Somalia — Border Point Flow Monitoring — (April 2024)




DTM Somalia,
Période couverte
Apr 01 2024
Apr 30 2024
  • Flow Monitoring
  • Flow Monitoring Registry

IOM Somalia DTM’s flow monitoring team tracks migrant movements at seven active Flow Monitoring Points (FMPs) along the border with Ethiopia, Kenya, and Djibouti and at Bossa FMP on the coast. Enumerators stationed at FMPs register migrant entries and exits to detect different migration patterns, and to provide numerical estimates to help estimate the population of irregular migrants who enter and exit the country. Flow monitoring does not capture all flows into and out of Somalia and should be seen as only indicative of migration trends of the unknown total number of migrants who move in and out of Somalia at FMPs during the indicated time frame.

A total of 22,611 movements were observed in April 2024, representing a 16% decrease compared to March 2024 when 26,793 movements were observed during this period. Comparing April 2024 with March 2024, Doolow (-25%), Lowyacado (-8%), Harirad (-6%), Dhobley (-4%) , Bossaso(-3%) and Cabudwaaq (-2%) FMPs recorded a decrease in movements while Buuhoodle (5%) FMP recorded an increase in movements.

Doolow (57%), Bossaso (28%), and Dhobley (7%) FMPs recorded the highest numbers of incoming movements, while Doolow (31%), Dhobley (27%) and Cabudwaaq (18%) recorded the highest numbers of outgoing movements for April 2024.