Southern Africa


  • Active DTM operation
  • Past DTM operation

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DRC — North Kivu: Registration report — (March 2024)

Following the escalation of hostilities between the armed group Mouvement du 23 Mars (M23) and the Congolese Armed Forces (FARDC) and their allies at the end of January 2024, a significant displacement crisis has developed in the eastern region of the Democratic Republi

RDC — Nord-Kivu : Rapport d'Enregistrement — (Mars 2024)

Suite à l’escalade des hostilités entre le groupe armé M23 et les Forces armées congolaises (FARDC) et leurs alliés à la fin du mois de janvier 2024, une importante crise de déplacement s’est développée dans la région orientale de la République démocratique du Congo (RD

Mozambique — Movement Alert Report —104 (08Feb - 22MAR 2024)

Between 08 February and 22 March 2024, sporadic attacks and fear of attacks by Non-state Armed Groups in Quissanga and Ibo triggered the cumulative displacement of 465 individuals (corresponding to 189 families). [For more see Mozambique - Event Tracking Tool Dashboard].

Displacement Situation Update, Erati, Nampula (15 March 2024)

IOM's Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM), in collaboration with Mozambique’s Natonal Institute for Disaster Management (INGD) and local authorities in Erati, Nampula, conducted a household-level verication exercise to assess the remaining population displaced by attacks

RDC — Nord Kivu: Évaluation Rapide de Crise M23 (15 Mars 2024)

Dans la région orientale de la République démocratique du Congo (RDC), en particulier dans le Nord-Kivu, un conflit prolongé et de plus en plus complexe persiste, caractérisé par la présence de nombreux groupes

Mozambique – Tropical Storm Filipo ACs Dashboard, 14 March 2024 Update#2

Mozambique’s National Institute for Disaster Management (INGD) estimates more than 525,000 people to be affected by the landfall of Tropical Storm Filipo directly impacting communities of Inhambane, Gaza, Sofala and Maputo from 14 March.

DRC — North Kivu: M23 Crisis Analysis (15 March 2024)

In the eastern region of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), particularly in North Kivu, a prolonged and increasingly complex conflict persists, characterized by the presence of numerous armed actors such a

Multi-Sectoral Location Assessment - Mozambique - Round 12 - July 2023

This Multi-Sectorial Location Assessment (MSLA) report, which presents findings from the International Organization for Migration’s (IOM) Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) Round 12 assessments, aims to enhance understanding of the extent of internal displacements and t

Movement Intention Survey Dashboard - Erati, Nampula, Mozambique (March 2024)

IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix in collaboration with INGD conducted a movement intention survey to 1,062 household hosting 5,010 individuals displaced from Chiure district in Cabo Delgado to Erati district in Nampula province.

Mozambique – Tropical Storm Filipo Accommodation Centres Dashboard, 13 March 2024

Mozambique’s National Institute for Disaster Management (INGD) estimates more than 525,000 people to be affected by the landfall of Tropical Storm Filipo directly impacting communities of Inhambane, Sofala and Maputo from 12 March.

RDC – Indice de stabilité - Sud-Kivu (Mars 2024)

La province du Sud-Kivu abrite la troisième plus grande population de déplacés et de retournés de toutes les provinces de la RDC (1,4 million et 690 mille individus respectivement).

DRC – Stability Index - South Kivu (March 2024)

The province of South Kivu is home to the third largest IDP and returnee population of any province in the DRC (1.4 million and 690 thousand individuals respectively).

RDC – Indice de stabilité - Ituri (Mars 2024)

La province d’Ituri compte la deuxième plus grande population de PDI et de retournés de toutes les provinces de la RDC (1,6 million et 1,2 million de personnes respectivement) et a fait l’objet d’efforts récents pour renforcer la programmation de solutions durables en RDC.

DRC – Stability Index - Ituri (March 2024)

The province of Ituri is home to the second largest IDP and returnee population of any province in the DRC (1.6 million and 1.2 million individuals respectively) and has been in the focus of recent efforts to strengthen durable solutions programming in the DRC.

