Chad — Emergency Tracking Tool Report 146 — Summary of displacement in the Lac in July and August 2022 (September 2022)




DTM Chad,
Période couverte
Jul 02 2022
Aug 30 2022
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Event Tracking

The purpose of the Emergency Tracking Tool (ETT) is to collect information on large and sudden population movements as well as on security and climate emergencies. This dashboard provides information on movements which occurred during the period from 02 July to 30 august 2022, in Lac Province.


While a lull was observed in the Lac province during the months of April and May 2022, an intensification of armed attacks and kidnappings increasingly occurred in the months of July and August, which caused a large number of displacements. During these two months, 4,327 households (15,855 individuals) have been affected by displacement. Displacements were particularly observed in August 2022 (12,478 persons were displaced during this month). More than half of people (55%) affected by displacement between July and August 2022 were already in a displacement situation before their new displacements. The reasons for displacement were mainly the fear caused by armed attacks (50%), armed attacks (27%), kidnappings (12%) and inter-communal conflicts (11%). The majority of people displaced during the two months (85%) took refuge in localities located in the same sous-préfecture as their provenances (see the table on pages 2 and 3). After their displacement, these people have significant needs for food, shelter, non-food items and water.