Europe Arrivals

Total Arrivals

Arrivals by Sea

Arrivals by Land

Dead and missing migrants to Europe

Base map from Google and country shapes from ESRI are for illustration purposes only. Names and boundaries do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by IOM.
Trends over time: arrivals, death and missing migrants to Europe
Year Arrivals Dead and Missing
Monthly arrival by land and sea

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Libya — Migration and Assistance Overview (April 2016)

During the reporting period covering the 1st to the 15th of April 2016 IOM recorded four shipwrecks of the coast of Libya. In total, DTM recorded 511 migrants from 11 April - 12 April 2012. More than 17,500 stranded migrants and 8,500 IDP families have received NFIs and hygiene kits since 2014.

Libya 2016 Migration Profiles and Trends (July — December 2016)

11,250 crossing migrants were identified through 489 FMP baseline assessments from July to December 2016. During the same time, DTM analyzed 8,135 migrant surveys. The main nationalities are Niger (24%), Egypt (21%), Sudan (13%), Nigeria (9%), and Chad (6%).

For more advanced search results, please goto the Advanced dataset search page
Europe — Mixed Migration Flows to Europe, Quarterly Overview (Jan - Jun 2017)
Jul 01 2017

Flow Monitoring is a component of DTM and it is used to track population movements inside a country, within a region or across regions.

Flow Monitoring
Europe — Mixed Migration Flows to Europe, Quarterly Overview (Jan - Mar 2017)
Apr 01 2017

Flow Monitoring is a component of DTM and it is used to track population movements inside a country, within a region or across regions.

Flow Monitoring