Central African Republic — Return Intention Survey in Bangui (May 2014)




DTM Central African Republic, DTMRCA@iom.int
Période couverte
May 19 2014
May 23 2014
  • Survey
  • Return Intention

575 IDPs were interviewed at 34 sites in Bangui. 77% of displaced persons left their place of origin in December 2013. 14% of displaced persons have stayed at more than one site. 60% of displaced persons intended to return to their place of origin within the next four weeks. 27% of displaced persons wished to stay at their displacement site, which shows a decrease from 32% in April 2014. Reasons that prevented the displaced back from returning to their place of origin were: no financial means to return (79%), belongings are stolen (75%), do not feel secure in their neighborhood (71%), and lack of security forces in their neighborhood (58%). Displaced persons’ primary needs are housing (33%), security (24%), and non-food items (14%).