

Suivi des PDI

Mouvements de déplacement

IDMC 2023

cycle de collecte de données

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Tendance de la population des PDI

  • Division administrative avec le nombre disponible de personnes déplacées
  • Site évalué par la DTM
  • Data not available
À propos Guatemala

The DTM was activated in Guatemala as a response to the Fire Volcano eruption in 2018. Displacement sites were monitored for living conditions, and multisectoral needs in June and July of 2018 as part of a rapid response under CERF. In January of 2019, follow-up surveys were carried out in order to monitor the access to livelihoods and the participation of the displaced population. These DTM rounds were conducted in coordination with the Secretary of the President’s Spouse (SOSEP). In addition, IOM also undertakes information management activities as part of the NTMI, which produced a nationwide perception survey on migration, transit and internal displacement in 2016. Finally, human mobility tracking activities are complemented by the continuous monitoring of migrant returns into the country, information which is available on the following website:



IOM Guatemala

Bailleurs de fonds
  • CERF
Impact sur la mobilité dû au COVID-19 en Guatemala

Pour mieux comprendre comment le COVID-19 affecte la mobilité mondiale, l'Organisation Internationale pour les Migrations (OIM) s'est efforcée de cartographier les impacts sur la mobilité humaine, au niveau mondial, régional et national.

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Guatemala – Transit Migration Flow Trends Dashboard 17 (1– 31 October 2024)

In October 2024, a total of 17,441 movements were observed at the 5 Flow Monitoring Points (FMPs) located in key transit migration areas across the country (an average of 581 daily movements).

Guatemala – Transit Migration Flow Trends Dashboard 16 (1 - 30 September 2024)

In September 2024, a total of 18,858 movements were observed at the 5 Flow Monitoring Points (FMPs) located in key transit migration areas across the country (an average of 898 daily movements).

Guatemala – Flow Monitoring Report 15 (1 - 31 August 2024)

In August 2024, 17 829 movements were observed in Guatemala (14% children) and 319 individuals were surveyed. The number of observed movements decreased by 24 per cent from July 2024 (23 496). 57 per cent of the total number of movements originated from the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

Guatemala – Flow Monitoring Report 14 (1 - 31 July 2024)

In July 2024, 23 496 movements were observed in Guatemala (14% children) and 380 individuals were surveyed.1 The number of observed movements increasd by 13 per cent from June 2024 (20 807), as the number of travellers from Central America transiting Guatemela, as well as the upcoming elections i

Guatemala – Flow Monitoring Report 13 (1 - 30 June 2024)

In June 2024, 20 807 movements were observed in Guatemala (13% children) and 247 individuals were surveyed. The number of observed movements decreased by 19 per cent from May 2024 (25 550).

Guatemala – Flow Monitoring Report 12 (1 - 31 May 2024)

In May 2024, 25 550 movements were observed in Guatemala (15% children) and 385 individuals were surveyed.1 The number of observed movements increasd by 20 per cent from April 2024 (21 339), as the number of travellers from Central America transiting Guatemela, as well as the upcoming elections i

Guatemala – Reporte sobre el monitoreo de flujos 11 (1 – 30 Abril 2024)

En abril de 2024 se observaron 21,339 movimientos en Guatemala (16% niños, niñas y adolescentes) y 394 personas fueron encuestadas.1 El número de movimientos observados se redujo un cinco por ciento desde febrero2 de 2024 (22,402).

Guatemala – Flow Monitoring Report 11 (1 - 30 April 2024)

In April 2024, 21,339 movements were observed in Guatemala (16% children) and 394 individuals were surveyed.1 The number of observed movements decreased by five per cent from February2 2024 (22,402).

Guatemala – Flow Monitoring Report 10 (1 - 29 February 2024)

In Februrary 2024, 22,402 movements were observed in Guatemala (18% children) and 400 individuals were surveyed.1 The number of observed movements decreased by 6 per cent from January 2024 (23,690) due to operational constraints in data collection.

Guatemala – Reporte sobre el monitoreo de flujos 10 (1 – 29 Febrero 2024)

En febrero de 2024 se observaron 22,402 movimientos en Guatemala (18% niños, niñas y adolescentes) y 400 personas fueron encuestadas.1 El número de movimientos observados disminuyó un 6 por ciento desde enero de 2024 (23,690) debido a limitaciones operativas en la recolección de datos.

Guatemala – Flow Monitoring Report 9 (1 - 31 January 2024)

In January 2024, 23,690 movements were observed in Guatemala (16% children) and 564 individuals were surveyed.1 The number of observed movements increased by 29 per cent from December 2023 (18,390) due to the usual declining trend in movements around end-of-year festivities.

