Southern Africa


  • Active DTM operation
  • Past DTM operation

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Mozambique — Movement Alert Report —110 (Chiure_Ancuabe_Erati)

Between 17 April and 5 May 2024, sporadic attacks, and fear of attacks by Non-state Armed Groups in Ancuabe, Chiúre and Erati triggered the cumulative displacement of 54,415 individuals/13,131 families.

DRC — North Kivu: M23 Crisis Analysis (6 May 2024)

In the eastern region of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), particularly in North Kivu province, a prolonged and increasingly complex conflict persists, characterized by the presence of numerous armed groups, including the M23 group and the Congolese Armed Forces (FARDC) and their respective

RDC — Nord Kivu: Évaluation Rapide de Crise M23 (6 Mai 2024)

Dans la région orientale de la République démocratique du Congo (RDC), en particulier au Nord-Kivu, un conflit prolongé et de plus en plus complexe persiste.

Mozambique — Movement Alert Report —109 (17 April_01 May 2024)

Between 17 April to 1st May 2024, sporadic attacks and fear of attacks by Non-state Armed Groups in Ancuabe, Chiúre and Erati triggered the cumulative displacement of 52,300 individuals/12,575 families. The current Movement Alert #109 reports on most recent attacks in southern Cabo Delgado.

Mozambique — Movement Alert Report —108 (17-29 APRIL 2024)

Between 17 to 29 April 2024, sporadic attacks, and fear of attacks by Non-state Armed Groups in Ancuabe and Chiúre triggered the cumulative displacement of 41,251 individuals/9,775 families.

Zimbabwe — Flow Monitoring Report (February 2024)

During the reporting period a total of 54,960 movements were recorded and 3,379 migrants were interviewed across 38 Flow Monitoring Points (FMPs) in Zimbabwe. The total movements recorded decreased by 12% compared to the previous month.

Mozambique — Movement Alert Report —107 (17-28 APR2024)

Between 17 to 28 April 2024, sporadic attacks, and fear of attacks by Non-state Armed Groups in Ancuabe and Chiúre triggered the cumulative displacement of 35,948 individuals/8,427 families.

Zimbabwe — Flow Monitoring Report (November 2023)

During the month of November 2023, a total of 58,669 movements were recorded and 3,679 migrants were interviewed across 38 Flow Monitoring Points (FMPs) in Zimbabwe. The total movements recorded increased by 0.2% compared to the previous month.

Zimbabwe — Flow Monitoring Report (January 2024)

During the reporting period a total of 62,339 movements were recorded and 3,811 migrants were interviewed across 38 Flow Monitoring Points (FMPs) in Zimbabwe. The total movements recorded decreased by 43% compared to the previous month.

Zimbabwe — Flow Monitoring Report (March 2024)

During the reporting period a total of 58,276 movements were recorded and 2,103 migrants were interviewed across 20 Flow Monitoring Points (FMPs) in Zimbabwe. The total movements recorded increased by 6% compared to the previous month.

Mozambique — Movement Alert Report —106 (17-26APR2024)

Between 17 to 26 April 2024, sporadic attacks, and fear of attacks by Non-state Armed Groups in Ancuabe and Chiúre triggered the cumulative displacement of 19,208 individuals/4,448 families.

Mozambique — Movement Alert Report —105 (17-23 APR 2024)

Between 17 to 23 April 2024, sporadic attacks and fear of attacks by Non-state Armed Groups in Ancuabe and Chiúre triggered the cumulative displacement of 2,160 individuals/488 families. The current Movement Alert #105 reports on most recent attacks in southern Cabo Delgado.

Malawi — Flow Monitoring of migrants in Karonga and Mangochi - Round 3 (31 March 2024)

This report is an overview of the data collected from 1 to 31 March 2024 at Mangochi FMP in Malawi along the border with Mozambique and Karonga FMP in Malawi along the border with the United Republic of Tanzania.

RDC — Sud Kivu: Suivi des urgences 114 (24 Avril 2024)

Depuis le 20 mars 2024, une montée des eaux a été constatée au lac Tanganyika, à la marée de Niangara et aux débordements des rivières Mulongwe

RDC — Enquête auprès des utilisateurs de la DTM 2023 (Avril 2024)

L’Organisation Internationale pour les Migrations (OIM) met en œuvre activement sa Matrice de Suivi des Déplacements (DTM) en République Démocratique du Congo (RDC) depuis 2013.

DRC — DTM User Survey 2023 (April 2024)

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) has been actively implementing its Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) since 2013.

Mozambique Movement Intention Survey Dashboard - Chiure Sede, Cabo Delgado, 15 April, 2024_EN

IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix in collaboration with SDPI conducted a Movement Intention Survey to 783 households hosting 3,136 individuals displaced from Chiure and Macomia districts in Cabo Delgado.

