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Mouvements de déplacement

IDMC 2023

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Tendance de la population des PDI

  • Division administrative avec le nombre disponible de personnes déplacées
  • Site évalué par la DTM
  • Data not available
À propos Thailand

In Thailand, DTM has been in use since 2018 to gather data and disseminate information on mobility patterns, needs, protection risks and vulnerabilities of mobile populations. Since its activation, DTM has played a critical role in generating information that is used by IOM and its partners for evidence-based advocacy and response planning. DTM conducts mobility mapping, flow monitoring and surveys in border areas to provide a better understanding of the scale of human mobility, migrants’ profiles, migration drivers and exploitation risks. In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, perception surveys are conducted to create visibility regarding migrants’ access to public health information and services, including vaccination. Assessments on the multi-sectoral needs of vulnerable migrant populations are also carried out in selected regions. DTM further seeks to expand research on the scale and impacts of climate-induced mobility and support IOM’s research on labour migration and human trafficking. Through its activities, DTM aims to inform programmes which contribute to creating environments where migrants and host communities can jointly pursue sustainable growth and meet emerging challenges.


DTM Thailand

Current Donors
  • PRM
  • WHO
  • CDC
  • ECHO
Impact sur la mobilité dû au COVID-19 en Thailand

To better understand how COVID-19 affects global mobility, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) has been working to map the impacts on human mobility, at Global, Regional and Country level.

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Thailand — COVID-19 Related Vulnerabilities and Perceptions in Mae Sot District, Tak Province (May 2020)

In light of the recent outbreak of COVID-19 in Thailand, Thai and non-Thai populations face a new set of challenges and vulnerabilities. However, the extent to which these challenges and vulnerabilities are affecting local communities in key border provinces is unknown.

Thailand — Rapid Assessment: COVID-19 related vulnerabilities and perceptions of non-Thai populations in Thailand (April 2020)

From 1 to 10 April 2020, IOM staff surveyed a total of 67 key informants, who were able to provide informed answers on the situation and COVID-19 related vulnerabilities of different migrant communities and non-Thai populations in Thailand.

Thailand — Rapid Assessment: COVID-19 related vulnerabilities and perceptions of non-Thai populations in Thailand (April 2020)

From 1 to 10 April 2020, IOM staff surveyed a total of 67 key informants, who were able to provide informed answers on the situation and COVID-19 related vulnerabilities of different migrant communities and non-Thai populations in Thailand.

Thailand — COVID-19 — Ranong Province: Status Of Entry And Exit Points (23 April 2020)

Since January 2020, IOM has been monitoring migration flows between Thailand and Myanmar across five different locations in Ranong province, Thailand.

Thailand — COVID-19 — Ranong Province: Status Of Entry And Exit Points (16 April 2020)

Since January 2020, IOM has been monitoring migration flows between Thailand and Myanmar across five different locations in Ranong province, Thailand.

Thailand — COVID-19 — Ranong Province: Status Of Entry And Exit Points (9 April 2020)

Since January 2020, IOM has been monitoring migration flows between Thailand and Myanmar across five different locations in Ranong province, Thailand.

Thailand — COVID-19 — Ranong Province: Status Of Entry And Exit Points (2 April 2020)

Since January 2020, IOM has been monitoring migration flows between Thailand and Myanmar across five different locations in Ranong province, Thailand.

Thailand — COVID-19 — Ranong Province: Status of Entry and Exit Points (25 March 2020)

Since January 2020, IOM has been monitoring migration flows between Thailand and Myanmar across five different locations in Ranong province, Thailand.

Thailand — Flow Monitoring Surveys: Insights Into The Profiles And Vulnerabilities Of Myanmar Migrants To Thailand Round 3 (August 2018)

Building  on  the  first  two  reports,  this  report  analyzes  the  third  round  of  data  collection  and  provides  a  more detailed analysis of the data, examining the similarities and difference

Thailand — Flow Monitoring Of Myanmar Nationals To And From Thailand (May 2019)

In May 2019, 164,764 movements were tracked by IOM Flow Monitoring Points (FMPs) of Myanmar nationals between Thailand and Myanmar in Mae Sot and Phop Phra districts. Overall there were 81,690 inflows to Thailand and 83,074 returns to Myanmar.

Thailand — Flow Monitoring Of Myanmar Nationals To And From Thailand (April 2019)

In April 2019, 181,010 movements were tracked by IOM Flow Monitoring Points (FMPs) of Myanmar nationals between Thailand and Myanmar in Mae Sot and Phop Phra districts. Overall there were 85,224 inflows to Thailand and 95,786 returns to Myanmar.

