Data and Analysis
Special Focus
Crisis Responses
Iraq — Integrated Location Assessment Part 1 (March 2017)
DTM Iraq, IraqDTM@iom.int
Période couverte
Jul 01 2016
Oct 15 2016
- Mobility Tracking
- Baseline Assessment
As of December 2016, there were 3,064,1462 IDPs displaced due to conflict in Iraq, living in 3,700 locations across the country. Although the pace of these displacement movements has slowed steadily since May 2015, and their absolute numbers have been decreasing since August 2016, military operations and generalised violence have still been producing waves of displacement. All of the nine major military campaigns conducted in 2016 have created new displacement —such as the current ones along the Mosul corridor— and depending on the intensity and length of fighting in Mosul, Hawiga and Telafar, it is highly likely that in 2017 as many as 1.2 million additional civilians may be forced to flee their homes.3 These displacement waves take place amid continuous return movements: 1,273,824 displaced individuals have been able to return to their places of origin between 2014 and 2016.