West and Central Africa


  • Active DTM operation
  • Past DTM operation

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Nigeria — North-east Dalori I Camp, Konduga LGA — Borno State Flash Report (9 August 2022)

As part of the IDP relocation programme issued by the Borno State Government (BSG), Federal Training Centre Camp (Dalori I), located in the ward of Dalori in Konduga LGA, was closed between 04 August 2022 and 07 August 2022.

West and Central Africa — Lake Chad Basin Crisis Monthly Dashboard 46 (31 July 2022)

The crisis currently affecting the Lake Chad Basin states results from a complex combination of factors, including conflict with Non-State Armed Groups, extreme poverty, underdevelopment and a changing climate, which together have triggered significant displacement of popu

Nigeria — Assessing the Quality of Return in North-East Nigeria (July 2022)

As part of its DTM programme, IOM Nigeria has incorporated a return assessment that was conducted at household level in the northeastern states of Borno and Adamawa.

West and Central Africa — Central African Crisis Monthly Dashboard 3 (31 July 2022)

The Central African Republic, which has experienced continuous volatility for the past two decades, has been riddled by a crisis which ignited in 2012 with a violent takeover of power and has developed into a

Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre — Tableau de bord mensuel sur la crise du Liptako Gourma 31 (31 Juillet 2022)

La région du Sahel central, et plus particulièrement la zone du Liptako Gourma, qui enjambe le Burkina Faso, le Mali et le Niger, est témoi

Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre — Tableau de bord mensuel sur la crise du Bassin du lac Tchad 46 (31 Juillet 2022)

La crise dans le Bassin du lac Tchad est le résultat d’une combinaison complexe d’une multitude de facteurs, y compris un conflit armé impliquant des groups armés non étatiques, des niveaux extrêmes de pauvreté, un sous-développement persistent, et des bouleversements clim

Nigeria — North-east Yobe State Flash Report (08 August 2022)

With the onset of the rainy season in Nigeria’s northeastern state of Yobe, varying degrees of damages have been reported in camps, camp-like settings and host communities. Heavy rainfalls, accompanied by strong winds have caused serious damages to IDP shelters and camp infrastructures.

Chad — Emergency Tracking Tool Report 143 — Flooding in Sila and Mayo-Kebi Ouest (26 — 30 July 2022)

The objective of the Emergency Tracking Tool (ETT) is to collect information on large and sudden population movements as well as security and climatic emergencies.

Niger — Diffa Stability Index Report 1 (November — December 2021)

The instability in the region of Diffa has triggered significant internal displacement of communities in the country of Niger.

Nigeria — North-east Yobe State Flash Report (08 August 2022)

With the onset of the rainy season in Nigeria’s northeastern state of Yobe, varying degrees of damages have been reported in camps, camp-like settings and host communities. Heavy rainfalls, accompanied by strong winds have caused serious damages to IDP shelters and camp infrastructures.

Nigeria — North-East — Mobility Tracking IDP and Returnee Atlas Round 42 (July 2022)

IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) provides support to the Government and humanitarian partners by establishing a comprehensive system that collects, analyses and disseminates data on IDPs and returnees to ensure timely and effective assistance to the affected populations.

Tchad — Suivi des Urgences 143 - Inondations dans le Sila et le Mayo-Kebi Ouest (26 — 30 Juillet 2022)

Le suivi des urgences a pour but de recueillir des informations sur les mouvements importants et soudains de populations ainsi que sur des urgences sécuritaires et climatiques.

Niger — Liptako Gourma Stability Index Report 1 (December 2021)

The instability in the Liptako Gourma region of the Central Sahel has triggered significant displacement in communities in the three bordering countries: Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger.

Nigeria — North-east Konduga LGA — Borno State Flash Report (5 August 2022)

As part of the IDP relocation programme issued by the Borno State Government (BSG), 250 Housing Estate Camp (Dalori II), located in Dalori ward of Konduga LGA, was closed between 28 July 2022 and 2 August 2022.

Tchad — Suivi des Urgences 142 - Déplacement dans le Lac (20 — 28 Juillet 2022)

Le suivi des urgences a pour but de collecter des informations sur les mouvements importants et soudains de populations. Les données sont collectées par téléphone et par observation physique auprès d'informateurs clés dans les lieux de départ et d'accueil. Ce tableau de bord présente le

Guinée — Rapport sur le suivi des flux de populations 8 (Avril — Juin 2022)

Le suivi des flux, qui est mis en œuvre en étroite collaboration avec les autorités et des partenaires nationaux et locaux, est composé de deux outils : l’enregistrement des flux (

Chad — Emergency Tracking Tool Report 142 — Displacement in the Lac Province (20 — 28 July 2022)

The objective of the Emergency Tracking Tool (ETT) is to collect information on large and sudden population movements. Data are collected through key informants in departure and host locations by phone and by physical observation. This dashboard provides information on 6 movements which

Nigeria — Emergency Tracking Tool Report 286 (25 - 31 July 2022)

The DTM Emergency Tracking Tool (ETT) is deployed to track and to collect information on large and sudden population movements, provide frequent updates on the scale of displacement and quantify the affected population when needed.

West and Central Africa — Sahel (Burkina Faso), Gao (Mali), Maradi/Tillaberi (Niger) and Katsina/Kebbi/Sokoto (Nigeria) — Transhumance Tracking Tool Early Warning Report 1 (May — June 2022)

To better understand transhumant movement trends and the impact of vulnerabilities on transhumant communities, IOM has deployed the Transhumance Tracking Tool (TTT), through its Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM), with the

Afrique de l'Ouest et du Centre — Sahel (Burkina Faso), Gao (Mali), Maradi/Tillabéri (Niger) et Katsina/Kebbi/Sokoto (Nigéria) — Rapport du système d'alertes du suivi des mouvements de transhumance 1 (Mai — Juin 2022)

Afin de mieux comprendre les tendances des mouvements transhumants et l’impact des fragilités sur les communautés transhumantes, l’OIM, au travers de sa Matrice de suivi des déplacements (Displacement Tracking Matrix DTM), a déployé l’outil de suivi de la transhumance (Tra

Nigeria — North-east Bama LGA Borno State Flash Report (29 July 2022)

With the onset of the rainy season in Nigeria’s northeastern state of Borno, varying degrees of damages have been reported in multiple locations in the region. Heavy rainfalls, accompanied by strong winds have caused serious damages to shelters and infrastructures.

Mauritanie — Rapport sur les suivi des mouvements transhumants 14 (Juin 2022)

La transhumance est une pratique de longue date en Mauritanie où elle a évolué au cours des dernières décennies avec la raréfaction des routes empruntées par les troupeaux notamment affectés par une raréfaction des ressources.

Nigeria — North-central & North-west Flash Report #108 (18 - 24 July 2022)

Nigeria's north-central and north-west zones are afflicted with a multi-dimensional crisis rooted in long-standing tensions between ethnic and religious groups and involves attacks by criminal groups and banditry/hirabah (such as kidnapping and grand larceny along major highways).

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