Somalia — Baidoa Movement Trend Tracking Report (13—19 April 2018)




DTM Somalia,
Période couverte
Apr 13 2018
Apr 19 2018
  • Flow Monitoring

This week in Baidoa there were 92 new arrivals who reported in the three main check points of the town. This shows an increase as compared with last week’s data which was 45 new arrivals. Nonetheless, the last two weeks' new arrivals are far less than the trends seen in previous months. The exits recorded this week were 250 households, which is the highest number of exits witnessed in 8 months, since 20 August 2017.

Like last week, the low numbers of entries into Baidoa can be attributed to the onset of the Gu rainy season in the region, which makes major roads into town impassable. Most new arrivals come by vehicle, which cannot move during the heavy rains. On the other hand, the rains prompted high numbers of IDPs to exit the IDP sites to return to their farms to cultivate. These families were able to move on the roads, because they were traveling mostly short distances within Baidoa District by donkey carts, which are able to move despite the rainy conditions.

As for the 92 IDPs who entered Baidoa this week, 100% of them cited insecurity as the key driving factors for displacement into the IDP sites. All of the exits this week said that they were leaving to manage their farms, since the Gu seasonal rains had begun.