East and the Horn of Africa


DTM East and the Horn of Africa


  • Active DTM operation
  • Past DTM operation

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Burundi – Internal Displacement: Multisectoral Location Assessment Report (May 2023)

DTM identified 76,987 Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in 17,819 displaced households in the 18 provinces of Burundi during the month of May 2023. Among those identified, 89 per cent were displaced due to environment-related disasters while 11 per cent were a result of other reasons.

Ethiopia — Flow Monitoring Dashboard 46 (July 2023)

In July 2023, a total of 48,133 movements were observed across six of Ethiopia's flow monitoring points (FMPs). This represents a 12% decrease in daily average movements in comparison with June 2023 when an average of 1,754 movements per day were observed.

Ethiopia — National Displacement Report 16 (November 2022 - June 2023)

Between April and June 2023, IOM DTM deployed Site Assessment (SA) Round 33 and Village Assessment Survey (VAS) Round 16, carrying out a multisectoral location assessment in Tigray region, and a figure update in selected high mobility locations across the rest of Ethiopia.

East and Horn of Africa: Flood Snapshot (January - June 2023)

Since early 2023, the East and Horn of Africa has been affected by high levels of rainfall accumulation resulting in flash and riverine flooding and wet mass movements affecting millions of people the region, devastating agricultural land, and destroying water, sanitation, health, and transportat

Ethiopia — Flow Monitoring Survey Report 13 (October - December 2022)

Between 1 October and 31 December 2022, the International Organization for Migration (IOM), through its Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) methodology, deployed the Flow Monitoring Survey (FMS) across the 5 Flow Monitoring Points (FMPs) in the country to assess the socio economic prof

Ethiopia — Flow Monitoring Dashboard 45 (June 2023)

In June 2023, a total of 52,634 movements were observed across six of Ethiopia's flow monitoring points (FMPs). This represents a 15% decrease in daily average movements in comparison with May 2023 when an average of 2,072 movements per day were observed.

Uganda – Info Sheet: Multi-Hazard Response/DRR Platform (July 2023)

In the month of July 2023, floods were reported in Kapelebyong & Gulu, human epidemics outbreaks (Cholera) in Kayunga, Namayingo & Nakaseke (rift valley fever) and road accidents in Kagadi and Kampala.

Ethiopia — Flow Monitoring Dashboard 44 (May 2023)

In May 2023, a total of 64,237 movements were observed across five of Ethiopia's flow monitoring points (FMPs). This represents a 49% increase in daily average movements in comparison with April 2023 when an average of 1,393 movements per day were observed.

Burundi - Climate change and Disaster Overview (January 2018 - May 2023)

Since 2018, natural disasters, in particular torrential rains, floods and strong winds that occurred in Burundi affected 588,053 persons, including 134,351 individuals that have been displaced.

Djibouti — Rapport sur les Points de suivi des flux (Juin 2023)

En juin 2023, 21 630 mouvements migratoires ont été observés aux points de suivi des flux (FMP) à Djibouti, avec une moyenne quotidienne de 721 mouvements migratoires.

Aperçu du changement climatique et des catastrophes ( Janvier 2018 - Mai 2023)

Depuis 2018, les désastres naturels, en particulier les pluies torrentielles, les inondatons et les vents violents survenus au Burundi ont affecté 588 053 personnes dont 134 351 personnes déplacées.

Djibouti — Migration Trends Dashboard (June 2023)

In June 2023, 21,630 migratory movements were observed at flow monitoring points (FMP) in Djibouti, with a daily average of 721 migratory movements.

Horn of Africa Drought: Human Mobility Snapshot (January - June 2023)

This snapshot provides an overview of the impact of drought on human mobility in the region, with a focus on Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia.

Burundi - Rapport d'évaluation des besoins multisectoriels – (Septembre 2022)

L'OIM a mis en oeuvre le premier MSNA au Burundi en août 2022, en collaboration avec le gouvernement du Burundi, le système de clusters et les agences internationales et nationales qui ont toutes contribué  à façonner l'évaluation.

