Yemen - Flow Monitoring Points | Non-Yemeni Migrant Arrivals And Yemeni Returnees In January 2022




DTM Yemen,
Période couverte
Jan 01 2022
Jan 31 2022
  • Flow Monitoring Survey
  • Flow Monitoring
  • Mobility Tracking

IOM Yemen DTM’s Flow Monitoring Registry (FMR) monitors migrant arrival on the southern coastal border and Yemeni return locations on Yemen's northern border with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). Enumerators placed at Flow Monitoring Points (FMPs) record arrivals of migrants and returning Yemeni nationals in order to identify different patterns of migration, and to provide quantitative estimates to help define the population of irregular migrants entering the country. FMR is not representative of all flows in Yemen and should be understood as only indicative of migration trends of the unknown total number of migrants arriving in Yemen at FMPs during the time frame indicated. Access constraints limit the ability to collect data at some migrant arrival points.

In January 2022, IOM Yemen DTM recorded 5,940 migrants entering Yemen, compared to 3,690 migrants in December 2021. The increase in the number of migrants in January 2022 compared to December 2021 is likely due to improved weather conditions and the deteriorating security situation in Ethiopia. Moreover, DTM recorded 5,760 Yemeni returns from KSA during the month of January 2022, compared to 5,836 in December and 5,802 Yemenis in November 2021.

The migrant caseload was 85 per cent Ethiopian, and 15 per cent Somali. The migrants are predominantly male (68%), with (22%) women, seven per cent boys and three per cent girls also among the travelers.

Through January reporting period, 3,275 migrants arrived from Somalia and were recorded 3,075 at Ber Ali, 170 at Eyn Bamabad, and 30 at Arqah flow monitoring points in Shabwah governorate. In Lahj governorate saw 2,665 migrants arrived from Djibouti were recorded 940 at Al Makhabah, 903 at Al Aarah, 265 at Al Ghaseen, 232 ar Al Cawhah, 118 at Ras Ashareef, 100 at Al Hejaf, 37 at Al Hajeimah, 30 at Al Azaf flow monitoring points.


DTM’s global flow monitoring methodology aims to identify areas prone to internal, cross-border and regional migration. Mobility area assessments are conducted at the national level. DTM teams then collect information at the local level to identify key transit points. Enumerators collect data from key informants at the flow monitoring points: key informants may be transport staff, custom officers, boat operators or migrants themselves. Data is collected through a basic form combined with direct observations –enabling breakdowns.


 Data collected for these exercises should be understood as estimations only. They represent only part of the total flows passing through Yemen. The spatial and temporal coverage of this data collection activity is therefore incomplete. In addition, although data is collected daily, it is collected only during peak hours. The portion of the flows that occur during the uncovered hours is not represented. Data on vulnerability is based on direct observation and should be understood as mainly indicative.