Data and Analysis
Special Focus
Crisis Responses
Displaying 101 - 120 of 14682
Sudan — Emergency Event Tracking Report Majdoub, North Darfur 001
DTM teams activated Emergency Event Tracking EET to monitor the displacement of individuals affected by a fire that broke out in Majdoub Al Fasher locality North Darfur on 13 March 2021 resulting in t…
Nigeria — North East Dikwa LGA - Borno State Flash Report (16 March 2021)
The lingering conflict in Nigerias North East Zone has been the major cause of widespread population displacement Over 2 million persons have been forced to leave their areas of residence in search of…
Middle East And North Africa — Tracking Mobility Impact: Point Of Entry Analysis: February 2021
This Middle East and North Africa MENA report summarizes mobility restrictions at airports land and blue border crossing points resulting from the mitigation measures implemented in response to the CO…
East and Horn of Africa — COVID-19 Regional Overview On Mobility Restrictions (As of 25 February 2021)
The current outbreak of COVID19 has affected global mobility in the form of various travel disruptions and restrictions To better understand how COVID19 affects global mobility IOM has developed a glo…
East and Horn of Africa – Flow Monitoring Survey Quarterly Dashboard (October - December 2020)
This dashboard compiles flow monitoring survey FMS data collected in Djibouti Ethiopia and Somalia between October and December 2020 and provides an analysis of migrants demographic and socioeconomic…
Nigeria — Flow Monitoring Report 48 (February 2021)
In order to gain a better understanding of mobility flows and trends through West and Central Africa the International Organization for Migration IOM implements the Displacement Tracking Matrixs Flow…
Djibouti — Flow Monitoring Report (February 2021)
During the month of February 2021 12182 movements were observed at flow monitoring points in Djibouti representing a daily average of 435 movements This is a 62 increase from the 269 average daily mov…
Djibouti — Rapport Sur Les Points De Suivi Des Flux (Février 2021)
Pendant le mois de février 2021 12 182 mouvements ont été observés aux points de suivi des flux de population à Djibouti soit une moyenne journalière de 435 mouvements Cela représente une hausse de 62…
Somalia — Border Point Flow Monitoring — (February 2021)
In February 2021 a total of 19301 movements were observed at Flow Monitoring Points FMPs This represents a decrease of 19 in comparison to December 2020 when 23901 movements were oberved Buuhoodle Dh…
Trinidad and Tobago — Monitoring Venezuelan Citizens Presence, Round 3 (December 2020)
Trinidad and Tobago consists of two main islands and numerous smaller islands It is situated 12 km 7 miles at its nearest point northeast of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela henceforth referred to…
West and Central Africa — Regional Mobility Mapping (January 2021)
The West and Central Africa Mobility Mapping report is a compilation of maps showing various mobility trends and mobility factors for movements to and from the West and central Africa region forced di…
Mar 17 2021 ·
West and Central Africa, West and Central Africa ·
Compilation/Overview, Map, Assessment Report ·
Internal displacement, Migration Flows
République centrafricaine — Rapport sur la protection dans les sites de déplacement (15 Novembre — 15 Décembre 2020)
Ce tableau de bord donne un aperçu des besoins en protection sur 57 sites de déplacés internes répartis dans 9 préfectures La collecte de données a été réalisée entre le 15 novembre et le 15 décembre…
Afrique de l'Ouest et du Centre — Suivi des mouvements de transhumance — Cartographie des transhumants bloqués le long du couloir central de transhumance (Janvier 2021)
La transhumance transfrontalière est une pratique délevage majeure en Afrique de lOuest et en particulier dans la région du Sahel En tant quactivité économique motrice du développement régional la tra…
Mar 17 2021 ·
West and Central Africa, West and Central Africa ·
Dashboard/Fact Sheet, Assessment Report ·
Migration Flows
West and Central Africa — Transhumance Tracking Tool — Mapping of Herders Stranded Along the Central Transhumance Corridor (January 2021)
Crossborder transhumance is a major herding practice in West Africa and especially in the Sahel region As an important economic activity and a driver of regional development transhumance has in the pa…
Mar 17 2021 ·
West and Central Africa, West and Central Africa ·
Dashboard/Fact Sheet, Assessment Report ·
Migration Flows
Cameroon — COVID-19 — Mobility Restrictions Report (February 2021)
The COVID19 outbreak has affected global mobility in the form of various travel disruptions restrictions and bans While many of the mobility restriction measures adopted in March 2020 by national auth…
IOM COVID-19 Impact On Points Of Entry Bi-Weekly Analysis 17 March 2021
IOM COVID19 Impact on Points of Entry BiWeekly Analysis is meant to serve IOM Member States IOM UN and voluntary partner agencies the civil society including media as well as the general population in…
Impact Of COVID-19 Movement Restrictions on Migrants Along the Eastern Corridor 12 (As of 28 February 2021)
The COVID19 outbreak has restricted global mobility whilst heightening the risk of exploitation of vulnerable populations This report provides a snapshot of the COVID19 epidemiological situation and m…
Sudan – Emergency Event Tracking Report Ag Geneina, West Darfur 010 (2021)
DTM teams activated Emergency Event Tracking EET to monitor the displacement of individuals affected by intercommunal conflict between Masalit and Arab tribes Clashes erupted on 16 January 2021 in the…
Nigeria — Returnee Dashboard 15 (15 February — 31 March 2017)
A total of 1151427 individuals have returned to their respective homes 78575 68 individuals returned from Cameroon Chad and Niger Republic This dashboard highlights areas with high return populations…
South Sudan — Flow Monitoring Dashboard (February 2021)
DTMs Flow Monitoring Registry FMR surveys people on the move at key transit points within South Sudan SSD and at its borders It provides an insight into mobility trends migration drivers and traveller…
Mar 30 2021 ·
East, Horn and Southern Africa ·
South Sudan ·
Dashboard/Fact Sheet ·
Cross-border displacement, Internal displacement, Migration Flows, Return migration