Chad — Sudan crisis response: Flash update 2 (9 May 2023)




DTM Chad,
Période couverte
May 09 2023
May 09 2023
  • Survey
  • Flow Monitoring Survey
  • Flow Monitoring

An estimated 750 000 foreign migrants and refugees lived in Sudan prior to the outbreak of violence; 2 IOM Emergency and Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) teams deployed to Eastern Chad to support joint Government - UN registration of those arriving; 16 returnee locations identified in 3 provinces across Eastern Chad; Approximately 2 706 households of 15 023 returnees crossed into Eastern Chad from Sudan since the beginning of the violence. 6 690 returnees have been registered by IOM teams in 8 sites including 900 people evacuated by air by the Government of Chad (out of whom 360 received post-arrival assistance from IOM).

All returnees are in urgent need of humanitarian assistance including food, non-food items, safe shelters and support to voluntarily return to their communities of origin;  Emergency water trucking targeting 6,000 people to start soon; Cash distribution to returnee households to support their voluntary return to their communities of origin within Chad to start soon; 8 government agents trained by IOM on registration and identification of vulnerable persons to ensure no one is left behind; Consular assistance provided to multiple INGOs evacuating their officials from Sudan who had lost their ID documents.