Philippines — Typhoon Haiyan Displacement Report (30 June 2014)




IOM Philippines,
Période couverte
Jun 16 2014
Jun 25 2014
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Baseline Assessment

Typhoon Haiyan hit the Philippines on 8 November 2013. It was one of the most powerful typhoons to ever make landfall. In the reporting period DTM recorded the presence of 26,838 displaced individuals (5,922 families) and 64 displacement sites (5 evacuation centers, 12 tent cities and 50 transitional sites). The number of displacement sites in the Guiuan Hub increased to 41 sites since the last DTM issue in June 16, 2014 not because of the opening of a new site but due to the transfer of responsibility of the San Vicente Bunkhouse site in Basey, Western Samar from the Tacloban Hub. The number of displacement sites in the Tacloban Hub decreased by two with the closing of one tent city in Tanauan Municipality and the transfer of the San Vicente Bunkhouse Site in Basey, Western Samar to the responsibility of the Guiuan Hub . As a positive trend , Transitional sites now compose 78% of all displacement sites and have 74% of the population while Evacuation Centers compose only 3 % of all displacement sites and have only 6 % of the population.