Sweden — Ukrainians and Third-Country Nationals under Temporary Protection — Executive Summary SWE/ENG (April-May 2023)




DTM Europe, DTMMediterranean@iom.int
Période couverte
Apr 03 2023
May 15 2023
  • Survey

This is the Executive Summary in Swedish and English of the report available at this link.

This report is based on a survey developed by IOM to offer an overview of the living conditions, intentions, needs, and integration challenges of displaced persons from Ukraine1 in Sweden at the beginning of the second year of implementation of the temporary protection (TP) directive in the country.
Commissioned by the Swedish Government and coordinated by the Swedish Government’s Offices, it was conducted between April and mid-May 2023 online and through phone interviews to overcome potential biases and increase the strengths inherent in these two data collection methods.

The total sample is composed of 4,746 adult respondents, which is about 19 per cent of the total reference population of adults with a TP permit in Sweden as of mid-March 2023. Of them, 4,682 are Ukrainian nationals and 64 are Third-Country Nationals (TCNs). The size of the sample as well as the depth of qualitative comments accompanying the replies to closed-ended questions make this study a unique source of data and information on the overall reception system in the country, provided by the direct beneficiaries


1. The terms ‘displaced persons from Ukraine’, ‘TP residence permit’s holders’, ‘respondents’ are used interchangeably to refer to refugees fleeing from Ukraine, either Ukrainians or TCNs, who have been granted a TP status in Sweden, who are the target population of this study.