Resultados de Pesquisa de Intenção de Movimento - Chiure Sede, Cabo Delgado, 15 Abril, 2024_PT

Em colaboração com o Governo Administrativo do Distrito de Chiúre, Serviço Distrital de Planeamento e Infraestrutura (SDPI) e as autoridades locais, a Matriz de Rastreamento de Deslocamento da OIM realizou inquéritos de intenção de movimento a 783 famílias que acolhem 3.136 pessoas deslocadas dos

DRC — North Kivu : Registration report - Kanyaruchinya Axis (16 April 2024)

The conflict between the Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (FARDC) and the M23 group has intensified since March 2022, leading to a serious humanitarian crisis in the region.

RDC — Nord-Kivu : Rapport d'Enregistrement - Axe Kanyaruchinya (16 Avril 2024)

Le conflit entre les Forces armées de la République démocratique du Congo (FARDC) et le groupe de M23 s’est intensifié depuis mars 2022, entraînant une grave crise humanitaire dans la région.

RDC — Nord Kivu: Évaluation Rapide de Crise M23 (5 Avril 2024)

Dans la région orientale de la République démocratique du Congo (RDC), en particulier au Nord-Kivu, un conflit prolongé et de plus en plus complexe persiste.

DRC — North Kivu: M23 Crisis Analysis (5 April 2024)

In the eastern region of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), particularly in North Kivu province, a prolonged and increasingly complex conflict persists, characterized by the presence of numerous armed groups, including the M23 group and the Congolese Armed Forces (

Mozambique – Artisinal Miner's Demographic and Mobility Assessment (December 2023)

Artisanal mineral extraction attracts high numbers of migrants within Mozambique, and the southern African region more widely.

Malawi - Flow Monitoring of migrants in Karonga and Mangochi - Round 2 (31 March 2024)

Over the reporting period, a total of 2,754 cross-border movements were observed at the Flow Monitoring Points (FMPs). The average daily number flows was 131.

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Baseline Assessment — Tanganyika — Round 16 (Cycle 10)
Oct 26 2023

Ce tableau de bord présente les principaux résultats de suivi des mouvements de populations dans la province du Tanganyika, à l’issue du dixème cycle d’évaluation conduit par l’unité Matrice de suivi des déplacements (Displacement Tracking Matrix - DTM, en anglais) de l’Organisation internationale…

Mobility Tracking, Baseline Assessment
RDC — Nord Kivu: Évaluation Rapide de Crise M23 - Round 9 - (Octobre 2023)
Oct 26 2023

Since the start of the M23 crisis, IOM, through the DTM continues to conduct a series of rapid assessments, including emergency monitoring (EET/ERM), crisis analysis and recording with priority to responding to immediate information needs with a view to understanding travel dynamics and needs. This…

Mobility Tracking, Baseline Assessment
Baseline Assessment — Ituri — Round 10
Oct 18 2023

A baseline assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on IDP, migrant or returnee population presence in a defined administrative area of the country.

Mobility Tracking, Baseline Assessment
Baseline Assessment - DRC Countrywide monitoring - Round 1
Oct 17 2023

At a national level, DTM identified 6,947,295 individual internally displaced persons (IDPs), primarily concentrated in the four eastern provinces of North Kivu (2,300,163 individuals), Ituri (1,630,535), South Kivu (1,356,376), and Tanganyika (350,462) as well as the province/city of Kinshasa in…

Mobility Tracking, Baseline Assessment
RDC — Nord Kivu: Évaluation Rapide de Crise M23 (November 2022)
Oct 13 2023

Depuis novembre 2021, les attaques de l’ex-groupe rebelle M23 ont repris et se sont multipliées contre les forces armées congolaises (FARDC) dans l’Est de la RDC. Ces affrontements se sont encore intensifiés depuis mars 2022, à la faveur desquels le M23 s'est emparé en juin 2022 de la ville de…

Mobility Tracking, Baseline Assessment
RDC — Nord Kivu: Évaluation Rapide de Crise M23 (Février 2023)
Oct 13 2023

Depuis quelques mois, la République Démocratique du Congo, en particulier la province du Nord Kivu, est affectée par des crises sécuritaires et humanitaires liées au conflit armé entre les Forces Armées de la République Démocratique du Congo (FARDC) et le Mouvement du 23 mars (M23), qui a un impact…

Mobility Tracking, Baseline Assessment
RDC — Nord Kivu: Évaluation Rapide de Crise M23 (Mars 2023)
Oct 13 2023

Depuis mars 2022, la République démocratique du Congo, en particulier dans sa province orientale du Nord-Kivu, est affectée par des crises politiques, sécuritaires et humanitaires liées aux conflits armés entre les structures militaires nationales de sécurité, notamment les Forces armées de la…

