Iraq — Displacement Report 13 (January 2015)




DTM Iraq,
Période couverte
Jan 15 2015
Jan 29 2015
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Baseline Assessment

 During this round, there has been an overall increase in the displaced population of 13,064 families (estimated 78,384 individuals). This is an increase of 3.6% from the displaced population figure reported on 15 January, 2015. The tracked displaced population of Kirkuk governorate has significantly increased by 10,802 families (or 64,812 individuals). Conflict across the governorate continues to cause intra-governorate displacement, while a volatile variation in access hinders DTM capacity to verify figures across its four districts. Through the recently revised methodology large displaced populations in rented accommodation are currently being identified, these populations are generally more difficult to track. This has led to an increase of 22,213 families (estimated 133,278 individuals) accommodated in rented settings. Simultaneously, a decrease was observed in host community arrangements (5,513 displaced families) and within the unknown shelter category (5,124 displaced families). These changes were primarily observed in Dohuk and Kirkuk governorates. A revised DTM methodology was launched at the beginning of January. Preliminary analysis representing 36.2% of the total displaced populations found that indicated priority needs, ranked by urgency are to be
shelter and housing (20.2%), followed by aid/access to income (20.1%), food (15.8%) and NFIs (15.7%).From the beginning of January 2014 through 29 January 2015, the DTM identified 2,255,148 internally displaced individuals, (375,858 families) dispersed across 2,412 distinct locations in Iraq. Considering the available information and DTM methodology, the Humanitarian Country Team (HCT) revises at 2.3 million internally displaced persons (IDPs) the baseline figure for planning humanitarian response.