West and Central Africa


  • Active DTM operation
  • Past DTM operation

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République Centrafricaine – Intentions de Retour des PDI en Site (Décembre 2020)

Ce rapport fournit un aperçu de la situation de déplacement et intentions de retour dans les sites accueillant les populations déplacées en République Centrafricaine (RCA).

Nigeria — North East Bali LGA — Taraba State Flash Report (24 May 2021)

Surging communal violence between ethnic and religious groups, and long-standing conflicts between farming communities and nomadic herders are prevalent across north-east Nigeria.

Nigeria — COVID-19 Point Of Entry Dashboard 53 (15 - 21 May 2021)

During the COVID-19 pandemic, IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM), in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO), monitors the movement to and from Nigeria's Adamawa and Borno States, located in the North East Zone.

Nigeria — North East Dikwa LGA — Borno State Flash Report (24 May 2021)

The lingering conflict in Nigeria's North East Zone has been the major cause of widespread population displacement.

Senegal — Monitoring of Departure Areas — Movements to the Canary Islands (March — April 2021)

The Departure Area Monitoring Tool monitors events relating to migratory movements from the coasts of Senegal to the Spanish Canary Islands (which, most frequently, are conducted through several intermediate stages), with the aim of documenting mobility along the West African Atlantic Route (WAAR

West and Central Africa — Lake Chad Basin Crisis Monthly Dashboard 32 (21 May 2021)

The crisis currently affecting the Lake Chad Basin states results from a complex combination of factors, including conflict with Non-State Armed Groups, extreme poverty, underdevelopment and a changing climate, which together have triggered significant displacement of populations.

West and Central Africa — Liptako Gourma Crisis Monthly Dashboard 17 (21 May 2021)

The Central Sahel area, and in particular the Liptako Gourma region, which borders Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger, is affected by a complex crisis involving growing competition over dwindling resources; climatic variability; demographic pressure; high levels of poverty; disaffection and a lack of l

Sénégal — Monitoring des lieux de départ — Mouvements Vers les Îles Canaries (Mars — Avril 2021)

L'Outil de suivi des zones de départ surveille les événements liés aux mouvements migratoires des côtes du Sénégal vers les îles Canaries espagnols (qui, le plus souvent, se déroulent à travers plusieurs étapes intermédiaires), dans le but de documenter la mobilité le long de la route atlantique

Afrique de l'Ouest et du Centre — Tableau de Bord Mensuel sur la Crise du Liptako Gourma 17 (21 Mai 2021)

La région du Sahel central, et plus particulièrement la zone du Liptako Gourma, qui enjambe le Burkina Faso, le Mali et le Niger, est témoin d’une crise complexe qui comprend comme enjeux une compétition grandissante pour le contrôle de ressources; des bouleversements climatiques; une croissance

Nigeria — Emergency Tracking Tool Report 223 (10 - 16 May 2021)

In the states Borno and Adamawa, a total of 1,530 movements were recorded, comprising 1,010 arrivals and 520 departures, between 10 and 16 May 2021.

Nigeria — North East Mafa LGA - Borno State Flash Report (19 May 2021)

The lingering conflict in Nigeria's North East Zone has been the major cause of widespread population displacement.

Nigeria — Displacement Report 36 (May 2021)

This report, which presents the results from the Round 36 of Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) assessments carried out by the International Organization for Migration (IOM), aims to improve the understanding of the scope of internal displacement, the plight of returnees and the needs of the displac

Chad — Emergency Tracking Tool Report 101 (30 April — 13 May 2021)

The objective of the Emergency Tracking Tool (ETT) is to collect information on large and sudden population movements. Information is collected through key informant interviews or direct observation.

Nigeria — Displacement Dashboard 36 (May 2021)

In response to the need for accurate and up-to-date information on displacement and human mobility in north-east Nigeria, IOM activated its Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) to support the humanitarian community with multi-layered data on the status, locations, vulnerabilities and needs of the affe

Tchad — Suivi Des Urgences 101 (30 April —13 Mai 2021)

Le suivi des urgences a pour but de recueillir des informations sur les mouvements importants et soudains de populations. Les informations sont collectées à travers des entretiens avec des informateurs clés ou des observations directes.

Nigeria — Emergency Tracking Tool Report 222 (03 - 09 May 2021)

In the states Borno and Adamawa, a total of 2,322 movements were recorded, comprising 1,567 arrivals and 755 departures, between 3 and 9 May 2021.

Mali — Flow Monitoring Report 63 (April 2021)

In order to gain a better understanding of mobility flows and trends through West and Central Africa, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) implements the Displacement Tracking Matrix’s Flow Monitoring (FM) tool at key transit points across the region. the Flow Monitoring

Mali — Rapport sur le suivi des flux de populations 63 (Avril 2021)

Afin de mieux comprendre les mouvements et tendances migratoires en Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre, l’OIM, à travers la Matrice de suivi des déplacements (Displacement Tracking Matrix, DTM), met en œuvre l’activité de Suivi des flux de populations (Flow Monitoring, FM).

Nigeria — North East — Monguno Fire Outbreak Flash Report (14 May 2021)

On 27 and 30 April 2021, fires broke out in Fulatari Camp and Waterboard Camp, damaging 2,878 shelters in total and resulting in a great loss of properties for the affected IDPs. During the past years, there has been frequent fire outbreaks in the camps in Monguno LGA in Borno State.

Nigeria — North Central & North West Flash Report #52 (10 - 16 May 2021)

Nigeria's North Central and North West Zones are afflicted with a multidimensional crisis that is rooted in long-standing tensions between ethnic and religious groups and involves attacks by criminal groups and banditry/hirabah (such as kidnapping and grand larceny along major highways).

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