DTM Sudan — Mobility Tracking — Round Four




DTM Sudan, DTMSudan@iom.int
Période couverte
Dec 13 2021
Jan 13 2022
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Baseline Assessment

The Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) is a global IOM system used to track and monitor displacement and population mobility. It has been implemented in over 80 countries worldwide and is designed to capture, process, and disseminate information to provide a better understanding of the movements and evolving needs of mobile populations, whether on site or en route, regularly and systematically. It is comprised of four distinct components, namely: Mobility Tracking, Registration, Flow Monitoring, and Surveying.

Commencing in December 2021, DTM Sudan began its preparations for the fourth round of Mobility Tracking; this started with the expansion of DTM operations to Red Sea state, followed by revisiting locations covered in the first three Rounds, as well as visiting new locations in previously visited states which had not been covered in the first three Rounds. Data collection was then carried out over a month-long period, concluding at the end of the year, and followed by data cleaning and verification to produce the fourth round of results.

Geographically, Round Four covers 1,742 locations in total – 639 locations in North Darfur, 295 locations in South Kordofan, 237 locations in West Kordofan, 123 locations in South Darfur, 111 locations in West Darfur, 79 locations in Blue Nile, 78 locations in Central Darfur, 48 locations in North Kordofan, 37 locations in Gedaref, 36 locations in East Darfur, 34 in Red Sea State, and 25 locations in Kassala.

Mobility Tracking Round Four identified the accumulative presence of 3,714,377 IDPs, 1,172,567 permanent returnees from internal displacement, 55,045 seasonal returnees, 148,106 returnees from abroad, and 525,300 foreign nationals currently residing in Sudan.