). According to data from the General Directorate of Migration and Aliens (by its acronym in Spanish) during May 2021 and May 2022, 5,509 rejections were reported in Paso Canoas.

In general, the presence of increasingly numerous groups of migrants stands out (groups of up to 30 people) who approach the bus stations minutes before the trip begins, which is associated with the intermediation of third parties that buy the travel tickets, inform the migrants about the schedules and transport them from Paso Canoas to Río Claro or Ciudad Neily.



Miranda Mora,
Period Covered
Aug 01 2021
Sep 30 2021
  • Survey

El presente informe tiene como objetivo presentar la metodología y los principales hallazgos del análisis de datos de la encuesta de DTM a población migrante en las provincias de Panamá y Panamá Oeste – República de Panamá. El trabajo de campo se realizó durante los meses de agosto y septiembre del año 2021 para la Ronda 1.  

Panamá se ha convertido en los últimos cinco años no solo en un país de tránsito, sino también de destino para la población migrante, fundamentalmente de migración colombiana, venezolana y nicaragüense. 

La Organización Internacional para las Migraciones (OIM) ha evidenciado, a través de sus investigaciones la situación de vulnerabilidad y las necesidades principales de la población migrante en el país. Desde el 2020 el impacto socioeconómico y emocional derivado de la pandemia de la COVID-19 han agravado los retos que ya experimentaba la población migrante para acceder a servicios básicos de salud, educación y regularización migratoria y laboral. 

Tomando en consideración este escenario, se identifica la pertinencia de realizar un levantamiento de información sobre la situación y necesidades de la población migrante en las provincias de Panamá y Panamá Oeste, focalizándose en aquellos corregimientos con mayor densidad de población migrante1. Conocer la caracterización y tendencias de esta población de manera sistematizada permite brindar servicios efectivos y sostenibles. 

Este informe tiene como finalidad recabar datos específicos y actualizados sobre la población migrante residente en las provincias de Panamá y Panamá Oeste, para diseñar estratégicamente actividades alineadas a las necesidades y características de la población meta. Esta información también fortalecerá el impacto de los programas que ejecuta la oficina nacional mejorando la articulación y la planificación de las intervenciones de OIM a nivel comunitario.   



DTM Support —
Period Covered
Jun 13 2022
Jun 14 2022
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Event Tracking

Depuis les 12 et 13 juin 2022, les combats entre les forces armées de la République démocratique du Congo (FARDC) et les ex-rebelles présumés du M23 ont repris à Chanzu dans les trois localités de Bigega (situées à 7 km au sud-est de la ville de Bunagana), à Chanzu, Rubona, toutes dans le groupement de Jomba, et dans la localité de Bikenge dans le groupement de Kisigari, toutes situées dans la chefferie de Bwisha, dans le territoire de Rutshuru, dans la province du Nord-Kivu. Deux jours plus tôt, le vendredi 10 juin 2022, des affrontements entre des combattants présumés ex-rebelles du M23 et les FARDC ont également eu lieu, au cours desquels des infrastructures et des civils ont été touchés. Ces affrontements en cours ont provoqué le déplacement d'environ 18 000 personnes de Bunagana vers l'Ouganda, composées d'anciens déplacés internes et de retournés, ainsi qu'un nouveau déplacement interne de 9 771 personnes dans la chefferie de Bwisha, dans le territoire de Rutshuru. Près de la moitié des déplacés ont trouvé refuge dans 19 centres collectifs, tandis que l'autre moitié (la majorité) est hébergée dans des familles d'accueil dans les groupes de Busanza, Kisigari et Bukoma, dans la chefferie de Bwisha, dans le territoire de Rutshuru.