Migration Along the Eastern Corridor (June 2023)

The Horn of Africa and Yemen is one of the busiest and riskiest migration corridors in the world travelled by hundreds of thousands of migrants, the majority of whom travel in an irregular manner, often relying on smugglers to facilitate movement along the Eastern Route.

Burundi - Multisectoral Assessment of Needs Report – (September 2022)

The 2022 Burundi's Multi Sector Needs Assessment (MSNA) conducted by IOM seeks to understand multi-sectoral priority needs of displacement-affected populations living across the whole of Burundi and the progress towards the achievement of durable solutions.

Burundi — Internal Displacement Dashboard (May 2023)

 IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix is a comprehensive system to analyse and disseminate information to better understand the movements and needs of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in Burundi.

Burundi — Tableau de bord des déplacements internes (Mai 2023)

La Matrice de Suivi des Déplacements de l’OIM est un système mis en œuvre dans le but de capturer, analyser et disséminer des informations pour mieux comprendre les mouvements et les besoins des personnes déplacées internes (PDI) au Burundi.

Ethiopia - Returned Migrants from Abroad, Amhara and Oromia regions (November 2022 - January 2023)

This snapshot report will present data on returned migrants from abroad collected by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) through its Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) methodology and Village Assessment Survey (VAS) tool in the Amhara and Oromia regions of Ethiopia between November

South Sudan — Mobility Tracking Round 12 Atlas (December 2021)

This atlas contains a summary of findings from the twelfth round of Mobility Tracking conducted across South Sudan through key-informants based assessment at payam and location level between as of December 2021.

South Sudan — Mobility Tracking Round 13 Atlas (July - August 2022)

This atlas contains a summary of findings from the thirteenth round of Mobility Tracking conducted across South Sudan through key-informants based assessment at payam and location level between July and August 2022.

Ethiopia - National Climate Displacement Overview (July 2019 - January 2023)

The objective of this thematic report is to provide an overview of the International Organization for Migration (IOM)'s Data and Research Unit (DRU) data collected through its Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) methodology and Site Assessment (SA) and Village Assessment Surv

Uganda – Info Sheet: Multi-Hazard Response/DRR Platform (June 2023)

There was a notable reduction on the impacts, extent and intensity of disaster in the month of June. Floods were reported in Kasese, Bukedea and Kapelabyong. Heavy storms occurred in Namisindwa and Manafwa while landslides in Bududa.

Somalia — Border Point Flow Monitoring — (May 2023)

A total of 26,003 movements were observed in May 2023, representing 4 per cent decrease compared to February 2023 when 27,201 movements were observed during this period.

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Ethiopia - Emergency Site Assessment - Northern Ethiopia Crisis - Round 5
Jun 07 2021

A site assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on population presence, living conditions and needs in a particular displacement site or community.

Mobility Tracking, Site Assessment
Burundi — Baseline Assessment — Round 60
May 31 2021

A baseline assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on IDP, migrant or returnee population presence in a defined administrative area of the country. During this assessment, DTM has identified 109,169 internally displaced persons (IDPs) and 25,380 households…

Mobility Tracking, Baseline Assessment
Burundi — Baseline Assessment — Round 59
Apr 22 2021

A baseline assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on IDP, migrant or returnee population presence in a defined administrative area of the country.

Mobility Tracking, Baseline Assessment
Ethiopia - Emergency Site Assessment - Northern Ethiopia Crisis - Round 4
Apr 16 2021

An Emergency Site Assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on population presence, living conditions and needs in a particular displacement site or community.

Mobility Tracking, Site Assessment
Ethiopia — Village Assessment Survey 7
Apr 06 2021

A village assessment survey (VAS) is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It collects data on returning IDPs, IDPs, returned migrants and host community members. VAS evaluates the absorption capacity of villages to receive returning IDPs with a focus on accessibility of services, livelihoods and…

Mobility Tracking, Village Assessment
Ethiopia - Site Assessment Round 24
Apr 06 2021

A site assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on population presence, living conditions and needs in a particular displacement site or community.

Mobility Tracking, Site Assessment
Ethiopia - Emergency Site Assessment - Northern Ethiopia Crisis - Round 3
Apr 02 2021

A site assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on population presence, living conditions and needs in a particular displacement site or community.

