

Impact sur la mobilité dû au COVID-19 en Belgium

Pour mieux comprendre comment le COVID-19 affecte la mobilité mondiale, l'Organisation Internationale pour les Migrations (OIM) s'est efforcée de cartographier les impacts sur la mobilité humaine, au niveau mondial, régional et national.

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Belgium — TCNs Arriving from Ukraine, Round #2 (April 2022)

Between 22 March and 25 April 2022, IOM conducted a rapid profiling survey of Third Country Nationals (TCN) displaced from Ukraine in Belgium.

Belgium — TCNs Arriving from Ukraine, Round #1 (March 2022)

Between 22 and 26 March 2022, IOM conducted a rapid profiling survey of Third Country Nationals (TCN) displaced from Ukraine in Belgium. The study is intended to gather initial insights into the profiles of third country nationals displaced from Ukraine.

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