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Mouvements de déplacement

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IDMC 2023

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Tendance de la population des PDI

  • Division administrative avec le nombre disponible de personnes déplacées
  • Site évalué par la DTM
  • Data not available
Bailleurs de fonds
  • CERF
  • PRM
Impact sur la mobilité dû au COVID-19 en Guyana

Pour mieux comprendre comment le COVID-19 affecte la mobilité mondiale, l'Organisation Internationale pour les Migrations (OIM) s'est efforcée de cartographier les impacts sur la mobilité humaine, au niveau mondial, régional et national.

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Guyana — Flow Monitoring Surveys of Indigenous Venezuelan Nationals in Guyana, Round 5 (March 2023)

The economic crisis in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (hereinafter referred to as Venezuela) has resulted in the massive displacement of Venezuelan nationals throughout Latin America and the Caribbean.

Guyana - Flow Monitoring Surveys of Venezuelan Nationals in Guyana (September — December 2021)

For this exercise of data collection on Venezuelan migrants in Guyana, Snowballing was the elected method of obtaining a

Guyana - Flow Monitoring Surveys of Venezuelan Nationals in Mabaruma, Region One (January- February 2021)

The DTM is a system to track and monitor displacement that is designed to create a profile of the migrant population and to obtain a better understanding of their migratory routes, migration status, economic and labour situation, health situation, livelihoods and main protection needs.

Guyana - Flow Monitoring Surveys of Venezuelan Nationals in the region of Mahdia (January 2020)

The DTM is a system to track and monitor displacement that is designed to create a profile of the migrant population and to obtain a better understanding of their migratory routes, economic and labour situation, living conditions and main protection needs.

Guyana — Flow Monitoring Surveys Of Venezuelan Nationals Compilation Report (May 2018 — October 2019)

Traditionally Guyana has been a source of migrants to other English-speaking territories in the Caribbean, and further afield to the United States of America and Canada.

Guyana — Flow Monitoring Surveys of Venezuelan nationals (November — December 2018)

Increasingly high migration in South America is of special interest to the International Organization for Migration (IOM) whose objective is to promote safe, orderly and regular migration based on the respect for the rights of migrants.

Guyana — Flow Monitoring Surveys of Venezuelan nationals (August — September 2018)

IOM Guyana designed the first round of the DTM process through the implementation of interviews in two regions (Barima-Waini and Demerara-Mahaica). In Region 1, interviews were conducted with the help of the Toshaos and other community leaders.

Guyana — Flow Monitoring at the Border with Venezuela (March 2018)

The current political and economic situation in Venezuela is forcing a high number of Venezuelans to cross to neighboring countries in search of medicine, food, hygiene kits or hygienic supplies and work, in the hope of improving their economic situation.

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