Djibouti — Flow Monitoring Dashboard (May 2020)




DTM Djibouti,
Période couverte
May 01 2020
May 31 2020
  • Flow Monitoring

During the month of May 2020, 11,449 movements were observed at flow monitoring points in Djibouti. The daily average movements have increased by 69% in comparison of the 6,763 movements observed in April. This accrual is caused by the resumption of internal movements following the gradual deconfinement since May 17, 2020. 

The intended final destinations were Djibouti (89%) mainly due to lifting restrictions on internal movements during reopening of the economy, Ethiopia (8%), the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (2%) and the remaining nationalities with (1%). 

The majority of the observed population were male (61% adults and 6% children), while 33% of identified persons were female (28% adults and 5% children). The identified persons were mainly travelling for economic reasons (27.4%) and food insecurity reasons (26.5%). 

During this period, migrants were not tracked in Djibouti’s western borders flow monitoring points. Nonetheless, 37 migrants have been tracked upon arrival in Yemen at the Al-Aarah FMR in Lajh governorate. These migrants had reportedly departed from Djibouti. 

Since the border closure, enumerators were raising awareness on the COVID-19 pandemic for all population at divers FMPs, including for Djibouti nationals.