Mobility Tracking, Baseline Assessment
RDC — Nord Kivu: Évaluation Rapide de Crise M23 (Juin 2023)
Oct 13 2023

Ce rapport présente les résultats des évaluations menées dans les différentes zones de déplacement et de retour entre le 17 et le 25 juin 2023. L'analyse de la crise de juin a permis à la DTM d'identifier un total de 838 947 personnes déplacées par la crise M23. La population déplacée…

Mobility Tracking, Baseline Assessment
RDC — Nord Kivu: Évaluation Rapide de Crise M23 (Juillet 2023)
Oct 13 2023

Ce rapport présente les résultats des évaluations menées dans les différentes zones de déplacement et de retour entre le 26 juin au 23 juillet 2023. L'évaluation de crise de fin juin à mi-juillet 2023 a permis à la DTM d'actualiser les données de déplacement, en identifiant un total de…

Mobility Tracking, Baseline Assessment
RDC — Nord Kivu: Évaluation Rapide de Crise M23 (Octobre 2023)
Oct 13 2023

Depuis le début de la crise M23, l'OIM, par le biais de la DTM continue à mener une série d'évaluations rapides, y compris le suivi des situations d’urgence (EET/ERM), l'analyse des crises et enregistrement avec priorité de répondre aux besoins immédiats d'information en vue de…

Mobility Tracking, Baseline Assessment
RDC — Nord Kivu: Évaluation Rapide de Crise M23 (Août 2023)
Oct 13 2023

Ce dataset présente les résultats des évaluations menées dans les différentes zones de déplacement et de retour entre le 23 juillet et 24 août 2023. Le suivi de la crise depuis la fin du mois d'août a permis à la DTM de mettre à jour les données de déplacement, identifiant un total de 590 786…

Mobility Tracking, Baseline Assessment
North and Central Mozambique Crisis - Mobility Tracking Assessment Dataset Round 19 - Public Dataset
Sep 14 2023

This summary presents findings of the 19th round of Mobility Tracking Assessments (previously known as Baseline Assessments) conducted across Northern and Central Mozambique through key-informant assessments and group interviews at location level between July and August 2023. Mobility Tracking…

Mobility Tracking, Site Assessment
Mozambique - Mobility Tracking Assessment Public Dataset - Round 19
Sep 11 2023

This summary presents findings of the 19th round of Mobility Tracking Assessments (previously known as Baseline Assessments) conducted across Northern Mozambique through key-informant assessments and group interviews at district and location-level in August 2023. Mobility Tracking assessments…

Mobility Tracking, Baseline Assessment
Baseline Assessment — Nord Kivu — Round 44 (Cycle 9)
Jun 12 2023

During this ninth evaluation cycle conducted between February and May 2023, the DTM evaluations made it possible to count a total of 2,544,880 internally displaced persons (IDPs) in the province of Nord-Kivu, including: 2,156,803 IDPs in the host community over the last 36 months (compared to the 1…

Mobility Tracking, Baseline Assessment
Northern Mozambique Crisis - Mobility Tracking Assessment Dataset Round 17 - Public Dataset
Nov 30 2022

A baseline assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on IDP, migrant or returnee population presence in a defined administrative area of the country.

Mobility Tracking, Baseline Assessment
Baseline Assessment — Ituri — Round 9
May 23 2023

The Mobility Tracking databases published contain information collected from in-person and generally on-location interviews conducted with key informants (village and community leaders) as a group relating to the situation in their villages (evaluated villages are the units/rows, not localities) in…

Mobility Tracking, Baseline Assessment
Mozambique — Multi-sectorial Location Assessment Dataset — Round 11 (April 2023)
May 23 2023

A site assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on population presence, living conditions and needs in a particular displacement site or community.

Mobility Tracking, Site Assessment
Northern Mozambique Crisis - Mobility Tracking Assessment Dataset Round 18 - Public Dataset
May 23 2023

<p>This summary presents findings of the 18th round of Mobility Tracking Assessments (previously known as Baseline Assessments) conducted across Northern Mozambique through key-informant assessments and group interviews at district and location-level in March 2023. Mobility Tracking…

Mobility Tracking, Site Assessment
Baseline Assessment - South Kivu Round 10
Apr 28 2023

A baseline assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on IDP, migrant or returnee population presence in a defined administrative area of the country.

Mobility Tracking, Baseline Assessment
Baseline Assessment — Tanganyika — Round 15 (Cycle 9)
Apr 27 2023

A baseline assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on IDP, migrant or returnee population presence in a defined administrative area of the country.

Mobility Tracking, Baseline Assessment

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