


  • Mobility Tracking
  • Baseline Assessment
Period Covered
Dec 01 2023 -
Dec 31 2023

The data collected for the Area Baseline Assessment Round 31 reflects the up-to-date local administrative register of the IDP population as of 31 December 2023, equivalent to a total of 3,522,045 registered IDPs. Registered IDP figures were collected for 108 raions. Data disaggregated by age, sex and disability status were provided for around 78 per cent of the administrative units covered. 

A more detailed version of this dataset at the Hromada level is available. To get access, kindly click on the 'Request Access' button.
Population Groups


Survey Methodology

Unit of Analysis Or Observation

Admin Area 2

Type of Survey or Assessment

Key Informant



Geographical Scope Partial Coverage

Administrative boundaries with available data

The current dataset covers the following administrative boundaries



Period Covered
Dec 01 2023
Dec 31 2023
  • Baseline Assessment

The Registered IDP Area Baseline Assessment provides granular data on the number and geographic location of officially registered internally displaced people (IDPs). This report assesses registered IDP presence at the raion level, also mapping the recorded change since the previous round. Round 31 presents the data of the registered IDP population disaggregated by sex, age and state-recognised disability status.

The data collected for the Area Baseline Assessment Round 31 reflects the up-to-date local administrative register of the IDP population as of 31 December 2023, equivalent to a total of 3,522,045 registered IDPs. Registered IDP figures were collected for 108 raions. Data disaggregated by age, sex and disability status were provided for around 78 per cent of the administrative units covered. 



RO Dakar,
Period Covered
Jan 16 2019
Jun 01 2023
  • Survey
  • Flow Monitoring Survey
  • Flow Monitoring
  • Mobility Tracking

Cross-border transhumance is a long-standing traditional pastoral practice in West and Central Africa (WCA) whereby herders migrate seasonally, crossing borders with their livestock, in search of water and pasture. In a region characterized by long dry seasons, livestock mobility is an important form of adaptation, helping to build resilience to the climatic, economic and security risks and vulnerabilities faced by the region's herders.


This report aims to present, in a non-exhaustive way, the main results obtained by the implementation of the Transhumance Tracking Tool since its first implementation in 2019, up until June 2023.

Public Dataset


DTM Yemen,
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Event Tracking
Period Covered
Oct 01 2023 -
Dec 31 2023

From 1 January to 31 December 2023, IOM Yemen DTM tracked 9,958 households (HH) (59,748 Individuals) who experienced displacement at least once.                        

Between 1 October and 31 December 2023, IOM Yemen DTM tracked 5,341 households (32,046 individuals) displaced at least once. The majority of people moved into/within the following governorates and districts:

  • Al Maharah (3,749 HHs) – Haswin (1815 HHs), Al Ghaydhah (1,123 HHs), Qishn (310 HHs) districts. Most displacements in the governorate originated from Marib and Al Hodeidah.
  • Hadramawt (611 HHs) – Ar Raydah wa Qussayar (597 HHs), Ad Dis (10 HHs), Ash Shihr (4 HHs) districts. Most displacements in the governorate originated from Taiz and Al Hodeidah.
  • Ma’rib (431 HHs) – Marib City (217 HHs), Marib (152 HHs), Harib (60 HHs) districts. All displacements in the governorate were internal.

The majority of people moved from the following governorates and districts:

  • Al Maharah (3,750 HHs) – Al Ghaydhah (2,773 HHs), Qishn (310 HHs), Haswin (216 HHs) districts.
  • Hadramawt (612 HHs) – Ar Raydah wa Qussayar (607 HHs), Sayun (2 HHs), Al Abr (1 HHs) districts.
  • Al Hodeidah (347 HHs) – At Tuhayta (161 HHs), Hays (40 HHs), Al Jarrahi (31 HHs) districts.
Population Groups

Survey Methodology

Unit of Analysis Or Observation

Type of Survey or Assessment


Geographical Scope

Administrative boundaries with available data

The current dataset covers the following administrative boundaries



Costa Rica
Period Covered
Dec 01 2023
Dec 31 2023
  • Flow Monitoring
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Event Tracking

Cantons: Liberia, Los Chiles, San Carlos, Heredia, Alajuela, Cartago, San José y Corredores.

