Somalia — Baidoa Movement Trend Tracking Report (6—12 July 2018)




DTM Somalia,
Période couverte
Jul 06 2018
Jul 12 2018
  • Flow Monitoring

A new checkpoint Cara Gaduud has been added to the entry and exit checkpoints. IOM MTT enumerators are now monitoring and collecting information at 4 checkpoints. This week a total of 94 entries and 984 exits passed through the checkpoints in Baidoa. This is the highest number of exits recorded since the inception of the MTT in June 2017 and the reason is due to the good rainy season experienced in the last Gu’, majority have planted their farms and are now preparing for harvest. As for why IDPs were entering Baidoa this week, all the new entries cited insecurity (100%).This is due to levy fees being introduced and imposed on the motorcycles ferrying milk to the towns and those managing their farmlands by AS. All those entering Baidoa this week 100% were from the district of Qansaxdheere. They were heading to Ufuroow IDP site (100%). Those exiting were heading to the district of Xudur (81%), Baidoa 13%, Diinsoor 3% and Qansaaxdheere 3%. 65% left the IDP site of Boodan, 9% Shabeelow, 7% BuurCadey, 6% Warcadey,6% Allaweyn,3% Doorawera, 2% each from Madhayt and Sarmandheere. All were returning to the villages within Baidoa District of Bay region, all of the families said they intend to return back to the IDP sites in the future.