Thailand — Flow Monitoring of Myanmar nationals to and from Thailand (March 2019)

In March 2019, 177,684 movements were tracked by IOM Flow Monitoring Points (FMPs) of Myanmar nationals between Thailand and Myanmar in Mae Sot and Phop Phra districts during March 2019. Overall there were 78,688 inflows to Thailand and 98,996 returns to Myanmar. 

Thailand — Flow Monitoring of Myanmar nationals to and from Thailand (February 2019)

In February 2019, 154,058 movements (74,058 inflows and  80,000 outflows) of Myanmar nationals between Thailand and Myanmar were tracked by IOM Flow Monitoring Points (FMPs) in the Mae Sot and Phop Phra districts of Tak province, Thailand.

Thailand — Flow Monitoring of Myanmar nationals to and from Thailand (January 2019)

In January 2019, 160,208 movements (80,447 inflows and  79,761 outflows) of Myanmar nationals between Thailand and Myanmar were tracked by IOM Flow Monitoring Points (FMPs) in the Mae Sot and Phop Phra districts of Tak province, Thailand.

Thailand — Flow Monitoring of Myanmar nationals to and from Thailand (December 2018)

In December 2018, 163,491 movements (76,743 inflows and  86,748 outflows) of Myanmar nationals between Thailand and Myanmar were tracked by IOM Flow Monitoring Points (FMPs) in the Mae Sot and Phop Phra districts of Tak province, Thailand.

Thailand — Flow Monitoring Surveys: Insights into the Profiles and Vulnerabilities of Myanmar Migrants to Thailand Round 2 (December 2018)

From mid-August until mid-October 2018, IOM Thailand conducted a second round of data collection in the districts of Mae Sot and Phop Phra in Tak Province, Thailand. A total of 3,233 Myanmar nationals were surveyed, of whom 3,013 were identified as migrant workers.

Thailand — Flow Monitoring of Myanmar nationals to and from Thailand (November 2018)

In November 2018, 152,134 movements (73,482 inflows and  78,652 outflows) were tracked by IOM Flow Monitoring Points (FMPs) of Myanmar nationals between Thailand and Myanmar in the Mae Sot and Phob Phra districts.

Thailand — Flow Monitoring of Myanmar nationals to and from Thailand (October 2018)

In October 2018, 186,110 movements (88,965 inflows and  97,145 outflows) were tracked by IOM Flow Monitoring Points (FMPs) of Myanmar nationals between Thailand and Myanmar in the Mae Sot and Phob Phra districts.

Thailand — Flow Monitoring Surveys: Insights into the Profiles and Vulnerabilities of Myanmar Migrants to Thailand (September 2018)

From mid-June until mid-August 2018, a total of 4,284 Myanmar nationals were surveyed in the province of Tak, of whom 3,765 were identified as migrant workers. The 3,765 migrant workers fell into two different migrant groups.

Thailand — Flow Monitoring of Myanmar nationals to and from Thailand (September 2018)

In September 2018, 150,492 movements (76,796 inflows and  73,696 outflows) were tracked by IOM Flow Monitoring Points (FMPs) of Myanmar nationals between Thailand and Myanmar in the Mae Sot and Phob Phra districts. 23% of the overall movements, a total of 35,99

Thailand — Flow Monitoring of Myanmar nationals to and from Thailand (August 2018)

In August 2018, 155,506 movements (79,203 inflows and  76,303 outflows) were tracked by IOM Flow Monitoring Points (FMPs) of Myanmar nationals between Thailand and Myanmar in the Mae Sot and Phob Phra districts. 23% of the overall movements, a total of 35,

Thailand — Flow Monitoring of Myanmar nationals to and from Thailand (July 2018)

In July 2018, 134,855 movements (67,266 inflows and  67,589 outflows) were tracked by IOM Flow Monitoring Points (FMPs) of Myanmar nationals between Thailand and Myanmar in Mae Sot and Phob Phra districts. 27% of the overall movements, a total of 36,251 individuals, are estima

Thailand — Flow Monitoring of Myanmar nationals to and from Thailand (June 2018)

130,555 movements of Myanmar nationals were observed at the IOM Flow Monitoring Points (FMPs) between Thailand and Myanmar in Mae Sot and Phob Phra districts during the month of June 2018. Of those, 52% were adult males, 37% were adult females and 11% were children.

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