DTM Europe,
Period Covered
Apr 16 2022
May 31 2022
  • Survey
  • Flow Monitoring Survey

Starting on 24 February 2022, the war in Ukraine triggered an unprecedented humanitarian crisis and generated large scale displacement both within Ukraine and to the neighbouring countries. As of the end of May, 7.1 million persons were internally displaced in Ukraine1 and almost 7 million crossings of refugees and other Third-Country-Nationals (TCNs) not in need of international protection from Ukraine into the neighbouring countries were reported.2 However, since April, an increasing number of returns have been identified both from other locations in Ukraine and self-reported returns from abroad and according to UNHCR about 2.1 million crossings were registered from neighbouring countries into Ukraine as of the end of May.

This report is based on 3,424 valid surveys collected by IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) in four European countries neighbouring Ukraine with adult refugees from Ukraine and TCNs crossing to Ukraine between 16 April and 31 May 2022: 708 surveys in Poland, 2,102 in the Republic of Moldova, 514 in Romania and 100 in Slovakia. Total results were weighted with equal weights per each country sub-sample.

Individual crossings back into Ukraine are not necessarily returnees and conclusions on definitive trends cannot yet be drawn. The sample is not representative of all persons crossing to Ukraine and results should only be considered as indicative.

Public Dataset


DTM Yemen,
  • Displacement Solutions
  • Mobility Tracking
Period Covered
Jun 19 2022 -
Jun 25 2022
IOM Yemen DTM’s Rapid Displacement Tracking (RDT) tool collects data on estimated numbers of households forced to flee on a daily basis from their locations of origin or displacement, allowing for regular reporting of new displacements in terms of estimated numbers, geography, and needs. It also tracks returnees who returned to their location of origin. From 1 January to 25 June 2022, IOM Yemen DTM tracked 6,893 households (HH) (41,358 Individuals) who experienced displacement at least once. Between 19 and 25 June 2022, IOM Yemen DTM tracked 222 households (1,332 individuals) displaced at least once. The majority of people moved into/within the following governorates and districts: • Shabwah (77 HHs) – Ataq (34 HHs), Ayn (32 HHs), Bayhan (11 HHs) districts. Most displacements in the governorate originated from Marib and Taiz. • Taiz (47 HHs) – Mawza (15 HHs), Jabal Habashi (12 HHs), Ash Shamayatayn (9 HHs) districts. Most displacements in the governorate originated from Taiz and Al Hodeidah. • Ad Dali (39 HHs) – Ad Dali (18 HHs), Qatabah (17 HHs), Al Hasayn (4 HHs) districts. Most displacements in the governorate originated from Ad Dali and Al Hodeidah. The majority of people moved from the following governorates and districts: • Taiz (62 HHs) – Maqbanah (23 HHs), Mawza (13 HHs), Jabal Habashi (10 HHs) districts. • Marib (46 HHs) – Harib (30 HHs), Al Jubah (7 HHs), Rahabah (4 HHs) districts. • Al Hodeidah (31 HHs) – Hays (15 HHs), At Tuhayta (4 HHs), Zabid (3 HHs) districts.
Population Groups

Survey Methodology

Unit of Analysis Or Observation

Type of Survey or Assessment


Geographical Scope

Administrative boundaries with available data

The current dataset covers the following administrative boundaries



Period Covered
Jun 19 2022
Jun 25 2022
  • Mobility Tracking

IOM Yemen DTM’s Rapid Displacement Tracking (RDT) tool collects data on estimated numbers of households forced to flee on a daily basis from their locations of origin or displacement, allowing for regular reporting of new displacements in terms of estimated numbers, geography, and needs. It also tracks returnees who returned to their location of origin.                                     

