

À propos Sweden

Since the start of the war in Ukraine in February 2022, IOM works to provide direct assistance to affected populations but has also provided a better understanding of individuals’ situations, aiming at improving and consolidating the crisis response efforts undertaken by IOM, governments, and the international community. IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) programme seeks to understand where affected people are, their most urgent needs, and their intentions for the future.

In April 2023, the Government of Sweden has commissioned to DTM to conduct a survey with persons who left Ukraine after February 2022. The report was released in June 2023. In 2024, a second round of the survey is conducted to understand how needs and plans for the future change over time among beneficiaries of Temporary Protection in Sweden as registered by the Swedish Migration Agency (Migrationsverket).


Impact sur la mobilité dû au COVID-19 en Sweden

Pour mieux comprendre comment le COVID-19 affecte la mobilité mondiale, l'Organisation Internationale pour les Migrations (OIM) s'est efforcée de cartographier les impacts sur la mobilité humaine, au niveau mondial, régional et national.

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Sweden — Temporary Protection Holders in Sweden — Intentions, Needs and Challenges (April-May 2024)

In 2023, IOM was commissioned by the Swedish Government to carry out a survey that offered an overview of the living conditions, intentions, needs, and integration challenges of displaced persons from Ukraine who were in Sweden at the beginning of the second year of implementation of the temporar

Sweden — Ukrainians and Third-Country Nationals under Temporary Protection — Needs, Intentions and Challenges (April-May 2023)

This report is based on a survey developed by IOM to offer an overview of the living conditions, intentions, needs, and integration challenges of displaced persons from Ukraine1 in Sweden at the beginning of the second year of implementation of the temporary protection (TP) directive in the count

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