East and the Horn of Africa


DTM East and the Horn of Africa


  • Active DTM operation
  • Past DTM operation

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Djibouti — Stranded Migrants (21 June 2020)

Following the border closure in Ethiopia and due to the stricter border management policies in Yemen, some of the migrants who were transiting through Djibouti on their way to the Arabian Peninsula found themselves stranded in the country.

South Sudan — Event Tracking: Mayom County, Unity State (May 2020)

Between 24 and 28 May 2020, IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) recorded the arrival of 630 South Sudan nationals (90 households) from Soba Arada (Khartoum, Sudan).

Djibouti — Rapport sur les Points de suivi des flux (Mai 2020)

Pendant le mois de mai 2020, 11 449 mouvements ont été observés aux points de suivi des flux de population à Djibouti. Cela représente une augmentation de 69% par rapport aux 6 763 mouvements observés pendant le mois d’avril.

Djibouti — Présence Des Migrants (21 Juin 2020)

Suite à la fermeture des frontières en Ethiopie et aux renforcements des contrôles frontaliers au Yémen, certains des migrants qui transitaient par Djibouti afin d'aller vers la péninsule arabique se sont retrouvés bloqués à Djibouti.

South Sudan — Event Tracking: Uror County, Jonglei State (May 2020)

IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) conducted Emergency Tracking in Uror County, Jonglei State on 19 May 2020 and recorded information related to communal clashes.

South Sudan — Event Tracking: Bor South County, Jonglei State (May 2020)

On 30 May 2020, IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) conducted Emergency Event Tracking to capture information about flood related displacement in Bor South County.

Djibouti — Flow Monitoring Dashboard (May 2020)

During the month of May 2020, 11,449 movements were observed at flow monitoring points in Djibouti. The daily average movements have increased by 69% in comparison of the 6,763 movements observed in April.

South Sudan — COVID-19 Mobility Update Week 10 (25 - 31 May 2020)

The Ministry of Health (MoH) announced 188 new cases on 27 May 2020, 17 of which were imported with a total of 994 positive cases, 6 recoveries, and 10 deaths.

Somalia — Migration Route and COVID-19 (08 June 2020)

The Eastern Route is on of the main migration routes in the East and Horn of Afirca (EaHA) region. It denotes the movement between EaHA and the Arab Peninsula, in particular the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), but also other countries in the peninsula.

South Sudan — COVID-19 Mobility Update Week 9 (18 -24 May 2020)

As of 24 May 2020 the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in South Sudan stands at 655 of which 95 per cent were recorded in Juba.

Somalia — Border Point Flow Monitoring (14-20 June 2020)

In Week 25, from 14 to 20 June 2020, a total of 3,471 movements were observed at various flow monitoring points (FMP) across Somalia, of which 67 per cent were incoming flows and 33 per cent were outgoing flows.

Ethiopia — Flow Monitoring Dashboard 9 (May 2020)

In May 2020, a total of 3,049 movements were observed across Ethiopia’s five flow monitoring points (FMPs). This represents a 53% decrease in daily average movement in comparison with April 2020 when an average of 209 movements per day were observed.

South Sudan — Wau PoC AA And Masna Collective Centre Population Count (May 2020)

In May 2020, the monthly population count was conducted at Masna collective centre where 6,127 individuals were identified and Wau PoC AA with 9,956 individuals. On 9 April 2020, the Diocesan Major Response Team on COVID-19 requested to close several Wau collective centres.

Somalia — Border Point Flow Monitoring (7-13 June 2020)

In Week 24, from 7 to 13 June 2020, a total of 3,416 movements were observed at various flow monitoring points (FMP) across Somalia, of which 68 per cent were incoming flows and 32 per cent were outgoing flows.

South Sudan — Mobility Tracking Round 8 Initial Data Release

This summary presents initial findings from the eighth round of Mobility Tracking conducted across South Sudan through key-informant based assessment at payam and location level between February and March 2020.

South Sudan — Bentiu PoC Site Population Count (May 2020)

As per the May 2020 population count, the population stands at 111,766 individuals (15,959 households) in 12,054 inhabited shelters (on average 9 individuals per shelter).

Impact Of COVID-19 Movement Restrictions On Migrants Along The Eastern Corridor 3 (as of 31 May 2020)

The current outbreak of COVID-19 has restricted global mobility, whilst heightening the risk of exploitation to vulnerable populations.

South Sudan — Displacement Site Flow Monitoring (April 2020)

IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix conducted 5,172 interviews representing 15,228 individual movements into and out of Bentiu Protection of Civilian (PoC) site, Malakal PoC site, Wau PoC Adjacent Area (AA) and Wau collective centres.

Djibouti — Présence Des Migrants (7 Juin 2020)

Suite à la fermeture des frontières en Ethiopie et aux renforcements des contrôles frontaliers au Yémen, certains des migrants qui transitaient par Djibouti afin d'aller vers la péninsule arabique se sont retrouvés bloqués à Djibouti.

Somalia — Border Point Flow Monitoring (May 2020)

In May 2020, a total of 13,200 movements were observed at various Flow Monitoring Points (FMP) across Somalia.

Somalia — COVID-19 Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) Assessment in IDP Sites - Round 1

The report presents the findings of an assessment on COVID-19 risk perception and preferred communication channels conducted by Camp Coordination and Camp Management Cluster (CCCM) partners and IOM's Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) in internally displaced persons (IDPs) sites across Soma

Djibouti — Stranded Migrants (7 June 2020)

Following the border closure in Ethiopia and due to the stricter border management policies in Yemen, some of the migrants who were transiting through Djibouti on their way to the Arabian Peninsula found themselves stranded in the country.

South Sudan — Flow Monitoring Dashboard (April 2020)

DTM’s Flow Monitoring Registry (FMR) surveys people on the move at key transit points within South Sudan (SSD) and at its borders.

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