Honduras-Baseline assessment of migration flows and mobiity tracking within the context of COVID-19 report #5 (April, 2021)




Melanie Gomez magomez@iom.int
Période couverte
Apr 01 2021
Apr 30 2021
  • Flow Monitoring Survey
  • Flow Monitoring
  • Baseline Assessment
  • Event Tracking

In Honduras, the social and economic situation continues to be serious and is similar to the situation observed during previous months. Honduras has been affected by the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as hurricanes Eta and Iota. The actions taken within the framework of the COVID-19 pandemic precluded informal employment, affected enterprises and led to the closing of several small family businesses in the communities located in the proximity of the borders, and this caused even greater instability in the social fabric of the various communities. 

There is a high degree of uncertainty regarding the acceleration of the national COVID-19 vaccination process, and low expectations regarding the economic recovery of the country. The key informants stated that the general situation of the country is very unstable and that in general, it has not been possible to improve the living conditions of its citizens. Thus, people living in communities, villages and municipalities with high poverty and extreme poverty rates are highly vulnerable and are very likely to migrate out of the country seeking to improve their quality of life.  

Furthermore, the key informants indicated a perceived increase in the generalized violence in the country, particularly in April 2021. In the past four months, homicide rates increased in Honduras, with a total number of 1,135 cases recorded by the end of April (68 cases more than the number of cases recorded for the same period in 2020; that is, a 6.4% increase). In addition, 269 violent deaths were recorded in April1. 

The perception among the Honduran population of the flexibilization of the migration policy of the United States has been identified as a factor that seems to be contributing to the increase in migration flows toward North America. However, due to the migration policy of Guatemala, migration routes are changing. Nevertheless, contrary to what occurred during previous months, no migrant caravans were observed in April.