

À propos Kazakhstan

IOM’s Mobility Tracking Matrix (MTM) was established in 2022 in Kazakhstan. MTM is adapted to the context in Kazakhstan based on IOM’s Global Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) methodology. MTM is a system that tracks and monitors displacement and population mobility. It is designed to regularly and systematically capture, process and disseminate information to provide a better understanding of the movements and evolving needs of various mobile populations, whether on site or en route.


MTM Kazakhstan Team

Current Donors
  • European Union
  • Swiss (SDC)
Impact sur la mobilité dû au COVID-19 en Kazakhstan

To better understand how COVID-19 affects global mobility, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) has been working to map the impacts on human mobility, at Global, Regional and Country level.

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Kazakhstan – Kazakhstan International Migrant Workers Survey (Round 4)

MTM implements the International Migrant Workers Survey in Kazakhstan with international migrant workers in various locations including seven regions and three cities.

Kazakhstan Baseline Mobility Assessment (Round 4)

DTM implements the Baseline Mobility Assessment (BMA) in Kazakhstan to track mobility, provide information on population estimates, geographic distribution of migrant workers, return migrants, and emigrants, reasons for migration and countries of origin, return, and des

Казахстан - Международный Опрос Трудящихся-Мигрантов – (Раунд 3)

В ходе третьего раунда опроса международных трудящихся-мигрантов, проведенного в семи регионах и трех провинциальных городах, были опрошены 1810 международных трудящихся-мигрантов.

Казахстан — Отчет о миграционной ситуации №6 (январь – март 2024 г.)

Ежеквартальный отчет был составлен путем объединения вторичных данных, полученных из различных источников, включая государственные органы, международные организации, некоммерческие организации и другие типы организаций.

Казахстан - Базовая Оценка Мобильности Раунд 3 - Январь 2024

Базовая оценка мобильности была проведена в 10 областях, включая 3 города Республиканского значения - г. Шымкент, г. Алматы, г. Астана, а также 1245 сёл, в период с декабря 2023г. по январь 2024г. Во время оценки, было проинтервьюировано 2303 ключевых информаторов.

Kazakhstan – International Migrant Workers Survey (Round 3)

The third round of the International Migrant Worker Survey, conducted across seven regions and three provincial cities, interviewed 1,810 international migrant workers.

Kazakhstan — Migration Situation Report 6 (January - March 2024)

The quarterly report is developed by combining secondary data obtained from different sources, including government agencies, international organizations, non-profit entities, and other types of organizations.

Kazakhstan — Baseline Mobility Assessment — Round 3 (January 2024)

The Mobility Tracking Matrix (MTM) is a system that tracks and monitors population mobility and displacement. MTM is adapted to the context in Kazakhstan based on IOM’s Global Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) methodology.

Kazakhstan — Quarterly Compilation Report 5 (October - December 2023)

The quarterly report is developed by combining secondary data obtained from different sources, including government agencies, international organizations, non-profit entities, and other types of organizations.

Kazakhstan — Quarterly Compilation Report 4 (July - September 2023)

The quarterly migration situation report is developed by combining secondary data obtained from different sources, including government agencies, international organizations, non-profit entities, and other types of organizations.

Kazakhstan — Quarterly Compilation Report 3 (APRIL-JUNE 2023)

The Quarterly report on the migration situation in Kazakhstan for the second quarter of 2023 reveals several key trends. During this period, a significant number of visas were issued to nationals from China and Türkiye, indicating their predominance among foreign visa recipients in Kazakhstan.

Опрос по матрице отслеживания мобильности (МТМ): МЕЖДУНАРОДНЫЕ ТРУДЯЩИЕСЯ - МИГРАНТЫ В КАЗАХСТАНЕ март-апрель 2023 г.

Матрица отслеживания мобильности (MTM) — это система, основанная на методологии МОМ Глобальной матрице отслеживания перемещений (МОП).

Kazakhstan – Baseline assessment and surveys: international migrant workers in Kazakhstan (March – April 2023)

Mobility Tracking Matrix is a system based on IOM’s Global Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) methodology.

Kazakhstan — Quarterly Compilation Report (January - March 2023)

Migration Tracking Matrix (MTM) is a system based on the IOMs Global Displacement tracking matrix - DTM, which is aimed at tracking and monitoring displacement and population mobility, providing critical information to decision makers and responders during crises and contributing to a better unde

Kazakhstan – Baseline assessment and surveys: international migrant workers in Kazakhstan (December 2022 – February 2023)

In December 2022, MTM conducted the first round of its Baseline Mobility Assessment in Kazakhstan to track mobility, provide information on population estimates, locations and geographic distribution of migrant workers and returnee migrants, reasons for migration, countries of origin and periods

Kazakhstan — Quarterly Compilation Report 1 (October - December 2022)

In 2022 the International Organization for Migration (initiated the implementation of the Labour Migration Programme Central Asia,' which is financed by the Swiss Development and Cooperation Agency.

KAZAKHSTAN — Study on labour migrants in three cities of Kazakhstan, Almaty, Astana and Shymkent 2022 [ENG]

This report highlights key findings from an analysis on the socio-demographic profile, migration journey and intentions, experiences on the workplace and general well-being of labour migrants living and

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Kazakhstan – Baseline Mobility Assessment - Round 3 (Jan 2024)

<p>During the assessment, 2,303 key informants were interviewed. Based on the key informants' estimates, <strong>639,799</strong> international migrant workers were hosted in the assessed locations in Kazakhstan from 2020 to 2023. Concurrently, <strong>41,574</strong…

Mobility Tracking, Baseline Assessment
Kazakhstan - International Migrant Workers Survey - Round 2

The number of international migrant workers arrived in the first quarter of 2023 was 56,112, which totals to 724,534 international migrants being assessed by IOM Kazakhstan in the period of 2020 - 2023. The top five countries of origin of international migrant workers in Kazakhstan were Uzbekistan…

Mobility Tracking, Baseline Assessment

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