Guatemala – Reporte sobre el monitoreo de flujos 9 (1 – 31 Enero 2024)

En enero de 2024 se observaron 23,690 movimientos en Guatemala (16% niños, niñas y adolescentes) y 564 personas fueron encuestadas.1 El número de movimientos observados aumentó un 29 por ciento desde diciembre de 2023 (18,390) debido a la tendencia habitual de reducción de movimientos por las fes

Guatemala-Baseline assessment of migration flows and migrants presence within the context of COVID-19 report- #7 (July, 2021))

In the case of Guatemala, a considerable number of people were reported to have left the country for Mexico or the United States in search of vaccination against COVID-19, given the crisis and the lack of access to vaccines for the population in their country of origin, according to a report by t

Guatemala- Linea base para la evaluación de flujos migratorios y seguimiento a la movilidad bajo el contexto de la COVID, #7 (Julio, 2021)

Para el caso de Guatemala, se reportó un considerable número de personas que han salido del país con destino a México o Estados Unidos en búsqueda de vacunación contra la COVID-19, dada la crisis y la falta de acceso a vacunas para la población en su país de origen, según el reporte de las autori

Guatemala- Linea base para la evaluación de flujos migratorios y seguimiento a la movilidad bajo el contexto de la COVID, #6 (Junio, 2021)

De acuerdo con los informantes claves, la mayoría de las personas migrantes en tránsito por Guatemala, ingresan en pequeños grupos al país por pasos ciegos de las fronteras de El Corinto en Izabal; y El Florido y Agua Caliente ubicadas en Chiquimula.

Guatemala-Baseline assessment of migration flows and migrants presence within the context of COVID-19 report- #5 (May, 2021))

The flow of Central American migrants, mainly from Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, and Nicaragua continues despite the restrictions imposed due to the pandemic, and the challenges and risks that mig

Guatemala- Linea base para la evaluación de flujos migratorios y seguimiento a la movilidad bajo el contexto de la COVID, #5 (Mayo, 2021)

El flujo de personas migrantes centroamericanas, principalmente de Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador y Nicaragua continúa pese a las restricciones de la pandemia,

Guatemala- Linea base para la evaluación de flujos migratorios y seguimiento a la movilidad bajo el contexto de la COVID, #4 (Abril, 2021)

El ingreso y tránsito de las personas migrantes por Guatemala es cada vez más controlado, y se ilustran con acciones concretas como las detenciones en las fronteras, así como los retenes en carretera para identificar personas migrante

Guatemala-Baseline assessment of migration flows and migrants presence within the context of COVID-19 report- #4 (April, 2021)

The entry and transit of migrants through Guatemala is increasingly controlled, as evidenced through specific actions such as detenti

Guatemala-Baseline assessment of migration flows and migrants presence within the context of COVID-19 report- #3 (March, 2021))

In recent months the COVID-19 Pandemic, along with the subsequent impact of Hurricanes Eta and Iota on the region, exacerbated the economic and labor crises affecting the Central American countries.

Guatemala- Linea base para la evaluación de flujos migratorios y seguimiento a la movilidad bajo el contexto de la COVID, #3 (Marzo 2021)

En los últimos meses, la pandemia de la COVID-19 y, posteriormente la llegada de los huracanes Eta y Iota a la región, acrecentaron la crisis económica y laboral de los países centroamericanos.

Guatemala-Baseline assessment of migration flows and migrants presence within the context of COVID-19 report- #2 (December, 2020-February 2021))

During the last few months, as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequently, the arrival of Hurricanes Eta and Iota in the region, the economic and labour crisis increased in the Central American countries.

Guatemala- Linea base para la evaluación de flujos migratorios y seguimiento a la movilidad bajo el contexto de la COVID, #2 (Diciembre 2020-Febrero 2021)

En los últimos meses, la pandemia por la Covid-19 y posteriormente la llegada de los huracanes Eta e Iota a la región acrecentaron la crisis económica y laboral de los países centroamericanos.

Encuesta de a población migrante retornada en Guatemala en el marco del COVID-19 (12 agosto - 8 septiembre 2020)

Distintos gobiernos alrededor del mundo han implementado una serie de medidas para afrontar los retos que presenta la pandemia del COVID-19 e intentar dar protección a las poblaciones más vulnerables.

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Guatemala — Site Assessment — Hurricane ETA and IOTA response — Round 1

A site assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on population presence, living conditions and needs in a particular displacement site or community.

Mobility Tracking, Site Assessment
Guatemala - Site Assessment - Fuego Volcano Response - Round 2

A site assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on population presence, living conditions and needs in a particular displacement site or community.

Mobility Tracking, Site Assessment
Guatemala - Site Assessment - Fuego Volcano Response - Round 3

A site assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on population presence, living conditions and needs in a particular displacement site or community. 11 collective centers with IDPs displaced due to the Fuego Volcano eruption were assessed in July 2018

Mobility Tracking, Site Assessment
Guatemala - Site Assessment - Fuego Volcano Response - Round 1

A site assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on population presence, living conditions and needs in a particular displacement site or community.

Mobility Tracking, Site Assessment

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