Chad — Sudan crisis response: Flash update 15 (14 August 2023)




DTM Chad,
Période couverte
Aug 14 2023
Aug 14 2023
  • Flow Monitoring Survey
  • Flow Monitoring

Over 377 000 people have crossed into Chad since the onset of the crisis in Sudan. IOM estimates that more than 48 000 of them are Chadian returnees and expects this number to rise to 80 000 in the coming weeks. In coordination with CNARR and humanitarian organizations, IOM has registered 39 117 returnees and observed 75 third-country nationals (from South Sudan, Niger, Ethiopia, the Central African Republic, Burkina Faso, Nigeria and Uganda) in 25 localities in three provinces. Most of the returnees currently live in spontaneous locations near the border and are in urgent need of food, water, sanitation and hygiene, shelter, household items, health, and protection.  IOM is preparing the safe and dignified relocation of nearly 10,000 vulnerable returnees living in inadequate conditions in the border town of Adré to the new site of Tongori. Site development activities are ongoing on the new site, including preparing the land for the construction of transitional shelters, installation of water distribution systems to ensure access to safe drinking water, and the development of protection mechanisms, including for community-based protection and a referral mechanism, in coordination with humanitarian actors. A rapid WASH assessment conducted by IOM in Toumtouma, where nearly 10,000 returnees have settled highlighted that the source of water for the returnees is not considered as safe for drinking making them vulnerable to illnesses related to poor water and sanitation conditions.  IOM works with a range of operational partners in the returnee response including the Government of Chad, UNHCR, LWF, PUI, UNICEF, MSF, UNFPA, ICRC, IRC, the Chadian Red Cross and WFP.