Costa Rica, like the other countries in the Central American region, has been characterized as a migratory corridor for people who transit by land from the south to the north of America and whose destination is the countries in the north of the continent. This flow on the move through the Americas is mainly made up of people from the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Cuba, Haiti, Ecuador, as well as people from other countries in South America, Africa and Asia.


According to estimations from IOM Costa Rica, during December 28,721 people entered the country, an approximate average of 926 people per day and estimating a decrease of 32% compared to November 2023. In addition, 1,888 people stranded in the monitored shelters were identified and 1,345 people stranded in the public places visited.



DTM Yemen,
Period Covered
Oct 01 2023
Dec 31 2023
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Event Tracking

During the reporting period, between 1 October and 31 December 2023, IOM Yemen DTM tracked 5,341 households (HHs) (32,046 individuals)1 who experienced displacement at least once. This compares to 1,089 households (6,534 individuals) in the third quarter 2023 representing a 390 per cent increase. This increase is predominantly due to Cyclone Tej which made landfall in Al Maharah governorate on 22 October and affected Al Maharah and Hadramawt governorates. It caused the displacement of 4,356 households during the period of 22 to 25 October 2023.

Most of the families displaced by the cyclone returned to their locations of habitual residence soon after the cyclone ended (see increased number of returnees). 
The monthly average of household displacements in 2023 has been 830 with a high of 4,655 in October 2023 compared to an average of 845 in 2022 with a maximum of 2,453 in January 2022. 
The governorates with the highest number of new displacements in the fourth quarter of 2023 are Al Maharah (3,749 HHs), Hadramawt (611 HHs), and Ma’rib (431 HHs). These governorates are all located in areas that have been heavily affected by Cyclone Tej or conflict in Yemen. 
The cyclone represented the main reason for displacement, accounting for 82 per cent (4,356 HHs) of the total, followed by security concerns as a result of the conflict accounting for 12 per cent (651 HHs), and economic reasons related to conflict (6%; 333 HHs).



DTM Türkiye,
Period Covered
Dec 01 2023
Dec 31 2023
  • Flow Monitoring
  • Migrants presence

According to the latest available figures from the Turkish Presidency of Migration Management (PMM), there are more than 4.6 million foreign nationals present in Türkiye, 3.5 million of whom are seeking international protection. Most are Syrians (3,214,780 individuals) who have been granted temporary protection status. In addition, international protection holders from countries including Iraq, Afghanistan, the Islamic Republic of Iran and Ukraine constitute another group of foreign nationals. According to United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), there were 296,685 refugees and asylum-seekers in Türkiye as of 2023. Moreover in 2023, according to PMM, there were 19,017 international protection applicants in the country, a figure released by PMM annually.

In addition, there are 1,107,032 foreign nationals present in Türkiye, holding residence permits. Compared to December 2022, this is a decrease of 247,062 individuals.



DTM Chad,
Period Covered
Jan 12 2024
Jan 12 2024
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Event Tracking

Over 610,000 people have crossed into Chad since the onset of the crisis in Sudan. IOM estimates that more than 136,735 among them are Chadian returnees and expects this number to rise to 150,000 by the end of March 2024, due to ongoing conflict in Darfur.

• In coordination with CNARR and humanitarian organizations, IOM has counted 93,701 returnees and over 350 third-country nationals (from South Sudan, Niger, Ethiopia, the Central African Republic, Burkina Faso, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, and Uganda) in 36 localities in three provinces.

• Most of the returnees currently live in spontaneous locations near the border and are in urgent need of food, water, sanitation and hygiene, shelter, household items, health, and protection.

• IOM is relocating returnees from Adre to the newly developed returnee community of Tongori, Ouaddaï province. In total, 8,324 individuals have so far been relocated. IOM is also developing the site of Deguessa, Sila province, with shelter, WASH, and Protection/MHPSS assistance for the benefit of 25,000 returnees.