From 1 January to 25 June 2022, IOM Yemen DTM tracked 6,893 households (HH) (41,358 Individuals) who experienced displacement at least once.                                                                                                     

Between 19 and 25 June 2022, IOM Yemen DTM tracked 222 households (1,332 individuals) displaced at least once. The majority of people moved into/within the following governorates and districts:             

  • Shabwah (77 HHs) – Ataq (34 HHs), Ayn (32 HHs), Bayhan (11 HHs) districts. Most displacements in the governorate originated from Marib and Taiz.
  • Taiz (47 HHs) – Mawza (15 HHs), Jabal Habashi (12 HHs), Ash Shamayatayn (9 HHs) districts. Most displacements in the governorate originated from Taiz and Al Hodeidah.
  • Ad Dali (39 HHs) – Ad Dali (18 HHs), Qatabah (17 HHs), Al Hasayn (4 HHs) districts. Most displacements in the governorate originated from Ad Dali and Al Hodeidah.                                                                                                 

The majority of people moved from the following governorates and districts:     

  • Taiz (62 HHs) – Maqbanah (23 HHs), Mawza (13 HHs), Jabal Habashi (10 HHs) districts.
  • Marib (46 HHs) – Harib (30 HHs), Al Jubah (7 HHs), Rahabah (4 HHs) districts.
  • Al Hodeidah (31 HHs) – Hays (15 HHs), At Tuhayta (4 HHs), Zabid (3 HHs) districts.




Period Covered
Apr 01 2022
Apr 30 2022
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Baseline Assessment

Au cours de ce septième cycle d’évaluation couvrant le mois d’avril 2022, les évaluations DTM ont permis de dénombrer 1 697 039 personnes déplacées internes (PDIs) résidant dans des familles d’accueil (85% du total) et 35 407 personnes déplacées vivant dans 45 sites spontanés et centres collectifs dans la province (2% du total). À cela s’ajoutent les 268 838 PDIs (13%) dans les 66 sites couverts par le mécanisme CCCM. Il est estimé à 2 001 284 personnes le nombre total de PDIs dans la province, soit environ 29 pour cent de la population4 totale de l’Ituri, ce qui est comparable aux 1 765 094 personnes en situation de déplacement lors de la dernière évaluation conduite en août 2021.



Period Covered
Apr 01 2022
Apr 30 2022
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Baseline Assessment

Il est estimé à 330 057 personnes le nombre total de Persones Déplacées Internes (PDIs) dans la province, soit environ 10 pour cent de la population totale du Tanganyika, d’après les statistiques de la Division Provinciale de la Santé (DPS). Au cours de ce septième cycle d’évaluation couvrant la période d’avril 2022, les évaluations DTM ont permis de dénombrer un total de 297 935 PDIs résident dans des familles d’accueil (90% du total) et un total de 3 528 personnes déplacées vivant dans cinq (5) sites spontanés dans la province du Tanganyika (1% du total). À cela s’ajoute les 28 594 personnes déplacées dans les 14 sites sous la gestion de l’OIM (9% du total).



Period Covered
Jun 02 2022
Jun 22 2022
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Event Tracking

Fear of attacks and subsequent confirmed attacks in Ancuabe district by Non-State Armed Groups triggered the movements of 36,028 individuals within Ancuabe, Chiure, Quissanga, Balama, Mecufi, Mueda, Macomia, Montepuez, Meluco, Namuno, Nampula, Balama, Metuge and Cidade de Pemba. Approximately 1,734 IDPs have been identified with vulnerabilities. At least 30% of these movements are arrivals in Cidade de Pemba and 24% in Chiure. New arrivals recorded within the reporting period map 13,731 individuals predominantly moving into sites across Chiure, Metuge, Montepuez and Ancuabe.

The objective of the Emergency Tracking Tool (ETT) - Movement Alert is to collect information on large and sudden population movements, and to provide support to humanitarian response partners by disseminating data on (Internally displaced persons) IDPs for ensuring effective humanitarian response to the affected population. Information is collected through key informant interviews or direct observation. The dashboard provides basic information on displacements, and additional information can be shared upon request. IOM identified 24,462 individual displacement movements in the previous reporting period (02-20 June). Impact of new attacks reported between 9 and 19 June in Ancuabe and Chiure districts account for the increase of displacement movements representing 36,028 individuals. Current figures are to be considered as cumulative displacement movements observed between 02-22 June.