Somalia — Baidoa Movement Trend Tracking Report (22—28 June 2018)




DTM Somalia,
Période couverte
Jun 22 2018
Jun 28 2018
  • Flow Monitoring

A total of 426 new IDPs were recorded arriving in Baidoa this week, with only 153 IDPs recorded exiting the town. This is the highest number of new arrivals recorded in over 3 months and lowest recorded of exit since End-March at the Baidoa checkpoints. The increased numbers of entry and the reduced number of exits this week is attributed with insecurity and Gu season coming to an end. This will likely reduce significantly the number of IDPs exiting from Baidoa who primarily go back to manage farmland. Reasons for IDPs coming to Baidoa remain the same three drivers as cited for the past few months namely: insecurity (47%), lack of food (41%), and health reasons (12%). Same as the past few weeks, arrivals this week came from the districts of Baidoa (58%), Hudur (25%) and Qansahdhere (17%). They were heading to the IDP sites of Danwadag (86%), Hagarka Madigeri (7%) and Homey Gadud (7%). All those leaving the IDP sites are returning totheir farms. (52%) of those exiting were from Rabay Gaduuda,(26%) from Boodan(, (16%) from Hinshilow and the remaining (6%) exited from Bakool Gab. with 52% returning to Qansahdhere District and 48% heading to Hudur District. (85%) said that they intended to return to the IDP sites after cultivating. These households who said that they intend to return have only been in the sites 1-3 months, while those who have been in the sites more than 6 months said that they did not intend to return.