• IOM is coordinating with local authorities, embassies and diplomatic representations for the safe transfer and voluntary return of third-country nationals (TCNs) from Ethiopia, South Sudan, Sierra Leone, and Cameroon to N’Djamena.

• IOM collaborates with a range of operational partners in the returnee response including the Government of Chad, UNHCR, OCHA, LWF, PUI, UNICEF, MSF, UNFPA, LMI, ICRC, IRC, ACTED, the Chadian Red Cross, HELP-Tchad, ATURAD, Concern Worldwide, COOPI, INTERSOS, and WFP.



DTM Yemen,
Period Covered
Jan 07 2024
Jan 13 2024
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Event Tracking

IOM Yemen DTM’s Rapid Displacement Tracking (RDT) tool collects data on estimated numbers of households forced to flee on a daily basis from their locations of origin or displacement, allowing for regular reporting of new displacements in terms of estimated numbers, geography, and needs. It also tracks returnees who returned to their location of origin.                                                                                    

From 1 January to 14 January 2024, IOM Yemen DTM tracked 70 households (HH) (420 Individuals) who experienced displacement at least once.                                                                   

Between 7 and 14 January 2024, IOM Yemen DTM tracked 23 households (138 individuals) displaced at least once. The majority of people moved into/within the following governorates and districts:                        

  • Ma’rib (14 HHs) – Marib City (7 HHs), Harib (4 HHs), Marib (3 HHs) districts. Most displacements in the governorate originated from Marib and Al Hodeidah.
  • Al Hodeidah (5 HHs) – Hays (3 HHs), Al Khukhah (2 HHs) districts. Most displacements in the governorate originated from Taiz and Al Hodeidah.
  • Ta’iz (4 HHs) – Al Makha (3 HHs), As Silw (1 HH) districts. All displacements in the governorate were internal.                                                                                        

The majority of people moved from the following governorates and districts:

  • Ta’iz (9 HHs) – Al Mudhaffar (3 HHs), Maqbanah (3 HHs), Jabal Habashi (1 HH) districts.
  • Al Jawf (4 HHs) – Al Hazm (4 HHs) district.
  • Al Hodeidah (3 HHs) – Bajil (1 HH), Al Marawiah (1 HH), At Tuhayta (1 HH) districts. 

IOM identified 28 households displaced in the previous reporting period, which covered 31 December - 06 January 2024, in the governorates of Ma’rib (13 HHs), Al Hodiedah (13 HHs), Lahj (2 HHs). These figures have been added to the cumulative displacement total recorded since the beginning of the year.       

Public Dataset


DTM Yemen,
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Event Tracking
Period Covered
Jan 07 2024 -
Jan 13 2024

From 1 January to 13 January 2024, IOM Yemen DTM tracked 70 households (HH) (420 Individuals) who experienced displacement at least once.                                                                    

Between 7 and 13 January 2024, IOM Yemen DTM tracked 23 households (138 individuals) displaced at least once. The majority of people moved into/within the following governorates and districts:                         

  • Ma’rib (14 HHs) – Marib City (7 HHs), Harib (4 HHs), Marib (3 HHs) districts. Most displacements in the governorate originated from Marib and Al Hodeidah.
  • Al Hodeidah (5 HHs) – Hays (3 HHs), Al Khukhah (2 HHs) districts. Most displacements in the governorate originated from Taiz and Al Hodeidah.
  • Ta’iz (4 HHs) – Al Makha (3 HHs), As Silw (1 HH) districts. All displacements in the governorate were internal.                                                                                         

The majority of people moved from the following governorates and districts: 

  • Ta’iz (9 HHs) – Al Mudhaffar (3 HHs), Maqbanah (3 HHs), Jabal Habashi (1 HH) districts.
  • Al Jawf (4 HHs) – Al Hazm (4 HHs) district.
  • Al Hodeidah (3 HHs) – Bajil (1 HH), Al Marawiah (1 HH), At Tuhayta (1 HH) districts.  
Population Groups

Survey Methodology

Unit of Analysis Or Observation

Type of Survey or Assessment


Geographical Scope

Administrative boundaries with available data

The current dataset covers the following administrative boundaries