Data and Analysis
Special Focus
Crisis Responses
Sudan - Mobility Tracking Round Three

DTM Sudan, DTMSudan@iom.int
Snapshot Date
Dec 19 2021
- Mobility Tracking
- Baseline Assessment
Mobility Tracking Round Three started in April 2021 with the expansion of DTM operations to North Kordofan state. Field teams revisited locations covered in Round One and Two, as well as new locations in Blue Nile state which were not covered in the previous rounds. In Round Three, enumerators visited locations across a total of 11 states.
Data collection was carried out over a two-month period, concluding in late June, and followed by data cleaning and verification to produce the third round of results. Key informants included community leaders, government representatives, NGO and humanitarian aid workers, religious leaders and IDP representatives.
Geographically, Round Three covers 1,538 locations in total – 704 locations in North Darfur, 232 locations in South Kordofan, 178 locations in West Kordofan, 102 locations in West Darfur, 100 locations in South Darfur, 74 locations in Central Darfur, 57 locations in Blue Nile, 37 locations in North Kordofan, 23 locations in East Darfur, 17 locations in Gedaref and 14 locations in Kassala.
Mobility Tracking Round Three identified the accumulative presence of 3,086,553 IDPs, 942,299 permanent returnees from internal displacement, 38,485 seasonal returnees, 92,644 returnees from abroad, and 388,634 foreign nationals currently residing in Sudan.