Ethiopia — Flow Monitoring Dashboard 30 (March 2022)




DTM Ethiopia,
Période couverte
Mar 01 2022
Mar 31 2022
  • Flow Monitoring

In March 2022, a total of 22,029 movements were observed across five of Ethiopia's flow monitoring points (FMPs). This represents a 6% increase in daily average movements in comparison with February 2022 when an average of 667 movements per day were observed. Outgoing movements during March have continued to be higher (83.5%) than incoming movements (16.5%). A total of 18,384 outgoing movements were observed of which 7,728 (42.0%) were heading towards Saudi Arabia, 3,078 (16.7%) were going to Kenya, 2,613 (14.2%) were travelling towards Djibouti, 974 (5.3%) to Sudan, 928 (5.0%) intended to reach the United Arab Emirates, 756 (4.1%) headed to South Africa, and 607 (3.3%) to Somalia while remaining movements were travelling to several Middle Eastern, European and North American countries. At the same time, 3,645 incoming movements were observed, of which 1,069 (29.3%) had originated from Sudan, while 960 (26.3%) came from Djibouti, 908 (24.9%) from Kenya, 511(14.0%) movements from Somalia, and 185 (5.1%) from Yemen. Almost all of these were Ethiopian nationals who were likely returning home.

During the reporting period, while the proportion of migrants who cited 'forced movement due to natural disasters' as the reason for travelling remain very small, it is important to note that the number of migrants citing this as the reason for travel rose by +234% from January (187) to February (623) and by +3% from February to March 2022 (643). Of the 643 migrants who cited 'forced movements due to natural disasters', 95% were crossing the Dawale Flow Monitoring Point and 5% through Moyale. Notably, both points are in the south and east of Ethiopia where the drought is most observable. Dawale FMP saw a steady increase in those travelling from Ethiopia to Djibouti in search of job opportunities, where they cited that they were fleeing the impact of the ongoing drought. In addition, there was an increase in the number of individuals entering Ethiopia from Somalia through the Tog Wochale FMP citing economic reasons for travel. Though drought is not explicitly mentioned, it can be extrapolated that those traveling have likely been impacted by the drought conditions in the country.

Outflows at the Galafi FMP increased this month, and most of those departing reported originating from parts of Amhara region including North Shewa, North Wello and South Wello previously affected by the Northern Ethiopia Crisis. Despite mass returns in the region, especially in these zones, many people are still unable to access sustainable livelihoods and are heading to the middle east to gain access to economic opportunities.