Mobility Tracking, Site Assessment
Burundi — Baseline Assessment — Round 58
Mar 05 2021

A baseline assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on IDP, migrant or returnee population presence in a defined administrative area of the country.

Mobility Tracking, Baseline Assessment
South Sudan — Flow Monitoring Registry — January 2021
Mar 03 2021

Flow monitoring aims to derive quantitative estimates of the flow of individuals through specific locations, to collect information about the profile, intentions and mobility history of the people moving, and to quantify highly mobile populations by providing a picture of complex mobility dynamics.

Flow Monitoring Survey, Flow Monitoring
Ethiopia - Emergency Site Assessment - Northern Ethiopia Crisis - Round 2
Mar 02 2021

An Emergency Site Assessment is a sub-component of DTM's Mobility Tracking component and it is a multisectoral needs location assessment. It aims to collect data on displaced population estimates, vulnerabilities, multisectoral needs and the status of key infrastructure. It is deployed on a…

Mobility Tracking
Burundi — Baseline Assessment — Round 57
Feb 03 2021

A baseline assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on IDP, migrant or returnee population presence in a defined administrative area of the country. During this round, DTM Burundi has identified 115,221 internally displaced persons (IDPs) and 25,880 households.

Mobility Tracking, Baseline Assessment
South Sudan - Event Tracking (January - December 2020)
Feb 02 2021

<p>IOM DTM employs Event Tracking as a more rapid and localized assessment tool complementing overall efforts to report on IDP and returnee figures nationally. IOM teams access IDP/returnee locations and consult local key informants including community representatives, local authorities or…

Mobility Tracking
South Sudan - Baseline Assessment Round 9 - IDP and Returnee
Jan 31 2021

A baseline assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on IDP, migrant or returnee population presence in a defined administrative area of the country.

Mobility Tracking, Baseline Assessment
South Sudan — Flow Monitoring Registry — December 2020
Jan 27 2021

Flow monitoring aims to derive quantitative estimates of the flow of individuals through specific locations, to collect information about the profile, intentions and mobility history of the people moving, and to quantify highly mobile populations by providing a picture of complex mobility dynamics.

Flow Monitoring Survey, Flow Monitoring
South Sudan — Flow Monitoring Registry — November 2020
Jan 27 2021

Flow monitoring aims to derive quantitative estimates of the flow of individuals through specific locations and to collect information about the profile, intentions and needs of the people moving and to quantify highly mobile populations by providing a picture of complex mobility dynamics.

Flow Monitoring Survey, Flow Monitoring
South Sudan — Flow Monitoring Registry — October 2020
Jan 27 2021

Flow monitoring aims to derive quantitative estimates of the flow of individuals through specific locations, to collect information about the profile, intentions and mobility history of the people moving, and to quantify highly mobile populations by providing a picture of complex mobility dynamics.

Flow Monitoring Survey, Flow Monitoring
South Sudan — Flow Monitoring Registry — September 2020
Jan 27 2021

Flow monitoring aims to derive quantitative estimates of the flow of individuals through specific locations and to collect information about the profile, intentions and needs of the people moving and to quantify highly mobile populations by providing a picture of complex mobility dynamics.

Flow Monitoring Survey, Flow Monitoring
Burundi — Baseline Assessment — Round 56
Jan 18 2021

A baseline assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on IDP, migrant or returnee population presence in a defined administrative area of the country.

Mobility Tracking, Baseline Assessment
South Sudan —Event Tracking (July - September 2020)
Dec 15 2020

<p>IOM DTM employs Event Tracking as a more rapid and localized assessment tool complementing overall efforts to report on IDP and returnee figures nationally. IOM teams access IDP/returnee locations and consult local key informants including community representatives, local authorities or…

Mobility Tracking
Ethiopia — Village Assessment Survey 6
Dec 10 2020

A village assessment survey (VAS) is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It collects data on returning IDPs, IDPs, returned migrants and host community members. VAS evaluates the absorption capacity of villages to receive returning IDPs with a focus on accessibility of services, livelihoods and…

Mobility Tracking, Village Assessment

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