Bangladesh — NPM ACAPS Analysis Hub Report — Rohingya Influx since 1978 (December 2017)




NPM Bangladesh, NPMBangladesh@iom,int
Période couverte
Jan 01 1978
Dec 11 2017
  • Other

In the 20th century, there have been multiple waves of movement of Rohingya population from Rakhine State in Myanmar to Cox’s Bazar in Bangladesh and back. This report is a review of available literature on the Rohingya influxes into Bangladesh since 1978. Documentation on the situation for those residing inside and outside camps in Bangladesh reveals patterns of persistent needs and constraints since 1978. These constraints include congestion, restrictions on freedom of movement and continued statelessness and denial of rights – which, in turn, reduce the possibility of generating income, and drive high rates of malnutrition, low access or quality of WASH facilities, low availability of educational facilities, significant protection concerns, the risk of epidemics, and high prevalence of negative coping mechanisms. The review seeks to provide a historical context to the current influx, in terms of population movement, status and sector responses. This report aims to help inform current and future humanitarian response.