Bangladesh — Rohingya Hobor: Constricted Movement and Limited Livelihoods, Edition 4 (Feb - July 2022)




NPM Bangladesh,
Période couverte
Feb 01 2022
Jul 30 2022
  • Survey
  • Community Perception

Rohingyar Hobor (Rohingya news) is a regular trends report produced by IOM Needs and Population Monitoring (NPM), IOM’s Protection Unit (Research and Consultations team), and ACAPS. Its objective is to better explain the Rohingya’s wellbeing in the camps and their perception and recounting of recent events that affect their lives. These reports draw upon qualitative and quantitative data collected from 20 different sub-blocks across Kutupalong Balukhali Expansion as part of a longitudinal research exploring welfare through the Rohingya’s access to assistance, economic conditions, and relationships within the response. No data was collected in Teknaf for any rounds because all Rohingya researchers and enumerators live in Kutupalong Balukhali Expansion, and movement restrictions prevent them from travelling to Teknaf to conduct consultations. The first report in this series was published in May 2021, and a total of four rounds have been completed so far Topics identified in the last round as important to the Rohingya were the market demolitions in the camps, educational needs of children, emerging skin diseases, increased feelings of insecurity, stress among the population, and relocation to Bhasan Char. In round 4, topics discussed included the limited social connectedness within communities, increased negative coping strategies, and the need to pay money to be considered for a job in the camps.