Ethiopia — National Displacement Report 6 (August — September 2020)




DTM Ethiopia,
Période couverte
Aug 15 2020
Sep 20 2020
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Site Assessment
  • Village Assessment

In order to capture the displacement and return dynamics in Ethiopia, DTM Ethiopia's National Displacement Report combines findings from its Site Assessment (SA) in Section 1 and findings from the Village Assessment Survey (VAS) in Section 2. The Site Assessment tracks the number and multisectoral needs of internally displaced persons (IDPs), while the Village Assessment Survey tracks the number of IDPs who are returning to their communities and their multisectoral needs. VAS is also used to evaluate the absorption capacity of villages receiving returns with a focus on accessibility of services, livelihoods and reintegration. Notably, the impact of COVID-19 on IDPs and villages hosting returning IDPs was also evaluated this round. 

Through the Site Assessment which was conducted from 15 August to 20 September 2020, DTM captured 1,846,551 IDPs (344,782 households) in 1,346 sites across the 11 regions of Ethiopia. The biggest causes of displacement were conflict which displaced 1,118,782 IDPs (61%), followed by drought which displaced 309,419 IDPs (17%), flash floods which displaced 206,893 IDPs (11%) and seasonal floods which displaced 117,194 IDPs (6%). VAS was carried out during the same period and covered 1,294 villages across 8 regions. A total of 1,210,053 returning IDPs, 35,409 IDPs, 9,940 returned migrants and 1,326,717 host community members were tracked through VAS.