Middle East and North Africa


DTM Middle East and North Africa


DTM Operations in the region

  • Active DTM operation
  • Past DTM operation

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Tripoli Displacement Map #3 (22 April 2019)

Following the onset of armed conflict on 05 April 2019 in South Tripoli, at least 6,995 families (approximately 34,975 individuals) have been displaced from their homes.

مصفوفة تتبّع النزوح : النّزوح من طرابلس 22 أبريل 2019

Following the onset of armed conflict on 05 April 2019 in South Tripoli, at least 6,425 families (approximately 32,125 individuals) have been displaced from their homes.

Tripoli Flash Update 9 (22 April 2019)

Following the onset of armed conflict on 05 April 2019 in South Tripoli, at least 6,995 families (approximately 34,975 individuals) have been displaced from their homes.

Tripoli Flash Update 8 (19 April 2019)

Following the onset of armed conflict on 05 April 2019 in South Tripoli, at least 6,425 families (approximately 32,125 individuals) have been displaced from their homes.

Tripoli Displacement Map #2 (19 April 2019)

Following the onset of armed conflict on 05 April 2019 in South Tripoli, at least 6,425 families (approximately 32,125 individuals) have been displaced from their homes.

مصفوفة تتبّع النزوح : النّزوح من طرابلس 19 أبريل 2019

Following the onset of armed conflict on 05 April 2019 in South Tripoli, at least 6,425 families (approximately 32,125 individuals) have been displaced from their homes.

Yemen — Flow Monitoring Dashboard (February 2019)

Displacement Tracking in Yemen includes the monitoring of key migrant and return locations on Yemen's northern border with Saudi Arabia and southern coastal border.

Libya — Displacement Event Tracking Report (March 2019)

DTM Displacement event tracking in Libya covers all the events related to population movements during one month. In March 2019, events related to displacements and population movements were recorded in 18 Muncipalities (Baladiyas)  all over the country.  

Yemen – Multi Cluster Location Assessment

More than three and a half years since the escalation of conflict in Yemen, the civilian population continues to bear the burden of active conflict and economic decline, while suffering from extreme hunger and the deterioration of infrastructure.

Middle East and North Africa — Monthly Regional Update (February 2019)

The DTM Monthly Regional Update contains consolidated summary updates and highlights from DTM field operations. This document covers updates from the regional network of flow monitoring of migrants, as well as the tracking and monitoring of internal displacement in the countries.

تحديث سريع عد 7

إثر نشوب الاشتباكات في جنوب طرابلس في يوم 05 أبريل 2019، نزح عدد لا يقلّ عن 4.870 أسرة (حوالي 24.350فردا) من مساكنها الأصلية. ومنذ آخر تحديث أصدرته المصفوفة في يوم 14 أبريل 2019، سجّلنا نزوح 1.220 أسرة إضافية (حوالي 6.100 فردا).

Tripoli Displacement Map (16 April 2019)

Following the onset of armed conflict on 05 April 2019 in South Tripoli, at least 4,870 families (approximately 24,350 individuals) have been displaced from their homes.

Tripoli Flash Update 7 (16 April 2019)

Following the onset of armed conflict on 05 April 2019 in South Tripoli, at least 4,870 families (approximately 24,350 individuals) have been displaced from their homes.

تحديث سريع عدد 6

إثر نشوب الاشتباكات في جنوب طرابلس في يوم 05 أبريل 2019، نزحت أكثر من 3.650 أسرة (حوالي 18.250 فردا)                   من مساكنها الأصلية.

Libya — Migrant Report 24 [Arabic](January—February 2019)

أجريت الجولة الرابعة والعشرين لتجميع البيانات الخاصّة بالهجرة خلال شهري يناير وفبراير . من سنة 2019وتمكّنت مصفوفة تتبّع النزوح من إحصاء ما لا يقلّ عن 666.717 مهاجرا موجودين حاليا في جميع بلديات ليبيا وفي داخل 570 محلّة. ويعود أصل المهاجرين إلى أكثر من 38 دولة مختلفة.

Libya — Migrant Report 24 (January—February 2019)

The 24th round of DTM data collection in Libya took place in January and February 2019. DTM identified at least 666,717 migrants currently present in Libya. Migrants were identified in all 100 municipalities, within 570 communities and originated from more than 38 countries.

Tripoli Flash Update 6 (14 April 2019)

Following the onset of armed conflict on 05 April 2019 in South Tripoli, at least 3,650 families (approximately 18,250 individuals) have been displaced from their homes. Since DTM’s last update on 12 April, another 925 displaced families (approximately 4,625 individuals) were identified.

Tripoli Flash Update 5 (12 April 2019)

As clashes in South Tripoli intensified over the last days, more than 1,110 families (approximately 5,550 individuals) were displaced on 11-12 April, bringing the total number of displaced households since the onset of armed conflict on 05 April 2019 to 2,725 families (approximately 13,625 indivi

تحديث سريع عدد 5

إثر ازدياد حدّة الاشتباكات في جنوب طرابلس خلال الأيام الأخيرة، نزحت أكثر من 1,110 أسرة (حوالي 5,550 فردا) خلال آخر 24 ساعة ليصل بذلك مجموع الأسر النازحة منذ بداية الاشتباكات المسلّحة يوم 05 أبريل إلى 2,725 أسرة (حوالي 13,625 فردا).

Tripoli Flash Update 4 (11 April 2019)

Following continued clashes in South Tripoli, another 720 families (approximately 3,600 individuals) were displaced on 09-10 April 2019, bringing the total number of displaced households since the onset of armed conflict on 05 April to 1,615 families (approximate

تحديث سريع عدد 4

نزحت 720 أسرة إضافية (حوالي 3.600 فردا) بين يومي 9و10 أبريل 2019 من جرّاء استمرار الاشتباكات في جنوب طرابلس، ممّا رفع العدد الإجمالي للأسر النازحة منذ أن بدأ النزاع المسلّح في يوم 5 أبريل إلى 1.615 أسرة (أي حوالي 8.075 فردا).

Libya — Detention Centre Profile Generator (March 2019)

Detention Centre Profiling is a component of IOM Libya's Displacement Matrix programme. It is a data oriented tool that routinely provides specific sex and age demographic data and key sectorial information on individuals held in Libya's detention centres

(January—February 2019) ليبيا — تقرير تتبّع أحداث النّزوح

 ّيستعرض هذا التقرير نتائج الجولة الرابعة والعشرين 2019سنة

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