Data and Analysis
Special Focus
Crisis Responses
Peru — Migration Flows from Venezuela, Round 2 (December 2017— January 2018)

DTM Peru, IOMDTMPeru@iom.int
Période couverte
Dec 01 2017
Jan 31 2018
- Flow Monitoring
DTM Peru has implemented two rounds on "Monitoring Venezuelan Migration Flows." Round 2 (R2), the subject of this report, was applied in the cities of Tumbes, Tacna and Metropolitan Lima between December 2017 and January 2018. For the development of this study, a site evaluation was carried out near the border areas, in order to better understand where most of the Venezuelan migrants entered and left the country through regular border control points, avoiding irregular entry. The R2 DTM was implemented at the two official border control points (BCPs): the BCP CEBAF in Tumbes, at the border with Ecuador and the BCP Santa Rosa in Tacna, at the border with Chile. In addition, four flow monitoring points were reported within Metropolitan Lima. In total, R2 could obtain direct information from 2,760 Venezuelan migrants that were surveyed.