DTM Sudan - Mobility Tracking Round Six




DTM Sudan, DTMSudan@iom.int
Snapshot Date
Mar 15 2023
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Baseline Assessment

During the first quarter of 2023, DTM Sudan field teams deployed the mobility tracking methodology – a comprehensive data collection exercise to obtain best estimated of the entire displacement context across Sudan. Field teams completed data collection for Mobility Tracking Round Six on 15 March 2023. The finding of this data collection exercise are outlined in the current report. On 15 April 2023, military clashes took place between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF). As data collection for Round Six was concluded a month before 15 April 2023, the findings of this report can be used as a snapshot of the population baseline for the displacement context prior to the military clashes. Additionally, it is important to note that the findings of this report are not indicative of the displacement context at the time of publication. For more information on DTM Sudan’s monitoring of the current military conflict please see DTM Sudan’s Situation Reports.

Commencing in the first quarter of 2023, DTM Sudan began its preparations for the sixth round of Mobility Tracking. Field teams re-visited locations across a total of 17 states, covering locations previously in the previous five Rounds to assess ongoing population presence alongside additional locations within previous states of operation. Data collection was carried out over a month-long period concluding in mid-March 2023 and followed by extensive data cleaning and verification to produce the sixth round of results.

Mobility Tracking Round Six identified the accumulative presence of:

  • 3,820,772 IDPs.
  • 1,302,938 permanent returnees from internal displacement.
  • 32,221 seasonal returnees.
  • 309,724 returnees from abroad, and
  • IOM estimates the total cumulative number of 1,688,083 of foreign nationals, including 1,129,090 refugees and asylum seekers as estimated by UNHCR and the Commission for Refugees.