South Sudan — Upper Nile State Rapid Assessment Report (30 April – 6 May 2017)




DTM South Sudan,
South Sudan
Période couverte
Apr 30 2017
May 06 2017
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Site Assessment

In Upper Nile State, DTM conducts MTT in two transit areas, Abrouc and Renk, and five sites: Malakal Protection of Civilian (PoC) site, Melut PoC, Dethoma 1 and 2 spontaneous settlements and Khoradar collective center. The movement of IDPs between Abruoc and Magenis is believed to be ongoing. However, reports suggest that the majority of groups are arriving in Magenis only to travel on to other areas of Sudan. The arrival of a small UNMISS contingent to Abruoc on 6 May might encourage some groups to stay in that location and may even become a pull factor to IDPs in more remote surrounding areas, particularly if humanitarians are able to return to supply the full range of services including access to water. However, ongoing concerns about the intent of the nearby SPLA will continue to encourage significant numbers to make the journey to Magenis.