

Impact sur la mobilité dû au COVID-19 en Estonia

Pour mieux comprendre comment le COVID-19 affecte la mobilité mondiale, l'Organisation Internationale pour les Migrations (OIM) s'est efforcée de cartographier les impacts sur la mobilité humaine, au niveau mondial, régional et national.

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Estonia — Labour Market Integration of Refugees from Ukraine (April - June 2024)

The IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) collected data through Surveys with Refugees in the Ukraine Response region from April to June 2024. In Estonia, a total of 654 surveys were collected.

Estonia — Access to Healthcare Services for Refugees from Ukraine (April - June 2024)

The IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) collected data through Surveys with refugees in the Ukraine Response region from April to June 2024, conducting interviews with a total of 654 individuals in Estonia.

Estonia — Labour Market Integration of Refugees from Ukraine (January - March 2024)

The IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix collected data through Surveys with Refugees in the Ukraine Response region from January to March 2024. In Estonia, a total of 958 surveys were collected.

Estonia — Access to Healthcare Services for Refugees from Ukraine (January - March 2024)

The IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix collected data through Surveys with refugees in the Ukraine Response region from January to March 2024. In Estonia, a total of 958 surveys were collected.

EESTI — Küsitlused Ukrainast pärit pagulaste seas: vajadused, kavatsused ja lõimumisprobleemid — Aastaaruanne (2023)

IOMi sundrände jälgimise maatriks on regulaarselt küsitlenud inimesi, kes elavad 11 riigis, mida hõlmab Ukraina piirkondliku pagulasküsimuse tegevuskava. Küsitluse eesmärk on parandada arusaamist nende profiilidest, sundrändemustritest, kavatsustest ja vajadustest.

Estonia — Surveys with Refugees from Ukraine: Needs, Intentions, and Integration Challenges — Annual Report (2023)

This report is based on a survey of displacement patterns, needs and intentions conducted by IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) in the 11 countries included in the Regional Response Plan for Ukraine in 2023: 6 countries neighboring Ukraine – Belarus, Hungary, Poland, Repub

Estonia — Surveys with Refugees from Ukraine: Needs, Intentions, and Integration Challenges (Jul-Sep 2023)

This report is based on a survey of displacement patterns, needs and intentions conducted by IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) in the 11 countries included in the Regional Response Plan for Ukraine in 2023: 6 countries neighboring Ukraine – Belarus, Hungary, Poland, Republic of Moldova, Ro

Estonia — Surveys with Refugees from Ukraine: Needs, Intentions, and Integration Challenges (April-June 2023)

This report is based on a survey of displacement patterns, needs and intentions conducted by IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) in the 11 countries included in the Regional Response Plan for Ukraine in 2023: 6 countries neighboring Ukraine – Belarus, Hungary, Poland, Republic of Moldova, Ro

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