Data and Analysis
Special Focus
Crisis Responses
Tajikistan – Tajikistan Return Migrant Worker Survey (Round 2)

dtmremapsupport@iom.int mtmtajikistan@iom.int
Période couverte
Sep 13 2023
Nov 11 2023
- Survey
- Baseline Assessment
The surveys were conducted with return migrant workers using IOM’s Mobility Tracking Matrix (MTM) system in Tajikistan. The survey locations were selected based on the results of IOM’s Baseline Mobility Assessment on returning migrant workers. The report includes findings on socio-economic profile, migration experience, employment and remittances. The survey sample was calculated based on a Baseline Assessment on the presence of returning migrant workers in the selected locations. The interviews were conducted using mobile devices and the KoBo software. All interviews were anonymous, and IOM’s Data Protection Principles were observed throughout the entire data cycle. Data collectors approached potential respondents using the snowball method to obtain their informed consent.