Mozambique — Movement Alert Report —103 (08Feb - 03MAR 2024)

Between 22 December 2023 to 03 March 2024, sporadic attacks and fear of attacks by Non-state Armed Groups in Ibo, Macomia, Chiure, Mecufi, Mocimboa da Praia, and Muidumbe triggered the cumulative displacement 112,894 individuals/24,241 families.

DRC — North Kivu: M23 Crisis Analysis (1 March 2024)

The conflict in the eastern region of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), particularly in the province of North Kivu, has become increasingly complex over the years.

RDC — Nord Kivu: Évaluation Rapide de Crise M23 (1 Mars 2024)

Le conflit dans la région orientale de la République démocratique du Congo (RDC), en particulier dans le Nord-Kivu, dure depuis des années et a gagné en complexité.

Malawi - Flow Monitoring of migrants in Karonga and Mangochi - Round 1 (29 February 2024)

This report is an overview of the data collected from 1 to 31 January 2024 at Mangochi FMP in Malawi along the border with Mozambique and Karonga FMP in Malawi along the border with the United Republic of Tanzania.

Mozambique — Movement Alert Report —102 (08 - 27 Feb. 2024)

Between 22 December 2023 to 27 February 2024, sporadic attacks and fear of attacks by Non-state Armed Groups in Macomia, Chiure, Mecufi, Mocimboa da Praia, and Muidumbe triggered the cumulative displacement 81,721 individuals/17,591 families. [For more see Emergency Tracking Online Dashboard].

Mozambique — Movement Alert Report — 101 (08 - 25 Feb. 2024)

Between 22 December 2023 to 25 February 2024, sporadic attacks and fear of attacks by Non-state Armed Groups in Macomia, Chiure, Mecufi, Mocimboa da Praia, and Muidumbe triggered the cumulative displacement 71,681 individuals/15,470 families. [For more see Emergency Tracking Online Dashboard].

Mozambique — Movement Alert Report — #100 (08 - 22 Feb. 2024)

Between 22 December 2023 to 21 February 2024, sporadic attacks and fear of attacks by Non-state Armed Groups in Macomia, Chiure, Mecufi, Mocimboa da Praia, and Muidumbe triggered the cumulative displacement 64,941 individuals/13,935 families. [For more see Emergency Tracking Online Dashboard].

DRC — North Kivu: M23 Crisis Analysis (23 February 2024)

Since 2022, the eastern region of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), in particular North Kivu, has been gripped by a devastating conflict that has intensified and become increasingly complex over time, with the potential to reach un

RDC — Nord Kivu: Évaluation Rapide de Crise M23 (23 Février 2024)

Depuis 2022, la région orientale de la République démocratique du Congo (RDC), en particulier le Nord-Kivu, est en proie à un conflit dévastateur qui s'est intensifié et est devenu de plus en plus complexe au fil du temps, avec le potent

Mozambique — Movement Alert Report — 99 (8 to 20 Feb. 2024)

Between 22 December 2023 to 20 February 2024, a series of sporadic attacks and fear of attacks by Non-state Armed Groups in Macomia, Chiure, Mecufi, Mocimboa da Praia, and Muidumbe triggered the cumulative displacement 26,690 individuals/6,760 families.

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Malawi - Multi-sectoral Location Assessment - Cyclone Freddy - Round 1
May 05 2023

<p>The assessments were carried out following Tropical Cyclone Freddy, which hit the Southern region of Malawi on 12 March 2023 affecting at least 14 districts. The most affected districts are Blantyre, Chikwawa, Nsanje, Mulanje, Phalombe Zomba and Mangochi. Over 426,04 …

Mobility Tracking, Site Assessment
Mozambique – Accommodation Centres List - April 2023
Mar 18 2023

Mobility Tracking, Event Tracking
Mozambique — Multi-sectorial Location Assessment Dataset — Round 10
Nov 30 2022

A site assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on population presence, living conditions and needs in a particular displacement site or community.

