Somalia — Kismayo Movement Trend Tracking Report (13—19 July 2018)




DTM Somalia,
Période couverte
Jul 13 2018
Jul 19 2018
  • Flow Monitoring

Over the reporting period, a slightly low number of total 266 entries were recorded compared to last week where 64 exits were recorded a slight increase compared to last week. Majority of the new arrivals said that their reason for displacement into the IDP sites was due to lack of food (48%). In addition, 22% cited Health, 20% cited insecurity, and 10% cited Education as their reason for displacement. This week most of the new arrivals came from Kismayo (56%) districts, with the remainder coming from Badhaadhe (14%), Jilib (8%), Jamame (8%), Buale (6%), Afmadow (6%) and a few other locations. These new arrivals were heading to IDP sites in Galbet Section (42%), Dalxiska Section (36%) , Central Section (10%) and Fanole Section (10%). Out of the 14 families exiting the IDP sites, 7 of them were leaving sites in the Dalxiska section, 3 left Fanole Section, 2 left Galbet Section. After leaving the sites, these IDPs indicated that they were heading to the districts of Buale (50%), Jilib (25%) and Jamaame (25%). The main reasons for return was management of farms due to the good rainy season experienced in the last Gu’, majority have planted their farms and are now going to preparing for harvest and all 14 of the families said they intend to return back to the IDP sites in Kismayo.