Mobility Tracking, Site Assessment
Madagascar — Baseline Assessment - Drought in Grand Sud — Sep 2022
Nov 24 2022

A baseline assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on IDP, migrant or returnee population presence in a defined administrative area of the country.

Mobility Tracking, Baseline Assessment
Baseline Assessment — Tanganyika — Round 14 (Cycle 8)
Sep 25 2022

A baseline assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on IDP, migrant or returnee population presence in a defined administrative area of the country.

Mobility Tracking, Baseline Assessment
Baseline Assessment — Ituri — Round 8
Sep 22 2022

A baseline assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on IDP, migrant or returnee population presence in a defined administrative area of the country.

Mobility Tracking, Baseline Assessment
Baseline Assessment - South Kivu Round 9
Sep 20 2022

A baseline assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on IDP, migrant or returnee population presence in a defined administrative area of the country.

Mobility Tracking, Baseline Assessment
Northern Mozambique Crisis — Multi-sectorial Location Assessment Dataset — Cabo Delgado — Nampula — Niassa — Round 9 (August 2022)
Sep 19 2022

A site assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on population presence, living conditions and needs in a particular displacement site or community.

Survey, Mobility Tracking, Site Assessment
Northern Mozambique Crisis - Baseline Assessment Dataset Round 16 - Public Dataset
Jul 26 2022

A baseline assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on IDP, migrant or returnee population presence in a defined administrative area of the country.

Mobility Tracking, Baseline Assessment
South Africa – Baseline Ward Assessment – Round 1
Jul 15 2022

On 11-13 April, severe flooding and landslides caused by heavy rainfall affected southern and south-eastern South Africa, particularly the provinces of KwaZulu-Natal and Eastern Cape. According to national authorities, at least 123,808 people were affected, 448 people died and over 30,000 are…

Mobility Tracking, Baseline Assessment
Baseline Assessment — Nord Kivu — Round 42 (Cycle 7)
Jul 07 2022

A baseline assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on IDP, migrant or returnee population presence in a defined administrative area of the country.

Mobility Tracking, Baseline Assessment
Baseline Assessment - South Kivu Round 8
Jul 01 2022

A baseline assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on IDP, migrant or returnee population presence in a defined administrative area of the country.

Mobility Tracking, Baseline Assessment
Baseline Assessment — Tanganyika — Round 13 (Cycle 7)
Jun 22 2022

A baseline assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on IDP, migrant or returnee population presence in a defined administrative area of the country.

Mobility Tracking, Baseline Assessment
Baseline Assessment — Ituri — Round 7
Jun 22 2022

A baseline assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on IDP, migrant or returnee population presence in a defined administrative area of the country.

Mobility Tracking, Baseline Assessment
Mozambique - Disaster Risk Assessment - Hazard Mapping Baseline Assessment Manica and Sofala (November 2021) - Public dataset
May 06 2022

A baseline assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on IDP, migrant or returnee population presence in a defined administrative area of the country.

Mobility Tracking, Baseline Assessment
Northern Mozambique Crisis — Multi-sectorial Location Assessment Dataset — Cabo Delgado — Nampula — Niassa — Round 8 (February 2022)
Apr 28 2022

A site assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on population presence, living conditions and needs in a particular displacement site or community.

Mobility Tracking, Site Assessment
Central Mozambique - Multi-Sectorial Location Assessment Dataset - Round 22 - Public Dataset
Apr 26 2022

A site assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on population presence, living conditions and needs in a particular displacement site or community.

Mobility Tracking, Site Assessment
Zimbabwe — Baseline Livelihood Assessment - Matabeleland South and Masvingo Provinces (December 2021)
Mar 30 2022

A baseline assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on IDP, migrant or returnee population presence in a defined administrative area of the country.

Mobility Tracking, Baseline Assessment

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